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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. It just feels a bit off ever since coming back to the game. I have not checked the stats until now and see that is only has -32% Recharge? That is such a minimal amount when compared to when if I am standing next to an NPC using the same thing my powers go on about a -500% Recharge...or at least it feels that way. I checked the other AT's and notice that they also have a -32% Recharge Debuff and I am thinking to myself here, shouldn't the Tanker's primary have higher values than the Scrapper secondary? I mean, I guess it's possible that it has always been this way, however, I played Ice a lot on Live in the days and it sure feels like the -Recharge in the set is almost pointless today when you compare it to how the set felt on live. And it's possible if it did change, this change was on live and I just didn't put it all together until now....or, it is possible that the Tanker Primary for Chilling Embrace has always only had a minor -32% Recharge component.
  2. Ugh, having a hard time staying focused on it. Those animations are just sooooo fricken bad. The only two animations that I like on a Stalker are the Assassin's Psi Blade and Greater Psi Blade. All the other animations feels like I am in a dojo doing warm-up exercises. However, here is my finding. It does indeed do insane amounts of damage...with an all SO build with no procs, I am still producing more DPS than any of my other Stalkers under those same slotting conditions. However, I also lead with Assassin's Psi Blade which has a really high probability to activate Insight...which means as a Stalker, I have more control over Insight and can use Greater Psi Blade more often than not on command. So perhaps on a Brute or Tank or even Scrapper, Insight needs to be adjusted to grant Insight more often so they can be more on par in that category. So I would agree it can probably use some love, however, on a Stalker, it's just straight up deadly and no love should be given....well, an animation change would be nice for the stiffer looking attacks....most of those attacks are just pure poop.
  3. I was waiting on that to pop up. I knew it was coming the very day this thread came along. What took ya? 😛
  4. I had to scroll all the way to the bottom, but I found the info, thanks, Hyperstrike.
  5. On a side note, hey @Jimmy, do you all ever plan to implement Ascendant's script as NPC chat? I for one would think that would be awesome to have in game.
  6. There is no mention of who the person was behind the memorial though, which kind of sucks. It's like a gravestone that is so old that the lettering has weathered away and now it is just a nameless gravestone. Also, according to Wiki, Ascendant...and well, all but two was added in i25. It would seem Malkiel Ivesse was added in during the 2019 Halloween event (which would place him during SCoRE/Homecoming) and Raine Heartfall unfortunately does not have any information, not even info on the player who created her, much less the date she was added.
  7. Pre i5 I was Invuln/EM. Post Will Power, I rerolled WP/EM. I am currently today WP/EM and although the damage does not make or break me, I do feel it...most especially when running content that cripples my Defense and I am left with only Resistance and Regen. I don't think there is any particular primary that anyone should roll with EM, I remember post shut down it was popular for players to roll Ice/EM, although I am not sure why as neither one benefits the other, but, I guess it was nice for theme. Regardless they made it work just fine.
  8. I would not be the least bit surprised, lol.
  9. Names that irk me the absolute worst are names like Fartface MacDeeznuts and silliness like that.
  10. Stop...hurting...my...head....and ...making...me...think...so...much...this....early...in...the...morning!!!!
  11. To be fair, everything in life is subjective. Even people who have murdered other people can give pretty damn good arguments as to why they have killed and how it was justified and there are people who actually agree saying that people's opinions on a killer is subjective....even when they killed somebody over a pair of shoes. Yeah, I know...stupid thing to say, but my point is, everything we say hear or see is subjective. Kind of goes without saying, right?
  12. At least he didn't ask for a tramp stamp tattoo, lol.
  13. Let me guess, you were an Airwolf, Knight Rider and Miami Vice kind of guy? 😉
  14. Gotcha. Appreciate the clarification. 🙂
  15. I wish I had a chance to meet him before he passed. He sounds like he was a great guy with a great sense of humor. Thanks for posting this!
  16. The problem is, everyone wants what they want and they give a damn what anyone else wants. I can't even seem to get anybody to be willing to compromise on any subject on these forums...how do you think the conversations went with ET? Some players did not want the nerfed version, other players ONLY wanted the nerfed version, others ONLY wanted the new version, and then you have me, who was completely happy to compromise and allow all players to have whatever version they wanted. Unless you are talking about something other than animations, I'm not sure how that is such a bad thing? Oh, and you have not seen chased off until you try and request that this game be made more challenging and rewarding...if you ever try that, you will truly see what being chased off is, lol.
  17. I can assure you with 100% accuracy that this is not true. This rule pertains to any and all City of Heroes Footage that takes place after March 8th, regardless of what server it came from. I have had this very discussion where I myself thought as you do with a GM and they assured me that it pertains to any footage whatsoever that was uploaded after that date. They also stated that technically the others servers are not supposed to be doing it either, but Homecoming has no control over the other servers, only this one.
  18. I hate hearing about CoH gamers dying in real life. Mortality sucks ass. We all like to believe that we will be here forever...until one day out of the blue...we are not. R.I.P. Ascendant 😢
  19. Hahaha, that's pretty damn good. Thanks for that. 🙂
  20. I don't recall ever seeing this guy before. He is behind Positron and his name is Ascendant and part of the Paragon Heroes. Just to be clear, he is an NPC.
  21. How do you catch a unique rabbit? How do you catch a tame rabbit?
  22. All good, just saying what I have read lately in general, not what you specifically said, so it's all good. Oh...and y u b may king fun o' me??? 😞 I just put together a Psi Melee Stalker for PvE because I honestly can't imagine it being so horrible in PvE. So I'll get back to you on that.
  23. 😆 My defensiveness to it is that the change was literally just made. It has not even had the chance to flesh out yet and people are already claiming that it is over powered. It sure doesn't feel that way on my Tank. It feels like it did before the nerf to ET, with an extra cone power...whoopty f***ing doo!!! And come on...the gripe about ET costing no endurance? Really? It costs me a hell of a lot more than endurance, it's costing me 10% Health and it's up often enough that the 10% Health cost is felt...even on my WP/EM Tank. I simply don't see the legitimacy of the complaint. And seriously, are we complaining about the set behind a Brute? Name one set that is not over powered behind a Brute? Brutes are OP, not the sets they carry. So yeah, that got me a bit defensive of the set. Nobody is complaining about MA though. I'll bet you anything that if I started making posts on these forums complaining about MA being over powered (which I can promise yuo that I can put up a strong argument about...that +Defense to Melee is fricken insane OP...just sayin), people would most certainly come to MA's rescue. You don't PvP, do you? Psi Melee is insanely OP, man. It has the absolute best Single Target Burst Damage in game...it's mind blowing what that set is capable of.
  24. If y'all want it nerfed, go for it. In fact I say we nerf the whole damn game. I don't think it's any big secret that I feel this game has been dumbied down to the point that it's nothing more than a pre-school playground these days. So go right on ahead. However, before you do, I want to see Psi Melee, Spines, Super Strength, Rad Melee, Elec Melee (the AoE is just plain stupid high damage) and Titan Weapons get the proper nerfs they should get, since the nerf we seen Titan Weapons get was a small little slap on the wrist. I am being absolutely serious. If we want to nerf Energy Melee, then let's be completely fair and nerf all those other power sets that are either on par or way better than Energy Melee first. Then you will have my full support. Until then, all of those powers that are performing extremely well should see the nerf bat if we are going to gnit pick EM.
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