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  1. He11Hound

    Frozen Aura

    Snarky, This is how mine is set up. Defense was a focus. If you can't afford the Hami's, you can take 3 of slots from Frigid Protection and move them to a 5 slotted Scorpion shield and 4 slotted Weave and Manuevers for roughly the same numbers. I tried without Scorpion shield to stay with the ice mastery but frozen armor left my energy def lower. I did take Hoarfrost with it at the time to max the hps, but max is 1847 and this build is 1600+, so it ends up with half of wasted and just another button to remember to click. The scaling resist in Combat jumping can be removed and placed elsewhere as wanted. https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1542&c=690&a=1380&f=HEX&dc=78DA6593D94F135114C6EF74A62285CA56F6AD2D3B486905F44DE31E916A95C4374386D29449B06DA024FAE89B891A113526CA226E11B727D737D7FFC27FC1253131511FEAE97C5F97C8A49DDFBDDF59E69C937BC3670F943F3F7C7E8FD2DCFB67CDF9F9C97DF24EC7E69C61336E45953CD547A231EFDE74F28C15F54EC1582272031D274F9A89786C3A205E88F5E60C130BA954722E6D5BC266C24A2DCC9A692B9950AE4832391B9848C562D3E5F6723C66A6AC44DC6D6F0E59F199B4EC2A72A6E9D8DCFC8C956A3C98B2A2815CF2B06967CDAECF35483903F21FCB96AB655F19A752865221433934D2011A3AE904B718E005957B32F293471DCD266336ED05BD5F825B5F91AF41D71BF22DD82113D211ABF42F0E5BF38BE684A639B3E58A56498E0B4A682BA156BD81B88BB22D85CD28BD09AD7209F4EC1643ABA19A7EE1BB7DD5BABD3F26DE65ACBD6C1D3E9EBB60DD3DF23ED8F0807C485DEA7423D6E1AED5ECBCDB7EEAA8C983FD25B156B0BF0AD67B5C5085093AAB6EC3BFE916D8B24CAE806D6BE42A7859A26A38FD1AE6D3A48E5AF650BB88FEDAAE82DE25F21A791DF4DD007589AD670FF5BFF10DDF0EB21E7D86C5DAC8B9360E629E1D0172880C829D21D090BCCDCCDBCCD9748E2AFBB0E558253EADF469A54F376D399E10B4A35FA37D18B9BB77813D23E428B913FC5BA9949F79FDCCDB67E7D3F35C147471665DCB9845FF0AB94AAE81DBEF90EB6044A27A19DBFB88B60D70F031F9847C0A869E8157B23790B103EFA00DBD273F901F19F389FC0CD6C8BC023C4B01F6E1112DC8F31064AF3E237FBB332DC6FFB775BC58F1E104450C0688A6D95E5F5DF93BADB441787D2BD67AA17D2F680EED14BE5F3E26EC11FA708E7E147C348DF7711BEF67FFA6FA8285EAF3F58536790D6F52463629A5720E7428993F75928833D9F017D6A75D85B559B49E2A5A478AD6FF003CEEED32 Thanks, HH
  2. Redbull gives you wings sotta deal....
  3. Fire Atomic Blaster.mxd I did this. Metabolic Acceleration has 2 extra procs in it for fun but you can flavor as desired. I have enjoyed it immensely. Build is also incredibly expensive.
  4. I would go with something close to this. https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1439&c=674&a=1348&f=HEX&dc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
  5. I'll be a true Statesman about it and declare you all '10x the Victors'!! Now i'll go back to being Reclusive...
  6. I need to necro this thread as i'm having issues with getting my last 3 damage badges. I have an 2000 hp Brute. I've tried using Mender Ramiel's arc with the AVs and even selecting selecting a 2nd build they can't hit me with the God-mode bonuses. If i try to rest under my second build it lowers my defenses and resists enough that they kill me quickly. With my main build active and on rest (auto heal engaged) i can usually get 3-4 AVs to beat on me for a little while before all of them hit me at once and kill me. I'm looking for suggestions if someone has found a better to farm damage. Thanks, HH
  7. Thanks, I'll get that downloaded. -HH
  8. Thanks for your reply! You are correct, MA does not take the debuff. Pine's Hero Designer is incorrect (or mine is out of date)
  9. Bopper, the amount of work you have put in this thread is incredible. Kudos. In Atomic Manipulation for blasters both Beta Decay and Metabolic Acceleration can support the Achilles Heel -resist proc. Since both of these are AOE toggles, could all enemies in the radius be affected? Would the procs stack from both powers? Also, in your opinion, would Energy Manipulator Chance to stun be an effective proc for metabolic Acceleration? Thanks for your time. HellHound
  10. What do you guys mean by 'trapping' instead of defeating?
  11. I found that i received the badge but received no notification in game. I found it scrolling through my badges.
  12. I have a Hero alignment. I'll look through and see if i've received it and it hasn't populated. I am currently having an issue with the Shrouded badge also for the Portal Jockey Accolade.
  13. greetings, i completed the missions for the badge requirement and never received the badge. Who do i contact to get that resolved? Thanks, @Hellhound
  14. Homecoming is SO appropriate!! I have not played another MMO since the shutdown. Thank you so much. I hope you guys find a way for funding that doesn't jeopardize anything. You'll find plenty of financial supporters!
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