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Everything posted by StarseedWarrior

  1. I disagree most powers in this game look similar in power fantasy ways not magical they do not look magical no matter what colors you do, you can pretend you can get close but that is it, there needs to be more distinctive sets like peace bringers for example which are clearly alien energy and forms.
  2. What origin you looking for? If it where me just some basics a druid who learned the ancient primal ways of fighting especially when combined with nature or something, you can also say your a shaman channeling the primal energy of animals to fight. Then of course for more natural like the typical boy raised in the forest or rain forest, I am sure thats been done to death, you can always go for genetics to.
  3. Oh universe I do remember punchy we used to talk sometimes I was allot younger then god speed punchy I know your happy and likely watching with the shift right now.
  4. I messed up lol I somehow missed the lore part in the title, I was looking for this as well but you can read the comics free here http://www.cityofheroes.ca/media-and-downloads/comic-archive/index.html
  5. I thought he also wanted to know about animations I think I misread so I will just delete my original response, was all of this really necessary? I was never arguing numbers I also made that really clear and you seem to have some sort of issue with me in general I hope I am wrong.
  6. Why are you defensive? I did not say anything about peoples advice in numbers, I do not need to explain anything it should be very obvious in what sense here considering the animations are faster on certain powers which I clearly stated.
  7. I get what your looking for, many players do not really look for fluid and fast attack chains in the perspective of the eyes, many do not even look at the animations so your getting the wrong advice somewhat. I highly recommend fire, sonic, water power, staff, dual pistols, energy, martial arts, street fighting, beam rifle for ranged, for secondaries like defenses you want all toggles or passives there are quite a few I like sr for that, ele armor I recently discoered and its good to. I do not have allot of experience with control powers or support beyond a few atm, but from what ive seen storm seems very fluid, as well as empathy, force field, time sonic, maybe radiation but I used it on my controller for debuffing and it was still kind of clunky but more fluid then others, not sure on plants, cold, and I mained a d/d defender on live so I know dark powers are super slow so do not bother.
  8. Sorry you made me an ele/ele sentinel build with heavy melee in it before but I dont think its quite working to well, so I was wondering if you had other recommendations? I am fine with havoc punch if its still recommended to take. I do like the dot aura from ele epics to.
  9. Go rad of kin to buff dps good synergy.
  10. Elementalist feels it should of been added for live!
  11. A mix of both, allot of us like a challenge and want to be able to have our ats pushed to the limit to see how we can help our teams.
  12. I would say if its one thing this game is lacking in power its a magic based one, sure you can make them look close but in my opinion we could use a little more of a magic based looking power beyond the arcane bolt lol. I personally would love to see a melee magic based power where you can change the colors, as to what? Well I think perhaps a multi magic transforming weapon of some kind, or just an arcane sword type I emphasize changing colors because all of the weapon powers are limited to the default color of the attack.
  13. On excel its nothing but blitz through everything, but atleast its effective vs my experience elsewhere where people try and blitz but but end up soloing to many groups. I think the real issue is the lack of pve super groups, if you have a good sg leader they help set the pace of your teams and more. There is hardly enough sgs right now beyond the tight nit rp teams and a few reg pve ones on exc ive seen so far.
  14. Hmmm well considering how many alts the majority play I would say yes, in many mmos you don't have so many choices and alt friendliness of this game to be honest, so yea in this way I certainly think it could use an increase. If there where more limited classes then it wouldn't be needed.
  15. Sentinel gets better aoe version and shorter range, it feels weird playing it short ranged though at first, you also get your ultimate's allot faster to spam. Since you played scrapper they are similar. Try bio, ele, or even energy maybe. I hear invul is good to.
  16. Hey bud that build for ele/ele sent isnt working quite well for me any recommendations for best synergy and smooth gameplay for soloing/team play? Also this is a general question about builds for kinetics what are the top 2 that have synergy with kinetics on corrupter? Thanks! You rock!
  17. I recommend a sentinel no matter what you do a certain at may get cced more then others, you can also try going corrupter to stay at ranged with crazy dps.
  18. I think as long as its effective it should not matter but people should care about being a big damper on a team though since its not only your time its their time as well.
  19. However most mmo economies are manipulated or allowed to be manipulated since they do not have to at all, so learning those economies are very boring.
  20. You just need to get into using merits for so enhancements to level with, they are so cheap and just as strong, and what others have mentioned here as well helps to, I do not think its broken at all if people stop rolling alts every 30 levels lol.
  21. It has always been used as a propaganda push in one form or another but now the psy ops are much larger. People do not understand how things get planted into our subconscious and I am not just talking about woke stuff here.
  22. You could go blapper if you want they can pick from a few melee attacks.
  23. Np many do because they just are not use to hybrids in mmos, especially a mid ranged one, we have all done it somewhat at some point I think.
  24. Nothing but assumptions here I never said I never played blasters in hc, your never going to agree I dare anyone to go challenge this on discord they will tell you the same thing and show you the numbers but whatever it makes no difference to me.
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