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Everything posted by StarseedWarrior

  1. I forgot to add sents can cap at a bit less then blasters this is what I meant to put in the other response but I deleted it on accident.
  2. No its not I mained blasters in live dude lol but its the servers choice I just refuse to roll one, yea they needed a buff but now the defenses are insane read the describtion of the at they are meant to be squishier. And most do not have 3 to 5 lol, some even have !, close ranged it not melee.
  3. Just fyi if you download the coh modder there are lots of mods including sound ones for symphony but I will warn you some of them sound loud lol.
  4. Its not a problem really in this game, it has more to do with how drastically an at and power set will play different as you level and the fact there is so many its really hard to tell, there is no warrior, priest, shadow knight, balloon shooter, or super druid in this game even though some ats may seem similar.
  5. There is quite extensive info on sentinels if you read some of the posts below and people have shown the numbers sents are only slightly behind in ranged dps, sents also have melee attacks in epic pools and a melee bonus as well, the big difference is blasters where never meant to cap defenses like this, the at was built long before they over tuned this aspect in blasters. Blaster though cannot do this until much later sure you can start early but your going to end up with really linear builds having to always cap it and linear slotting while I feel like sents come this way out of the box and you do not have to worry about the linear slotting either. I can pick more of what I want out of the set, from my understanding they are more consistent dps and most blaster sets are burst. I also think allot of people judge sentinels because they cannot manage to put their debuff on auto, the debuff single target or not is absolutely amazing. And the team buff for dps helps a bit I personally like to stack this with assault if a defender isnt already putting it out, as I know its only like 10 but I like feeling like im contributing to a team. As others have said it should be compared to a scrapper more then a blaster.
  6. I actually agree personally i think blasters need a rework they are obviously way over tuned capping defenses on an at that is not meant to have those kinds of defenses, it would make sense to have the villian at version of blaster, I also feel like allot of the melee attacks are bland and not many in blaster sets. Of course people will pretend its fine because they dont want the blaster to change.
  7. Hey fellow heroes, villians and those in between I have some questions regarding this powerset if anyone does not mind thanks! First question is havoc punch worth taking in the epic pool? I was going for a little melee mixed in but I was not sure if this was the best use of my power. Are tough and weave vital for this set? Is hasten neccesary as well? It seems like I can always use an attack so far with no issues with just one slot of rech in some abilities. Does anyone recommend slotting for more end drain then damage in powers? I like to be useful on teams end game to thanks all!
  8. Meh there isnt enough alien stuff in the game and people want to add more cop crap lol wth.
  9. It helps to play other games on the side usually when I have to solo I just quit and play a good sp game.
  10. I would say it depends on the power combos you want some powers just benefit more for being more support and vice versa.
  11. A few things I am not liking the game is certainly missing key elements that made live so great because everyone becomes way to op later its a bit absurd it even got this far to be honest. I do know they are finding ways to fix this though so I digress, my other issue is everyone just makes their own sgs now which is fine but now its more populated and many of us prefer having an sg so we can do organize events and do things together, it does not matter if the entire server friends each other it will not be organized. There needs to be incentive for multiple people to be active in an sg, maybe make it where we can create our own sb on the side on top of being in another. And do not want to hear how you can organize on discord barely anyone is scheduling events on the server discord, people do not show from these often.
  12. I cannot seem to get the trippy music theme working when I did before, also the gold paro them for menus and leveling and more that is not working as well, I also tried some other themes for menus and its still blue but all the other mods work fine any thoughts? Thank you, and as a reminder all these worked a week ago for me.
  13. I know but it can still look unfluid this is what I meant.
  14. I think its a bit subjective let me explain we are all on different paths in our lives, different perspectives to lead to some evolution of our lives, so a vet gamer will have standards of what they like since they likely played and beaten many genres already, allot of us vets for example love rpgs, take gotham knights many people did not like this because they did not understand it, in batman games you pretty much can do everything out of the box without combat being locked behind a skill tree, it was all extra in gotham knights you start pretty weak and most stuff that make the combat fuction decent are locked behind skills. Many did not have the patience to see just how deep this game was and took it at face value, it was never meant to be the next arkham. It truly is an outstanding game no matter how you look at it, and it can be played at 60 fps now on xbox pass and pcs for sure. So value is all about what you experienced, what your favorite things you pick up from games, systems, combat, crafting and so on, and most of all did the experience surprise you. Sometimes a linear action game that is only 2 hours can be totally worth it to someone, however there is an issue with greedy companies over pricing games to so there is that.
  15. Checking in I do not rememeber all of my names one of my more well known was lightning moon ele/ele blaster. It was long ago though lol, I wish I remembered my ill/rad controller or d/d defenders name on virtue.
  16. Right its allot less simple thent his but at first it wont matter much but you will need to learn how different teams can synergize and stack debuffs and buffs for example.
  17. If redraw bothers you something to consider is less clickys on secondaries during combat, something with lots of toggles that stay on, regen is not bad at all though. I think sr could work out well for that.
  18. I also want to add that this gives reasons for higher level players to play more to spread influence to newer players and they do the same its a cycle to keep the game active and friendly and I think thats kind of the point, I think the issue is there isnt enough in game text to tell you dont buy single origins yet get duos instead, sell salvage to make money, you can bring up the ah with /ah and etc.
  19. Dont some of us need a hybrid choice? I am not sure how all this works, but I do not think anyone wants to be pigeon holed into a playstyle if thats the case.
  20. I personally prefer the range of the melee attacks themselves they get a bonus to attacks in the power pool to, also it may help to know ele mastery for sentinels have a dot on one of their aura and I think another one under bio may have one I do not rememeber.
  21. Ele/ele is known for being more of a melee and ranged type from epic pool.
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