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Everything posted by Lightslinger

  1. The MCU Spider-Man movies are still Sony movies in partnership with Disney/Marvel, so they count toward using the IP clause. They would need a filler movie every now and then in-between MCU Spidey movies to keep it going I guess. I think Sony legitimately thinks each of these movies have a chance at launching a super lucrative Sony Spider-verse of movies. Also maybe money laundering? I'm with you on being bewildered at the WHY?! of it all. Venom makes sense, popular character, movies turned out OK, did OK financially. So they immediately pivot to Madame Web, El Muerto and Kraven?
  2. In my opinion, we should all be incredibly grateful for Madame Web, Kraven, and apparently El Muerto(?) being the movies Sony has chosen to make. Why should we be grateful? They could be putting these same no-talent, hack teams in charge of a Miles, Spider-Gwen, or Noir Spider-Man movie. They could decide to make non-MCU Peter Parker/Spider-Man movies again. At least right now Sony is only intent on butchering villains and D-list Spidey characters. As long as Sony wants to churn out cheap garbage, I'm extremely glad they're not adapting my favorite characters. EDIT: and I want to add, Madame Web might be D-list, but this still could have been a really good movie with a decent team behind it, the core concept of the movie is a good idea, just executed very, very badly. Sony just wants to hire cheap talent and make cheap movies, then they're surprised when the movies are cheap and bad.
  3. I usually have trouble making new villain characters. I've probably got 10-1 heroes to villains. I recently read an article about "zombie spiders" caused by a fungus that affects invertebrates. Introducing Cordyceptic, combining cordyceps (fungus) and septic, as in a spreading infection, does it make sense? A desperate scientist tasked with a project seeking mind and body control through cordyceps, with family threatened by Recluse for his failures, he injects the prototype fungus. He was proven right, but the fungus worked so well nothing is left of the scientist, just a husk being controlled by the fungus awaiting Recluse's orders. Necro/Dark Mastermind, he uses spores to reanimate the dead.
  4. After researching a bit I found out OpenArt and Leonardo.ai both have image to image or image prompt abilities. As soon as the servers are back up I'm going to work on getting some reference shots of Lightslinger and see how closely they can recreate his in-game look.
  5. Wow! Great character and design.
  6. These are amazing, wow. My first run with trying to get some Lightslinger art went pretty great. Is there a way to link an AI to pictures of the character then ask it to recreate in new styles/poses/etc? Attached my favorites I've gotten of Lightslinger from Bing's AI.
  7. Getting back into farming, it's been a while. As I understand it influence was nerfed in AE, anything else? Sorry there's been a lot of patch notes since I last farmed seriously. Are story missions the place to go for farming influence now? If so, does anyone have a recommendation of a good mission I could build a farmer around?
  8. Is that Wildstar server fully playable? I wasn't aware of a Wildstar rogue server, might need to look into it.
  9. Loving the street mage genre we've got going. Here's Street Seer!
  10. This thread's a bunch of jerk hackers dupin' rares!
  11. The beautiful STO ship pics that get posted to reddit always make me want to give STO another try. I tried it for a few months around launch and nothing clicked for me, despite being a big ST fan.
  12. Kids and I are playing through Lego Skywalker Saga on PS5 and it is amazing. Beautiful graphics, excellent combat with a bit more depth now, and a lot to collect. We're playing through story modes now, about to start RotJ. Kids aren't big into running around grabbing side missions and collectibles to 100% each level, so I'll go back and do that in freeplay once we're done with all 9 episodes.
  13. Ted Lasso is one of my favorite shows ever. I don't know a thing about soccer...er, football, but I absolutely adore this show. Ted is so earnest and positive, but the show explores that personality type fully, good and bad. The show's openness with regard to mental health issues is amazingly well done. Highly, highly recommend a quick 1 month apple tv+ sub to watch both seasons of Ted Lasso.
  14. Here's another character I'm pretty proud of: Praetor Prism "Once a protege of Emperor Cole, Praetor Prism worked behind the scenes studying the science of light's hidden attributes, unlocking powerful abilities. After the invasion at King's Row and seeing Cole for the despot he really was, Prism hid his work and began sending Praetorian secrets to Ms. Liberty. Shortly before Cole was defeated a Vanguard team narrowly extracted Prism from Neutropolis." Praetor Prism is an Illusion/Time Controller.
  15. Stalkers get base 10% chance to crit +3% per team member. On a full team I'd assume Stalkers pull quite a bit ahead.
  16. Love all this, great work!
  17. Hey everyone, this was my absolute favorite thread back on Live and Homecoming costumes definitely don't disappoint either. This is my latest alt, X-Raven. Radiation Blast/Tactical Arrow Blaster.
  18. I’m also looking for some advice on a high recharge, high ranged def Energy/Atomic for my main Lightslinger. Following!
  19. For right now, I'm assuming Titan Network being "in talks" with NCSoft means they have emailed webserver@ncsoft.com. Lots of people shot off emails back in the day, then ran to the forums claiming they were in discussions to save/revive CoH, hell maybe they never even sent the emails, just got the glory for their efforts.
  20. Got the manifest link from elsewhere, not sure why mine ended up with a random string of numbers on it, I'm back in though.
  21. Game's been working fine, but this morning Tequila launched blank, except for a Manifest download error. Do I need a new manifest link? Could someone provide me with the correct one in case mine somehow got messed up? Thanks in advance.
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