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Everything posted by Kyksie

  1. Welcome to the Hellshow - 45318 Officer Raymond tells you that he's seen Hellions going into a local sewer, can you check it out please? Granted, a typical sewer has more Hellions than Pocket D has catgirls, but Kyksie's weekend is free, so she moseys in and finds a custom group, the "Hellbound", all with unique powersets and costumes. Further clues take us to a hospital, caves, and a burning forest, where we kick "Legion" into submission. He's an EB but not too hard. This is yet another middle-of-the-road arc: no flaws, but not really remarkable in any way. If it were part of the game it would fit right in with all the 20-35 content that no one ever plays, like Unity Plague and Tsoo Shenanigans. The Getaways: Confidence Games - The Three Card Monte Missions - 45278 So there's a criminal group called the House of Suits who are themed after playing cards, and they're on the run from Interpol, and this dude Bonneteaux or something has killed the kings and trumped the jacks, or something. We go to a cargo ship where lots of girls in bikinis are sleeping on the floor, or maybe they're dead, I dunno. There's a custom group called Suits, with a LOT of members, a few dozen at least, maybe even 52, all with well done costumes resembling the dudes on cards. Then we head into a the Praetorian office complex, then a cave, where we pummel Bonnoto, who is an EB who is not too hard. The Getaways is a fairly well written arc overall, but it has some problems. There's a few spelling errors, a bit of Objective Overload, and the second mission crams four tough bosses into the same room. The big problem is that I was never really sure what my role in all this is. Am I extracting the leaders? Am I working with Interpol? Am I eliminating the group so I can take their place? Maybe it would have been clearer if I had played it before downing those two martinis and smoking a doobie, I dunno. The Lost Girls - 45254 One of the best parts of playing City of Heroes way back then was the huge amount of quality-of-life improvements it received. Practically every month, a new mini patch would bring a bunch of bugfixes, tweaks and additions. Sadly, one of the the more significant QoL additions never went live before the shutdown, but had to wait until I24 on Homecoming... bewbs on Skulls. Then, just last month, the Homecoming devs took the next step, and added bewbs to a number of Arachnos troops. Plans for the next 'pages' of Issue 27 include bewbs for Family, Clockwork, and Devouring Earth. Now, our very own Cranebump has taken the next step, by using the AE to add chesticles to a long neglected group... the Lost. Detective Frietag tells the player that the Lost are raiding a pharmaceutical firm, go punch them. They're kidnapping people, and are led by the 'underpeople', who are able to resist the mental effects of the Lost transformation, and are stealing... a menopause drug? We question a doctor, and Vanguard gets involved for some reason, which is never a good sign. Maybe Lady Gray wants some of the drug, since she's like 200 years old or something. Anyway, we find out that Vanguard has (surprise) a black site, inhabited by the embewbed Lost. It's a custom group mixed in with regular Lost; the leader is an EB but not too hard. Then, the "Tiakah Tianitialli" hypnotize the PPD with their bewbs and force them to steal files, so we hop in and make with the punching once again. This is another extremely well done arc with loads and loads of great writing and lots of attention to detail. As usual, my only gripe is that being reduced to 25 is mildly annoying, but at least it's not totally random, cuz, you know, the real Lost are that level. The Book of Bond's - 44865 The contact is a mysterious shadowy figure, who gives you a dossier on the targets along with a suitcase of laundered money which is a quarter of the total pay and hopefully my mercenary code of honor will keep me from running off and spending it all on Pocky. A bit cliche, but I've heard worse. We go into a tunnel complex which is just totally packed with clues and details (Stheno eggs?) and rescue three guys. Then, we bust into a warehouse and get them all utility belts, then defeat a parallel team that Mr. Bond also picked out, then go to his mansion for brunch, but he's dying of cancer so we have to clobber him, and now the boys are taking up his mantle as a hero, or maybe they aren't? This is yet another very well written arc, with lost of clues and details. The guy was named "Ex libro", which may be a reference to Ex Libris, who worked for Cryptic/Paragon. The only thing is, I wasn't really sure how the player is supposed to feel at the end. Should we feel sad that Ex Libro is gone, or glad that he's passed on his legacy, or upset that his base is in the hands of three ex-criminals who will probably use it to smuggle in counterfeit Pocky? I'm not sure. Maybe in the future I should wait until after the arc is done to smoke up... naaaah.
  2. It's probably impossible from a coding standpoint, but what if players got full XP and rewards from Confused foes?
  3. I thought it had already been established that Fire was the top primary for raw damage? Maybe Water if you want the best AoEs.
  4. So, if your goal is only to max out damage, what would be the best secondary? I'm guessing it would be either Radiation Armor, which has a recharge buff, and a tier 9 that buffs damage and has no crash; or, Fire Armor, which has a damage buff, Burn, and Rise of the Phoenix. A case could be also made for Bio Armor, which has a damage buff and is Really Awesome. Opinions?
  5. Pretty sure we don't have *any* of the arcs that were present on Live.
  6. According to the Live devs, you can't just push a button and transform an AE mission into an ingame mission. The file formats are different. I suppose it might theoretically be possible to write a script that would translate them, but I wouldn't bet on it.
  7. The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year - 45220 It's Christmas time, and... oh no... Lord Recluse has forbidden Christmas in the Rogue Isles! The contact is Scirocco, who is referred to as "The Sandman" for some reason. He feels that Recluse has erred in doing so and has decided to restore Christmas. 1) Scirocco has learned that one Westin Phipps, leader of Haven House, is a beacon of hope in the Rogue Isles. The player fights past teams of Family nog vendors and attendant drunks to seek him out, and... whoops. At least we saved a girl and her puppies. 2) Santa Claus' sleigh has been shot down and Santa captured by Arachnos, so we bust into the prison tower to rescue him, but oh no, he's been transformed into a robot Tarantula. 3) Scirocco decides to act directly, by stealing the presents and letters to Santa that have been stolen, then casting a great spell to send the presents to the children of Paragon City. But things don't go as planned. I'm not going to bother going into detail about the individual missions, because you're all going to play this yourself. The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year is one of the most awesome arcs on Homecoming. It's a perfect example of what happens when you put in 110% effort. The joke density is so high it's like a ZAZ movie. Practically *everything* is a gag. There are maybe three dozen custom NPCs, all with handmade costumes and funny bios. There are no static mobs, every group is a placed encounter with dialog. On top of all that, I'm kinda suspecting that this is a parody of Scirocco's unreleased redemption arc. Before shutdown, the devs were planning a huge arc where Scirocco renounces his evil ways and goes to Paragon City to become a hero, and Ms. Liberty sends him to retrieve the Liquid Computer from the Fifth Column, but Lord Recluse is trying to thwart his efforts to become a hero, so he secretly swaps it for a 2 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper, causing Scirocco to lament his failure and return to villainy. Or something like that. Positron posted the outline for the arc (I forget where) so if this is a really is a riff on the unreleased arc, double kudos for piling meta-humor on top of the usual. I might nominate this for Dev's Choice, although I'm not sure if a holiday themed arc would qualify. Nobody wears their Rudolph sweaters in February. Nevertheless, everyone should go play this now.
  8. Kelly Kane - The Making of a Hero - 41555 Welcome back, True Believers! Kyksie is busy helping Portal Corp thwart the Praetorian version of Starbucks's plans to open a branch in Founder's Falls, so this week's AE reviewing duties fall to Paragon's ditziest superhero, Purple Lovin'. Just don't let her hear you say that, because then you'll spend ten minutes explaining what 'ditzy' means, then another ten minutes explaining how the monorail always comes back to where it began even though it only travels on one direction. Hi gang! Purple Lovin' here. Kyksie was busy again this weekend, so she asked me to review a few AE arcs. The contact for the arc is "Your Super High Tech Computer", which I guess is something the big heroes have. Pfft. Me, I have to wait for Mynx or Penny to send me updates on my phone. At least I can play Candy Crush while I'm waiting. Anyway, as soon as I figured out how to log in (why won't it let me use 'PASSW0RD' as a password?) the computer sends me an e-vite from Lou Tefner, head of the Paragon Playmate empire, inviting me to a playmate party at his mansion. Yaaaaay, open bar! I arrive at the mansion fashionably early, grab a Long Island Iced Tea, and start chatting with the bikini clad Playmates and shirtless PlayGal Men. (the whole arc is PG-13 at most, nothing really naughty). But then some Skulls bust in and kidnap some people, so I zap them, but they stole some jewels or something. Then, former Playmate Kelly Kane appears on the Crime Computer and tells me that some of the supermodels are robbing a jewelry store, so I head in and zap them. Clues lead me to a party, where I find out some Freaks had kidnapped the models, led by sleazy producer Lamont Bannon. Bannon smiles at me, but I sigh and remind him once again that I only did it because I needed the money that one time. Further clues take me to a TV studio, then to a warehouse, where I'm joined by Kelly, who has now become a hero under the name "Techno-Bunny". We clobber a Carnival of Shadows EB, free her model friends, and head back to the party for more drinks. This is a top-notch arc, with great writing and lots of details. There are dozens of custom NPC, all with bios and individually done costumes. It does come across as a bit of a vanity piece- I'm assuming Techno Bunny is one of the author's characters- but I can forgive it because the player isn't bludgeoned over the head by how amazing she is. My only gripe is a few difficulty spikes. The final boss is an EB who summons ambush waves, which required my 32 Brute to eat a handful of pills to beat.
  9. I once asked Positron (Matt Miller) whether killing Statesman was intended to be a middle finger to Jack Emmert. He said 'No, we had creative differences but still Emmert is a great guy'.
  10. Uhhh this might be the wrong forum section. If you mean the mission for the Midnighters, you can find plenty of Lost in southern Skyway. Defeating them in an AE will not count towards the goal.
  11. Yeah, my last mission got hit with that bug. Granted people can go into the NPC dialog tab to read the text, but most people will miss it. Also one other thing... unless it was fixed since live, if the player does not have a chat tab with "NPC dialog", speech bubbles won't appear.
  12. The War on Crush - 44506 A nice quick arc - a detective has discovered that a variant of fixadine called "Crush" has made its way to Kallisti wharf, so we make with the punching. There's a few EBs but they aren't hard. Custom mobs, many clues, fun mob chatter, this arc covers all the bases. The Flames of Corruption, Chapter One - 44601 Agent Brown tells you that Hellion activity is on the rise, so the player hops in and rescues several low level heroes, who are lovingly written with great costumes and bios. Investigating further, the player discovers that a new breed of Hellions are doing Bad Things, so we punch them. Again, there are EBs but not hard. Personally I enjoy self-contained stories so I probably won't be reviewing the 83 other arcs in the series, but still this one is very good. Working With the Enemy - 44554 Didn't play: even at only 5 seconds, 45 glowies in one mission is too time wastey. The writing is good and the author does warn the player in advance, so I can't really complain. I suppose this might be worthwhile if the player is playing CoX for the purpose of killing time, which seems to be the case for many people. The Gathering Storm - 44641 The player is an up and coming henchman working for "The Conquering Storm", helping him take over the world, muuuah ha ha ha!!! You trap and defeat his enemy, Mighty Mega Mind; there's a cool gimmick where you free some dudes from his mind control and they help you. Then he sends you to aquire the Secret Weapon, which is only referred to as "the Secret Weapon". You decide to betray Conquering Storm and use the Secret Weapon to conquer the world yourself or something. Playing this arc I almost got the idea that it was written by a child. There's a few spelling errors and odd grammar, but above all that it's written with a bright enthusiasm that's genuinely fun to read. The villain actually says "Muuu ha ha ha ha!!" unironically. If this actually was written by the author's 13 year old cousin, congrats, great work! The Grand Bank Tour - 44842 You go into a bank map, defeat one or two bosses, click a glowie, then walk back to the exit. Repeat four more times. Steamed Hams But It's An AE Story - 44843 Yep, it's the Simpson's 'steamed hams' gag in AE form. There's basically just one joke, but it's done well, although we could have done without the defeat all in the final mission.
  13. I love Doctor Who, but you can't compare him (her?) to City of Heroes archetypes. 99.99% of the game is based on shooting, blasting and punching, which the Doctor actively tries to avoid doing.
  14. The mission I just published, "Your Final Mission", should I guess be considered an unofficial entry into the contest. It was created many years ago so it wouldn't really be fair to make it a real entry, but i does fit the theme of "rebirth".
  15. Your Final Mission - 44589 Back in '12 when the shutdown was announced, quite a few people were, for lack of a better word, a bit upset that the world would be obliterated and all their characters vanish. To help people cope, I wrote an Architect mission where the protagonist deals with the upcoming apocalypse, personified by the games upcoming foe, the Battalion. Quite a few people wrote and claimed they were visited by onion cutting ninjas while playing. I kept the files for all my old missions, and since it kinda fits the theme of 'rebirth', I've re-published Your Final Mission here. Now that our characters and city are here to stay, the emotional impact is lost, but hopefully people can still enjoy it. This arc has difficult bosses. A level 50 is pretty much required; one with Incarnate powers and strong IO is a very good idea. The idea is that it's the 'final boss' for your main character. Even as EBs they're pretty hard. Don't play this with archvillains enabled unless you are on a team or have a very, very strong character. It breaks the ocelot rule, in that it tells you what your character thinks in many places. Again, the idea is that you're playing with your "main". However, it does acknowledge the possibility that your character is either a hero or a vigilante, see below. It gives you a choice! At the end of the first three missions, after you complete the primary objective, check your clues before exiting the mission. You can choose to execute the missions as either a do-gooder hero or a gritty vigilante. It doesn't affect the final outcome, of course. There are no defeat alls. You never have to mop up random mobs, feel free to run past them The glowies in mission one are optional, but they give some background on the scenario and the world. In mission five, the NPC shout their 'see the player' barks as soon as they spawn, so you won't see them on the main screen. Check the NPC dialog tab. Please let me know what you think!
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  16. Kurtz did a 2-week segment on CoH in '04. I don't think he stuck with the game afterwards. http://pvponline.com/comic/tue-jun-01
  17. More Tsoo Shenanigans - 44446 The contact is Azuria (her bio pokes fun at how she loses stuff) who tells the player she's been having disturbing visions regarding the Hellions. Kyksie is booked cutting the ribbon at the new Woodvale branch of Paragon Pizza Pie ("We gave Hami an offer he couldn't refuse!") so she phones yet another of her associates... So, this chick Azuria can hook me up? Sweet. She gives me the address where some Hellions are dealing, but instead of regular Hellions, it's a custom group, "Defeated Hellions". Except they're not really defeated, they attack me instead of showing me the goods. The boss, Hellflame, tells be the Tsoo already came and bogarted their stash. So Azuria gives me another address, and I go punch more Hellions, and some Tsoo are there too so I punch them. Except that I can see right through the Tsoo! This is good stuff. But now we need to find out where the Hellions keep their stash, so I sneak into a warehouse and smear lipstick on some crates or something. Then we find that they loaded the goods onto a cargo ship, so we head out to the docks and punch more dudes. I need to find a tracking beacon that's hidden in a body bag, but it's nowhere to be found. I look in every last place, finally scouring the concrete floor of the drydock... ...wait, what's that... The bag is invisible... until it isn't. This is, like, really good stuff. Finally, the Hellions are doing some Real Bad Things, so I bust into (wait for it) a warehouse, smash some obelisks, punch some Hellions and eat their Doritos. The day is saved, I guess. Azuria wants me to stay and debrief, but I have to catch the monorail to Skyway before the El Super Mexicano closes and Hector goes home.
  18. Match Point - 44239 What can I say... another masterful AE from one of the great ones. Six months after being betrayed in their quest to bring down Kirk Cage, the player has finally pieced together enough clues to take action. First you track down Malloy and have a little talk while dodging kill squads, then infiltrate yet another Mafia pasta-eating contest for some pugilistic interrogation. Then you track down and clobber Protean, for whom the author wisely used a custom NPC, and not the in-game Protean, who has an obscenely powerful end drain which makes him almost impossible to solo. Then the player meets up with a really well done NPC named Juan Jiminez, the "Devil of King's Row". I think he's an original character, I can't recall seeing him ingame. We bust into a warehouse and blow up some trucks. It's a defeat all, but the map is small and it fits in with the plot ("leave no witnesses"). Amusingly, one of the trucks was on top of a shipping crate. Finally, we track down and clobber the guy responsible, who has a plausible background and motivation, a nod to Marvel's Daredevil. Yet another great arc, with top-notch writing, tons of clues and details, and no time wasters. Go play it.
  19. I suppose we can chalk this up to a lack of communication. The arc was advertised as a challenge arc, wherein one is pitted against tough mobs, so I came in expecting to succeed by hammering through with a powerful character. If the arc advertisement had said "If you click the wrong glowie you will fail" I would have been prepared for that. Nonetheless, I stand by what I said earlier. Forcing the player to stand around and do nothing for 99 seconds is not acceptable under any circumstances.
  20. User Unreachable - 44217 The contact is named Lukas, who tells you that his friend Gina has become stuck in a virtual reality, except that this time it's some kind of pocket dimension or something, and it's malfunctioning, so you need to go in and get her out. This is a bit of a cliche, but oh well. We hop in and punch some mobs from a custom group called "prototypes" who are training dummies or something. Then, we need to go clear her browser history or something. There's a pretty tough EB here, but the posting for the arc gave fair warning, so I brought a powerful Widow and was able to beat him without much effort. Now I need to go update her user permissions or something, I dunno. The mission has a five minute timer, which would normally be a no-no, but the map is very small. I stealth over to the glowie and... WTF? The time for the interact bar is ninety-nine seconds. Remember how time-wasters are my biggest pet peeve? Yeah. Don't do this. And then, after the timer bar finally ticks down... Sorry, your file is in another glowie. I find another and make with the clicking... another ninety-nine seconds, making it impossible to finish in the allotted five minutes. Mission failed. But Lukas found a backup file in the pocket of her jeggings, so now I need to go back and restore her Apache Subversion files... hell, I have no idea at this point. Back in, and... oh joy, it's a defeat all, with an escort and two defends thrown in. I start slogging through the mobs, rescue Gina, defeat the EB boss again and... the mission abruptly fails with no explanation. User Unreachable sucks. I have no problems with challenging mobs when warned about them, but when you take multiple egregious time wasters, add an unwinnable mission, and layer it on top of a cliched story, you get a big pile of poo.
  21. A Super Deadly Vendetta - 33696 This is nice, with a very well written contact named Emily Dallas as a sort of hacker girl who has a grudge against the Skulls; the arc fits in very well with the canon missions. The player fights against a custom group of Skulls, which allow the character to play this at level 30 instead of the usual 20 for Skulls. There are even "Super Skulls" as tough bosses (missing an opportunity for a pun on "Super Skrull", but eh.) Emily's dialog is excellent throughout. The problem here is the difficulty. The player faces Deadlock, then Veles as an EB, then Veles again. The first two fights are very hard, with the player reduced to level 30 and the mobs summoning ambush waves. The final fight has Veles as a fully powered Dark Melee/something, which gives him a fear attack and a powerful life drain attack, and all his attacks debuff accuracy. I was unable to beat him twice despite a big handful of inspirations each time. Hilariously, the arc sendoff said to play this with archvillains on for a "more accurate" playthrough. Once again, people... be careful putting EBs in, doubly so if the player is reduced in level, and don't just add ambush waves willy-nilly. There's also a sequel called "The Mystery of Morana", which has a pretty good plot that I won't spoil here. It was also hard, although not quite as hard as the previous one. Strange Signals: Radio Liberty - 43693 This has an interesting premise; the player stumbles on a radio playing music by D.J. Donnerblitzen or something, and in between songs he plays resistance chatter from another dimension, kinda like Man in the High Castle, except that the player can do something about it by heading off to punch Nazis. It's a fun idea that works well. However, the writing is... bad. Really bad. I'm going to be charitable and assume it was done in a hurry; after a few review passes, this could be pretty good.
  22. Cage Match - 43425 Kathryn Walker was a middle child, sandwiched between two overachieving brothers in a bright, shiny suburb of Providence, her adolescence a whirl of soccer practice and backyard parties. At eighteen, she didn't enroll so much as wander into Providence Rhode Island Community College, with a major in partying and a minor in binge drinking. Far too many of her nights were spent in a drunken haze at the fraternities and sororities at neighboring Paragon U. One evening, following an incident at the Advanced Physics department involving an irrational particle accelerator, a few joints, and a pair of purple hair scrunchies, Kathryn woke up with purple skin, hair and glowing purple eyes. The precise details are not important because no one has ever managed to duplicate the exact circumstances under which it happened, and many people have ended up looking very silly, or dead, or both, trying. Soon after, she discovered that she could generate 'purple energy' from her hands, eyes and other parts. The scientists at SERAPH ran a few tests, then shrugged. Discovering a wholly new form of energy was old hat to them, and stories about lab accidents happened every day. With few career paths open to Purple People, Kathryn registered as a hero, taking the name "Purple Lovin'" at the suggestion of the registry clerk, who had partied with her at PRICC earlier that month. Able to use Purple Energy to both protect her and knock out foes, she rose quickly in Security Levels. One day, she joined Kyksie on a task force for Penelope Yin. Kyksie was taken by how intently she attacked the Freaks and Council, more so by how she attacked several Long island Iced Teas at the bar afterwards. "So..." Purple burped, wiping her chin with the back of her robe, "Those Council guys were Nazis? Like really Nazis?" "That's right." Kyksie sipped a tall veggie shake. "Straight from the second world war." "Like the guys who burn stacks of tires down in King's Row?" "No, those are neo-Nazis. They came later." "The original Nazis didn't burn tires and drink Natty Light?" "Yeah. No. Whatever." "They did?" "I, uh..." Having reached the end of her shake, Kyksie looks around Capetini's, hoping to find a distraction. "Yeah. I guess." "And those 'Freakshow' guys. They really cut off their own hands and replaced them with hammers and buzzsaws?" "Yep." "That must be kinda hard at times." "You don't say." "Like when they have to go pee. How do-" "Right. Pee. Is what I have to do. Now." Hopping off the stool, Kyksie fished a twenty from the back pocket of her gi, pushed it across the bar and headed for the door. "The restroom is over th-" "Weren't you briefed? Heroes always do it from the rooftops. Just ask Batman." Kyksie slipped out the side door and super-leaped into the warm September evening, desperate to escape Purple's vortex of stupidity. She certainly wasn't the first person to worry that the power of a small nuclear reactor was in the hands of Paragon's biggest ditz. The two didn't cross paths for several months, until last week, when Kyksie got a call from Iron Widow requesting her aid on a weekend in which she was already double booked. Stoner Dude was busy, Guy Montag wouldn't answer his texts, and Mystress Yiffstress was on a weekend retreat with the League of Extraordinary Yiffers. Sighing, Kyksie thumbed her phone and called the name at the very bottom of the list. So the contact is this "Iron Widow", and she starts out by telling me there's more to being a hero than "doing the right thing". Well, duh! I didn't get to be security level 50 without knowing a few things, you know. Being a hero means talking to your contact, blasting the badguys, then finding a new contact. That's three things right there. Oh, and free drinks afterward! At least at Pocket D. Those fuddy-duddies down at the Rusty Rivet keep shutting me down after four. Pfffft. Anyway, this Iron Widow says we're going after Kirk Cage. I saw him on Fox News a few times, something about strikers and fair working conditions, whatever. I think he's rich or something. But anyway, this Widow person doesn't send me to blast Cage, I have to free some allies, Sea Witch and Spinnerette, and there's already an ally named Kazan there. So why do we need more? I dunno. Then we go rescue Cage's daughter Crash from the Circle of Thorns. Apparently she's angry at her father and because of that has been hanging around mages learning magic and grafting coral to her hands. I try to tell her that wearing black and promiscuous sex are easier ways to rebel, but she just shrugs. Now we have to go pick up one Vinny Dubowski. We went to a huge cargo ship, blast a few guys and find Vinny, playing poker with a few deckhands across a cargo crate. "Hi! I'm Purple Lovin'. I'm here to rescue you! Or kidnap you." "Which one?" "I forget." Vinny shrugs. "Get back to me when you remember." "Okay." I spend a few minutes thinking, then come to a realization. "But, either way, you come with me, right? So it doesn't really matter which one." "Good point," Vinnie burps. He gets up and begins following me back across the ship. But then- get this- in an access corridor halfway through, he spies a loop of pipe protruding from the wall and jumps across the pipe and lodges himself in the space between it and the wall! "A-ha!" Vincent shouts triumphantly. "I'm going to stand right here and not move!" "You can't do that!" "Yes I can." "No you can't!" "I just did." I tried running up the corridor, then back down. Then back the other way, then back again. Then I hovered in the air for a while, then, after an intense burst of thought, went back down the corridor the first way while still hovering. Nothing! Then I tried holding my breath, then bribing Vinny with a half-eaten Payday bar in my back pocket. He just wouldn't move! Grrrr! So finally I just flew outside the ship, perched on the bow and smoked a joint. Twenty-five minutes later, the mission timer ran out, and suddenly we were both standing in the secret hideout. "How'ja do that?" Vinny sputtered. "Ancient Oriental secret." Heck, I have no idea. Then we kidnap Cage's wife... or was that a rescue? No, that was totally a kidnap. But then things go bad and we have to blast some guys, which I totally do, cuz blasting stuff is what I'm best at! That's what all the trainers say. Cage got away, and Widow says it wasn't about him, but at least I get paid, so off to Pocket D! Anyway, Cage Match was a fun mission with lots of clues and people to blast. The only downer is when you're rescuing that guy... or kidnapping him? Whatever. And he just stands there in the pipe. Anyway, what was that Kyksie said about rooftops? I'll have to try that.
  23. As far as boring, practical powers go, Hasten is the winner followed closely by Combat Jumping. They both go on absolutely every character whatsoever. For fun powers, any nuke, especially those with flashy animations. The PB one is a lot of fun.
  24. Localization was somewhat bugged even on the live server.
  25. I think the problem happens if you enter while flying or hovering.
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