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Everything posted by DocRadio

  1. No. Crank up the difficulty and against the right groups content can still be quite hard. Roll up against +4 Malta or Carnies or some of the tougher Task Forces and incarnate powers seem justified.
  2. In before the bell. Thanks for giving me my heroes back.
  3. Yeah.... Vanguard made me miss Carnies... and I frikken HATE carnies. Master illusionists.... *shudder*
  4. Well... "No defenses" is a bit of a misnomer nowadays. If you build for it you can acquire some measure of defenses by late game.
  5. I have every intention of acquiring trip mine and using it. It has way too much LOL potential to pass up. Besides I'm using beam rifle with it. A good set but not exactly AOE heavy.
  6. Nothing that provides you with entertainment in a game is wasteful. I mean... it's kind of the point right?
  7. Haven't run across them yet. But /Fire has a HUGE psi hole. Some of the Rularuu bosses and Lieuts are definitely a challenge. I tend to lean heavily on inspires when fighting them. Unless barrier and Judgement are up. And even then I sometimes have to get in, do massive damage and then bail before whatever survived decides to make sentinel mincemeat pie. Dark Ring Mistresses have high Psi damage along with a nasty -Recovery debuff.
  8. Running a Vet Level 17 or so Fire/Fire Sentinel. Since I now have decent slotting and incarnate abilities I've been tearing through content. Most villain groups just get steam rolled. The Carnies were really the only group that gave me pause. I got difficulty dialed up, and team level set to 5. Inspirations remain forgotten in my tray. The only thing that challenges me are some of the insane things you see in taskforce runs. I almost laugh when I decide if I should pop barrier or just let'er rip with healing flames. Then I notice a story line I skipped. A group of Rouge vanguard agents need to be taken down a peg or two. Run into my first group... get cut to smithereens before I can see what killed me. One Rise of the Phoenix later and I'm up and retoggling. This time I pay attention... Something debuffs the hell out of my defenses and I get damn near one shot.... by lieutenants. It was a nice surprise to have to actually pay attention when I play again. Prioritize certain targets, use the environment, save my pyronic core, jacked up with assault core for just that right second. Even then on a few occasions a couple of laser claw wielding minions would survive the barrage, slip past my fire cages and almost end me. A tough arc but rewarding. At no time did It ever feel like I was cheated or cheap shotted. The Vanguard are a very fun and rewarding group to do battle with. Even if it did bring fear back to the game. It does make me wonder why the Rikti are considered such a threat. They're kind of laughable compared to the Vanguard. Heck... the damn X-Men are kinda laughable to the Vanguard.
  9. I always used it against held bosses or while kiting. Not optimal but at least you don't have to worry about getting gutted while it animates.
  10. Couldn't you slot one of those knockback to knock down thingee's into it?
  11. DocRadio


    Thanks. I wasn't actually looking to drain AV's. Or even Elite bosses. I'm just thinking back to my days as a triple elec blaster. I could pretty much keep boss level mobs drained pretty reliably with power sink and short circuit.
  12. I took Flares on my Fire Blaster. It gives me something do while I wait for blaze to come up. My Sentinel is a few seconds away from perma hasten, so I don't need the filler attack.
  13. DocRadio


    Interesting. I figured with Short Circuit, Transference and Thunderous blast (now crashless) It'd be able to pull it off.
  14. DocRadio


    Anyone still doing the whole Elec\Kin Sapper routine? Or is that not a thing anymore?
  15. I didn't say "correct" or "incorrect". I simply stated that it's not the way "I" play. Besides I'm not all that stoked on the idea of getting status protection at level 50+ (after finally unlocking the destiny slot). That's a lot of levels of sucking down breakfrees. Unless you go in for tactical arrow that is.
  16. Your path to CC immunity means TaskForces and/or powerleveling. Not everyone plays the game that way. I never did not really. When I do taskforces if at all it's for the merits. Not the XP.
  17. Status protection. The late game is LOADED with CC effects. Being able to ignore the vast majority of it gives sentinels an edge that blasters just can't surmount.
  18. I hope you know, I'm going to totally steal this build. My PROCs might be different.... but yeah, this is an impressive level of defense, recharge, and control. Add in some nifty incarnates and the countryside will be littered with the bodies of my irradiated enemies.
  19. Nice build. I'll use it as a basis. But this build has zero holds. I get your point with EMPulse and I could do without, but given the recharge options out there I didn't really care about the long recharge. But I can't see passing on the two holds in the secondary. At least not in the early game. Thanks for the input.
  20. I have a vet 8 level triple fire sentinel... I've been told that I'm supposed to think I have awful damage. I think my damage is inferior to a fire blaster's output.... but I tear through content faster than a blaster can because I'm not constantly stocking up on break frees and running for my life. Sure I'm no tank but I can casually confront spawns head on without the careful consideration that my blaster had to bring to almost every fight. The point being is... you'll have decent status protection and actual defense that can be capped. Your damage might not stack up where you'd like, but your defense means it doesn't HAVE to. Go nuts... you'll probably have a good time.
  21. Y'know..... I actually LOVE that repel effect. Thanks to it Dark Ring mistresses can't stand up long enough to drop my toggles and murder me. Instead they get hit with a blazing blast knocking them on their heinies… followed by a blaze and a pyronic judgement. Allowing me to save my inspirations for those frikken Master Illusionists. In fact there are any number of otherwise annoying mobs that are less so because my recharge amped blazing blasts keep them pinned to the wall.
  22. Oh and by the way, I played that Defender solo almost as much as I did teamed. He was great at both. And that was BEFORE defenders got that solo damage buff.
  23. The only defender I could play consistently enough to get to level 50 in the old days was RAD/RAD. Sure the blast set was underwhelming, but Radiation Emission was simply amazing. Especially since EMP pulse hadn't been nerfed. You could hit AIM, then iridate, then EMP Pulse, go make a sandwich, grab a beer, and mobs would still be held when you got back to your PC and fired off Atomic Blast. And even after the Nerf that defender was easily one of my favorite toons. Heck I might just build him again so I can see what a monster he'd be with IO sets and incarnate powers. Not to mention insta snipe, and a crashless nuke.
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