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Everything posted by JnEricsonx

  1. Wow...I didn't remember that. Then again, when that got implemented, I wasn't playing much.
  2. :::has a copy of the first season sitting right behind him signed by JMS and Peter Jurasik, the latter after literally being on line next to him to get into a hotel::::
  3. Remember when you had to limit yourself because you had to take travel pre-reqs, and stamina pre-reqs? My God....so many of my chars might have taken more of the leadership pool, or tough and weave just for the hell of it. And I wasn't going to respec all my chars once they implemented that.
  4. Pretty much. I remade one of my first chars back then, a Rad/Rad defender named Doctor Cosmos. I've remade several others since then.
  5. I haven't taken the ST immob in Dark, and I'm debating if I need Haunt given that I'm the one doing damage. Everything in Savage looks nice, though due to char concept I wouldn't be using Call Swarm.
  6. A Tanker makes it easier for the corr to rain hell on your enemies, cause they're busy beating on you while being affected.
  7. I remember when VEATS came out, so everyone ran them. You had teams in the teens running highest diff content for that level. Our only problem? Running out of endurance. We all hit harder, more accurate, and harder to hit, but we burned end like you wouldn't believe.
  8. I just kinda figured that the regen amount would just be higher is all. I mean, for crying out loud, my WP Brute gets about that regen and a bit more with some bad guys by him, not counting his actualy defenses.
  9. I did take it. I'm just more looking at Combat Attributes, but I haven't done serious number testing as of yet.
  10. Maybe I'm missing something, but with my 45 BR/Regen, with Fast Healing/Integration slotted up, and a Numina in Health, my regen is just over 2%/35 HP a second. I would think that something like that would be a bit higher? Like, 3, 4%, maybe 5%? I mean, barring popping Reconstruction, that's it for it's healing? I mean, my WP brute regens only slightly slower, not even counting when he's got enemies nearby.
  11. Well...I'm using the Sentinel version of Regen, so Instant Healing and Dull Pain don't exist for me.
  12. BTW, question-does the game have a issue when you switch between Dual Pistols and Ninja Sword? My DP char has visual problems when they switch to Rocket Launcher. Either the launcher is invisible, or one of my two pistols always is.
  13. Ok, well, I made a BR/Regen Sentinel, which does not have Dull Pain or Instant Healing. So...any more thoughts, suggestions on how to work it before I start locking and loading IO sets for bonuses, etc?
  14. Ah....good times. I remember someone having to explain to me how much defense FF did actually give you, and so forth. Man, once you could view combat attributes, and enhancement numbers more directly...world changed.
  15. I honestly didn't even mean purples, I literally meant drop count. Just seems at times that NOTHING is dropping, but that could just be me.
  16. Just curious. It just seems like when you have it set for normal drops....barring common/uncommon salvage, that's probably 90% of your drops in a typical AE run? I'm guessing that's by design to have you running the normal content if you wanna get recipes, etc?
  17. Just curious, since I figure I'm going to have enough global rech to make my other AOEs like Chain Induction and Thunder Strike as it pretty good in rotations.
  18. Ok, I run a Ninjas/Time MM, and have been told that if I take Power Boost from the Black Scorpion Pool, it will boost the Defense Bonus of Farsight for the entire duration of the power. However, others have said that it'll only boost the defense bonus for the 15 seconds PB works. Which is it?
  19. Other than the usual +Res +Def ones and the one from the purple set, are there any procs that work in them, and if so, which?
  20. I figure I can skip Snap Shot due to the amount of rech I'll have, but just wondering what else isn't a vital pick. Stunning Shot, Flash Arrow, etc?
  21. I've got a couple concepts in my head, one for AR, one for Beam Rifle, and one for Energy Blast. Any of them could qualify for either AT, but, I've yet to make a Sentinel, so, anyone want to break down that AT in more detail/experience for me?
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