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Everything posted by JnEricsonx

  1. We're still here-that's what matters IMHO. 🙂
  2. I've done stuff with my Nin/Nin stalker where people ask me if I'm part tank. Well, when my def is capped+extra def from the parry attack....maybe?
  3. I got that beat: The first couple week when VEATs came out. You had lowbie teams of all VEATs running max level diff, and the only problems we had was running out of end. It was glorious. And now, with not needing fitness pre-reqs, etc, I make sure all my VEATs take at least one normal Leadership power to double up.
  4. I'm curious, when all these changes happen, am I gonna have to respec my whole character, or do you just get the picks/slots back and then decide where to put them?
  5. I'm gonna have to see how my DP/Temporal Blaster and my Arc/Tactical Arrow Blaster feel about this. I liked the extra measure of control they had, at least my Arch/TA. Plus I had Agility and Gymnastics, so reslotting stuff is gonna be a bit of a PITA.
  6. Well, unless you are the Director, using the hotline ends badly.
  7. Another KM/EA Stalker! What is that, 5 now?
  8. Fair enough. I've given heads up to some people-if they see it, they see it. Hopefully they'll come across it like I did, by accident. By seeing a video about the game being back.
  9. I just enjoy the times I get a happy response to my telling them that the game is back such as it is. God knows I was nearly crying when I first heard that Atlas Park music again.
  10. I sometimes go onto Youtube and look up COH tribute videos, see everyone basically-like I was-bawling in the comments over missing the game,and then I start peppering their posts with responses saying the game is back. And then you have to pray someone who posted something 6-7 years ago sees your response.
  11. No clue honestly. I mean, I stopped playing for the most part in 2009, between stuff like Borderlands, and Champions Online. I came back later for a bit, but I had played pretty steadily from 2005-2009. My having run out of slots on Virtue-represent! pretty much sealed that. I played a lot starting last May, then broke for a few months, played other stuff, then stopped again, haven't played in about 6 weeks or so. At least I have the general safe feeling that when I get the itch again probably in a couple months after clearing my streaming and some games, I'll wanna finally make a Tanker on Homecoming, etc.
  12. That's why I turn off the visuals. At worst, I have glowing vein effect.
  13. Also, it's 2020. Let's start bringing some good news.
  14. I say that in this dumpster fire of a 2020 year, we get one shining, glorious thing back. BUFF REGEN. Please.
  15. My OG WS, who was remade last year, I named Kosmic Kastaway, but that's cause I love that song. Titan AE was a good movie.
  16. That happened to me once. I was putting up a purple for 10 million, despite the fact that the AH said the last several sales had been for 100 mill. I honestly figured it was a typo. 10 seconds later I found out it wasn't a typo. 100 mill right then. Also, do you like playing with the CO-style cel-shading on? I'm tempted to try it, but my GFX card is ten years old so that might not be a good idea.
  17. My Nin/Nin stalker does the same thing. Granted I don't track/focus how well it works, I just use it then make like Ogami Itto slicing fools up.
  18. I miss Dark Water. Anyone else remember that cartoon?
  19. I have that issue for a lot of PBAOE powers. especially the end heavy ones. I sometimes wind up using Scirocco just for the extra +end reduction.
  20. Sok, The same thing happens every time I watch the end of Babylon 5, as I commented on to JMS some years back. 🙂 But hey, since 2020 has been a slaughterhouse dumpster fire, you got one good thing going!
  21. Costs on the AH are WAY lower. A LOTG +rech piece used to cost about 100 mill back in the day, just the recipe. Now, it's about 6 mill for the crafted IO.
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