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Everything posted by NNDeepdish

  1. I watched a youtube video about Deus Ex recently and it made me want to go back and play Invisible War. This game is pretty much universally hated because of the dumbing down direction it took from Deus Ex, but I really feel that if this game had ditched the Deus Ex 2 it would have been much more well received. It's really a hidden gem IMO. So anyway, I'm playing through it again. It's currently $0.97 on gog.com right now There's a texture upgrade, resolution fix and widescreen all in one file at the TTLG forums Deus Ex 2: Invisible War: $0.97 Visible Upgrade: Unofficial patch for Deus Ex 2
  2. Costumes. I hoard costumes.
  3. Considering your post history maybe its time to admit that Homecoming just isn't for you
  4. This guy has 13 million subscribers? wow i am so ashamed of the human race you dont even have to have a personality on youtube anymore just make dumb comments like "eww" and quick cut to a closeup of your face when you do it
  5. Nah, private servers really can't be stopped at this point. You try to shut one down another one will just pop up. Look at Star Wars Galaxies and WoW they've had private servers for years. Oh and I literally googled SNES roms, clicked the first link and downloaded Donkey Kong Country in less than a minute.
  6. These complaints are about... 8 years too late? Nobody here made the game... it's preserving what we lost and making logical improvements where we can and people have seriously lost sight of that.
  7. The civ series was one I could never get into. I never heard of Evoland, but it looks fun. Thanks for mentioning it! How do you like it? It never really interested me in the E3 trailers, and when it came out and was reviewed poorly I trusted my instincts. I know its been overhauled though.
  8. Besides City of Heroes of course. Because if you're reading this you better be playing city of heroes.... Currently I've never finished Fallout 4 and I'm in the middle of that. I kind of don't want it to ever end so I've been holding off on finishing the story. I'm also a big fan of Dead by Daylight and I try to get some time in with it when I can.
  9. Looks like im the first to say Ive never gotten a Blaster to 50... or farther than 35 tbh. Other ATs I've never 50'd: Controller, Dominator, Stalker, PB, Warshade, Corrupter, Arachnos Soldier, Arachnos Widow
  10. So here's the deal with these types of threads: the HC team could post a word for word breakdown of every single thing they did in the course of a day. They could post hour by hour updates. They could post a novel every day detailing every single thought they had ever had about planning to do anything in the future with HC and these types of threads would still be here.
  11. I thought that was the entire point of the incarnate system, to be powerful. Otherwise, it's just the equivalent of a lame level cap increase.
  12. Curious about something, when i hit a tank with Enflame from the Sorcery pool, that same run away effect happens, meaning I hardly ever use the power... this is before the patch I mean. Shouldn't the taunt auras keep them close as well?
  13. So this would indicate it's not burn that's causing the run away, its blazing aura, or that combined with quills for those that use spines?
  14. You'd think that but clearly it indeed is difficult to understand. Yes, the person is obviously looking for more AoE. Your original comment attempts to induce the expectation that he wants the set to be "full of AoE." I have no idea what your definition of "full of AoE" is, but it's your own opinion and was never expressed or defined by the individual you singled out.
  15. He didn't say "a lot of AoE damage" either.
  16. Did anyone ever play Planetside 1? So ahead of it's time IMO. Planetside 2 just was.... different... i don't know what was missing.
  17. It's pretty cool how you can drop the macro command in a chat and people can just copy and paste it, get a instant button, hop over to your base from wherever they are and explore. I've seen some awesome transit hubs, night clubs, mazes and little towns that people have made that I otherwise wouldn't have if I had to remember a passcode, transport over to a base portal and enter it manually. It will be a shame when its gone.
  18. Seems like AR and Energy blasters were pretty popular for people to try first
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