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Scarlet Shocker

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Everything posted by Scarlet Shocker

  1. I would presume vampires can only get drunk by consuming the blood of alcoholics
  2. I hunted a void I found the void I gazed into the void The void gazed into me
  3. I noticed the Council were very active during the eclipse event yesterday and NASA reporters were urging us to look out for the Paenumbra
  4. 63: Always ensure lists are numbered correctly
  5. Cool I stopped reading your wall of text at your 2nd para. Do a cheap option
  6. Rommy does tend to run because he's a coward. Give a coward Nictus and he's still a coward needing lots of robots to do the job properly
  7. I love reddit. I know that if I want to ignore the scum and villainy of the interwebs, for the most part I just don't go there. What I love most about reddit is that it keeps the people I actively want to disengage from very fucking far away from me. I hope it lasts for a very long time.
  8. 13 - Always blame the team lead when you bollocks up that "Master of" run. They didn't explain it properly to you!
  9. Do any versions of the Widows have a decent hold? I tried to solo LGTF on my SoA and he failed at Hami but otherwise breezed the rest of it
  10. I'm unlikely to sink a fortune into it, simply because I've never had a fortune in inf to spend. It takes me a long time to be able to afford optimized builds, I'm not often playing just for the money so to speak. On my SoA, I went the straight up Huntsman route, middle path all the way and he turned out to be devastating and even remade here still very effective, remaining one of my fave toons and consistently delivering a screen of orange digits. I vaguely recall trying the same on my Widow on live and being extremely disappointed but your info is very useful thanks.
  11. I'm about to have to make my mandatory respec on my Widow as she gets to level 24 I played one on live, but that was long ago and unmemorable even then but I'm having a boat load of fun on our regular weekend meets on Indom. So I looked in here to see if I could decide what path to take and I'm feeling battered by walls of text. I usually play ranged characters but I notice that my tactics are often to start at range then close to melee - I do that a lot with blappers and also controllers and I'm having fun with her in her "fresh out of the box" build. So which path is best from here on in, and of course, why? Brief numbers are ok and interesting but I simply do not have the attention span to cope with chapter and verse and deep dive number crunching. What I want from here is why pick a path, what it gives me and how it makes it enjoyable. If I need to know more then I can follow up here but let's keep it nice and light! Thanks!
  12. I hear you. I wouldn't say "never" but it's likely to be a while, if at all. But if this goes well, certainly the more enlightened IP owners might put measures in place to allow older games to flourish in perpetuity with fan caretakers
  13. I would be amazed if NCSoft didn't have "guardrails" in place before sanctioning the licence. There's a whole bunch of stuff around the IP rights of the game, making sure the Homecoming team do not bring NCSoft's name into disrepute etc etc and I believe without trawling through I'm pretty sure I read that there was no possibility of users being charged to play the game. NCSoft lost a lot of goodwill in the shuttering of City of Heroes. Frankly as a PR exercise it couldn't have gone much more wrong for them. This does a hell of a lot to reverse that and make NCSoft look like the good guys once more, whilst still giving them a modicum of control over an IP that remains one step away from being feral. They are realists. This is a good outcome for them for minimal capital outlay and they look rosy.
  14. Dragging the thread back to some relevancy, I was impressed with the article in question! Good find @Lunar Ronin Personally I had little or no doubt that when the HC crew announced they'd come to a deal, it was an actual thing! Because a) they'd said they wanted to b) they've always tried to engage with NCSoft c) it would have been incredibly stupid to lie to the community and in plain sight of NCSoft. That would have shown a very poor show of faith and wrecked the project. So yeah, Never much doubt on my part but interesting that the article quoted NCSoft people and it sounds positive overall. Ultimately we have a very happy outcome and all parties should be commended.
  15. I think they largely reflect the dynamics of the game as it was when Going Rogue and the Praetorian arcs were being developed. A LOT of players were mostly playing solo and teaming was quite rare other than for Strike Forces and Trials etc. But despite that the lore of CoH is one of its core strengths and the story has always been key in this game. We can argue about whether we think the content of stories is up to snuff some of the time but that's not relevant here. What FW and NW do give you is an amazing story and much of those arcs weave the Praetorian and Primal worlds together. So making someone go meet new characters is part of that (and has been since launch.) It might be considered "lazy" or "throwaway" but I would disagree. I think those zones are rich in content and to a degree, talkies are part of telling and reinforcing the story.
  16. I nominate everyone who's had a hand in keeping this game alive. If you're reading this, I include you, because it was the fans, ultimately, that gave everyone the legs to get us where we are today. Sincerely, thank you all for making our game a great place to be!
  17. We've been playing today with the Steady Indom crew, and it's a lot of fun. We've moved from Redside to First Ward eviscerating everything in our path. Having a boatload of fun. Looking forward to next week 🙂
  18. ... said the man who loves escort missions! 🤣
  19. I had calculated it once on live but that's clearly very out of date. But yes, it's quite a large number. If I guestimate that it takes a player 50 hours to get to 50 on average (without AE & DXP silliness) that's well over 13 years playing continuously. In other words, most people will never play every power set combo in every AT in a few lifetimes. Conclusion: The number of 50s that is too many is the number that you decided you have enough of, plus one!
  20. The number of possible permutations of each AT + 1
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