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Scarlet Shocker

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Everything posted by Scarlet Shocker

  1. This is unhelpful. When a person online goes dark it can mean a multitude of things. I have experienced situations where somebody I cared greatly about suddenly vanished and it was not until much later I learned that they had died, unexpectedly. When someone disappears, we can respect their actions but knowing they are safe and have moved on at least gives us a chance to move on ourselves without worrying about someone we've come to enjoy and respect having experienced serious trouble. It's common courtesy on @Snarky's part to let us know and, just maybe he can be persuaded to remain and bite another day.
  2. Dammit you beat me to it @Snarky is as @Snarky does I guess.
  3. Absolutely. I'm not complaining at all. As a solution to a player problem, it works very very well.
  4. The short answer is "No" Ouroboros was created to meet a player need - a way to complete missons and arcs that were skipped by the normal travel of the game. It's important to bear in mind that at that time, origin arcs were an actual thing so many mission lines were excluded simply because you did not fit. Ouro addresses that need and in large part it works very well - it means that content is available to every single character and nothing that doesn't require a team is doable. BUT it had to be squeezed and bashed and warped to fit within the existing lore and some of it is a bit... lumpy. Even if you are able to overcome those above issues you must ask yourself one important question: Who will take up the Ouroboran historical mantle when there are so many more pressing content issues to be resolved. Er go, the long answer remains "No" Good question though.
  5. That must be really painful
  6. I'm not quite sure how signposts to @Snarky's best B movies are relevant. I see a few that I wish I hadn't seen, On Walden Pond, I cum on the waterfront, Independent Portatlanta, Mecca Bingo and many more besides. How many can you see, children?
  7. Romans were very camp as this famous historical documentary demonstrates
  8. Surely you should prefer harmony over discord.
  9. Thanks. Useful info
  10. I recently rolled a Kinetics/Beam rifle defender and I'm enjoying it a lot in teams. I've very limited experience of either power set - so what should I think of when moving forward. I'm lvl 17 currently so I've got a few powers but I want to remember what the essentials are. I took Hasten, as I often do with many of my toons, and I realised that might have been a mistake because I might not be benefiting from Siphon Speed. Do these stack?
  11. Thanks. This is helpful... but my config looks quite different. I might have to screenshot it later.
  12. No tax but sure, it's just the psychology of it that was sucky That and winning a speedboat 70 miles from any place you could use it
  13. I felt the need to rationalise my CoH game folders - blame @Snarky and his thread. I'd notice occasional freezing glitches and stuff and my map icons were borked too. So I've got a fresh download and install but I want to transfer my costumes (and in an ideal world, binds) from my old folders to the HC ones. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
  14. the kind you summoned with your incorrect incantation of that "powerful love spell" Don't deny it... we all heard you.
  15. How can it take? Mostly I genuinely think RNG hates me... but it remembers me sometimes and pops it's pustule-infested, lice-ridden, wart-covered face into my game just to go "Ha! I still hate you!" There used to a be a quiz game on British TV in the 70s and 80s where they'd take losing contestants and say "come and see what you could've won!" There'd be a speedboat, or a caravan (trailer) or a luxury car or some such... stuff people would have to either save or borrow to own in the real world. So not only did they lose the game, salt was rubbed in their wounded emotions on national TV too. That's what RNG thinks of me.
  16. oh dear you made me do it then didn't you? Your fault But it's better in the original Klingon
  17. but what is the question?
  18. I got two yesterday just twitting about which is extraordinary. Made me wonder if there's something different.
  19. No! I am the Count Vampyre Overlord of Evil!😈 #spartacus
  20. is that like snorting tiny amounts of nictus?
  21. I think there's another issue that hasn't necessarily been considered when looking at silver-age heroes as far as their origins go. One of the biggest bugbears in this context is how radically they've changed over the decades. Batman (and to a lesser extent Daredevil) both got major reworkings by Frank Miller. Batman was originally the Detective. He was a pure science guy, using the scientific method to track down criminals and put them behind bars. He was born in an era where people thought reason would trump chaos (the Joker) and so wasn't necessarily super-powered per se, but had a ton of cool stuff allowing him to thwart the evil schemes of the most nefarious. Similarly Daredevil who in his earliest iteration was little more than a poor-man's Spidey, his loss of sight compensated with a radar sense and a billy club held together with magical string (something never really explained.) Miller took both of those and effectively turned them into ninja warriors, honing their bodies into ultimate fighting machines, supreme athletes to compliment their existing back storied powers. It's hard to see how those latter iterations can be anything other than natural origin - so do we take the above examples as science, augmented by natural ability, or do we take them as natural characters who uses science to get the job done? If we take a snapshot of the characters in their history we might end up with something very different to our common perception. This last year's Olympics gives another interesting example: Yusuf Dikec. in a field where most contestants had all kinds of tech, the best pistol, eye glasses that blanked out an eye, visors to block distractions, he rocks up with nothing, shoves a hand in his pocket and wins a silver medal. The other contestants used tech for their advantage and he is clearly natural origin. Origins, like the alignment system in D&D is a great mechanic but it can be limiting and pigeon-hole characters - it has a great advantage in terms of RP and back story, it rounds the character out wonderfully, but in terms of actual game play it's rarely useful, and it can be a bit more constraining rather than a benefit at times.
  22. Well you got mine! It's however I feel it fits in the moment. I often go for Science - I am drawn to it because I believe it's one of the least common origins, and also it allows a lot of leeway.
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