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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I liked it. It seemed like (to me) the backbone of a great song. Now just need a lead of some type, vocal or otherwise. The mood rhythm and style were great. How much of this is you? vocal instrument composition? I am currently back at trying guitar and vocals. I kind of suck at both. I used to paint:
  2. Well before it was 2, which was actually 3, but it really was not because of AE xp scalar constant C but then they changed (fixed) C to a different value. Possibly more than once and now they have modified the multiplier. Do you get it now?
  3. I had a great pic of Echo and the Bunnymen in that with a background that actually looked like Echo stadium arena arches. You are destroying artwork. How am I supposed to sell NFTs now?
  4. Another one of my threads headed to being locked! YES!!!
  5. The truth is Castle has been drinking a lot lately. Please give him the space he needs
  6. I want to thank the Dev team, support staff, and everyone working behind the scenes in the HC community to keep the ship afloat. And moving forward under steam!!! I think I have posted a thread that might have seemed negative if you looked at it in a certain light. Maybe even two! What i want to say is that it is noticed how much QUALITY work is being done on City of Villains...err heroes? City of X! (This is not to say I agree with all of the decisions....it is me after all) The steady output of top notch new content. Stepping up to the plate to do something for Sentinels (and that is a problem not of their making to try to step in and redesign....) The literally hundreds of other adjustments small and large. Thank you. Someday maybe you can come over to my castle for a pint of blood? *wrings hands and smiles innocently.
  7. I have made up my mind without even the need to ask. Saves steps.
  8. Well the team did not move my thread. They locked it. And I quote: "This thread isn't just a dumpster fire, it's like someone drove a fuel truck into the city dump and then shot a rocket at it. Either way, we're changing more stuff soon, so, sorry? Also, closing this thread. Not sorry." End quote.
  9. I may be wrong but the Sentinel upgrade looked...okay? Not OMFG I Gotsztah haz I have an Elec/Temp Blaster that will (obviously) outdamage any Sentinel. Played to it's strength it can easily out survive any Sentinel as well. Do not see that changing.
  10. Does this apply to Dark Armor stealthbpowers as well? Nvm i read it. Slightly useful….wait no not useful for Dark Armor. I was going to say to mule defense but the early morning fog cleared and i realized i do not build defenses on Dark. Overall a reasonable power alteration and completely weak sauce for most applications
  11. I had a roommate that worked as a copy editor for a newspaper. One of their co workers intentionally wrote odd headlines to get people to read the stories.
  12. I found the writing for the Dr Graves and Blueside version both equally buggy. They only work well if you know your part and do it robotically. (I rarely do....either) So I have encountered many variations of these types of glitches.
  13. I read that modern journalism really took off due to....Jack the Ripper! For the first time in history a good percentage of the populace could read (Victorian era Londoners) and they could not get enough stories about Jack. So the little broadsheets became very popular, along with their ads. Tabloid journalism launched it all.
  14. Damn you. I tried clicking on that three times before I got it. *shakes old vampire fist at comp screen!
  15. Modern journalism is circling the drain. Whatever happened to reporters like Olivia Starr? I just read a short article with the attention grabbing title "‘Star Wars’ fans left spooked as they realize a memorable Han Solo line didn’t actually happen" It was short, 5 paragraphs. NEVER mentioned the line. Makes you want to beat somebody to death with an Olympia.
  16. The only Japanese people I ever socialized with were at Dojos, and it was pretty casual while being strangely formal. The exception was a pal I had in my late teens. We hung out for almost two years together. He was a trouble maker from a good family....so they shipped him to America. We drank beer and did some street racing, and various strange substances as we found them. We were even stupid enough to drive to Compton to score weed. More than once. Basically I know almost nothing about the japanese culture. I asked him to teach me Japanese (we were in the same damn martial arts class) and he flatly refused. I believe what we might be seeing is pure greed disguised as "brand X nationalism" I think there is a lot of that in the world. When you are being a truly greedy shit a great way to distract people is wave a flag around.
  17. There is actually a ton of this stuff. Granted, a lot of it (Im looking at you Blueside) is very repetitive While i would personally love what you are talking about I know resources (time) is limited. Although if some of the AE content already written could be tidied up and could get assigned to a “real world” contact that would be awesome.
  18. People, enough with the hero worship. I know I am incredible. That is enough. Your adoration, while heartfelt, actually is a little repulsive to me. You come across as needy, and slightly unintelligent. Step up! Step the F off!
  19. All my posts are stupid. I hide NOTHING.
  20. It's an old pic of my set up. I finally hung the monitor on the wall and built a couple of desks to support the L shaped glass tops. Quite a bit more room now actually.
  21. If you people will not get back on point I swear I will turn this thread around and we'll go home!
  22. It's a little smaller than my setup...
  23. All I have are silly positions that are more or less designed to instigate discussion. Of late I have seen people I truly despise get their comeuppance in the me too era. Good riddance. Especially funny if they go broke or get prison time. I have seen people I truly think are remarkably talented seem to go a little off the rails. (John Cleese....Do you have a publicist? A PR person...get one!) I have seen people I really enjoy as performers just get knocked loopy. Bill Murray. Sigh. You gotta know I love this performer. Personally, while I think (and my opinion is valueless) that he has some boundary issues I still believe he is a good guy. A great guy even. i know from hanging out with Ukase that he is not misogynistic. There is a woman lawyer who is part of his regular weekly group! Anyone can think something in their head and have it come out wrong when they say it. In their head they know they mean no offense. I think this may have sounded a bit flat on the old music scale. If anyone here is always perfect now is the time to get those big rocks and start warming up.
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