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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. so many things do not count in AE....does death?
  2. I actually kept it the way it is. My "main" is a Dark/Dark Blaster. For theme, vamp. But the Ice/Ice/Cold is so much easier for me. In very tough environments (+4 ITF, TinPex etc) I follow a Brute or Tank in and let them be the meat shield. Old school style. In any regular difficulty this thing is bulletproof and freezes everything it sees, fast.
  3. i tried ice temp first, have to say the ice ice cold works slightly better (for me) the extra AoE slows are my go to and help keep those that survive the killer frost confused and slowed (and in the DoT)
  4. Vet levels do a few things. Most are ego stroking. They do tell another player how long you have played that character. Unless it is a farmer, which can crank vet levels in hours and might be crap to team with unless alt built. They net badges. ooooh shiny. Vet levels give a moderate amount of incarnate components. especially in the early vet levels. this dies off and finally stops at vet 99. So vet levels technically help you shift. but they count for squat. tier 3 your Alpha Incarnate. 1 vet shift....errr incarnate level shift 50+1 until you are exemped to 44, then you are...44 well, if you exemp to 48 i think you are still bounced down, but was mostly talking 45+ TFs tier 3 your Lore and Destiny. each of these is a separate +1 incarnate level. that ONLY count in Incarnate Trials. There is a temporary inspiration available from Luna in Ouro and through Auction House. It is expensive. it grants a very short +1 Incarnate level, which will stack on the others. This is useful in very hard incarnate trials. I regularly play with a league that uses them once a week to do Magisterium badge attempt Really Hard Way. The whole league is 50+4. It can go really brilliantly when the stars align, which they usually do. But the danged Inspiration is 30 incarnate threads...
  5. I have a decent ice ice cold. Thought i had put it up a couple months ago. I will again when i get back home
  6. Yeah. On brutes you pretty much need to drop toggles and wander up to a GM or enter a 4/8 And wander into a group. Otherwise it takes too long
  7. You need to learn about ED. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has a public service video for men with ED. Youtube - "Enhancement Drug" Enhancement Drug - SNL - YouTube
  8. Yeah I think it does. dusty memory THis is my new 4th July project. My alt account farmer. (Skulz on Excelsior) I had an alt acct SS/Fire farmer, but the danged rage crash screws my farming rhythm. (why the F would anyone spell a word that way....I have to look it up each time) So I made a Rad/Fire/Mu (which I have on my main account) I 50d it, transferred all my Emps to it. (191) Slotted in a Farm Build. Farmed until I had my first three Incarnates open. T3 alpha, started building others. Slotted a full TF alt build onto it. Ran some 50 stuff, a Mantis, a Tarikoss (this guy is a pure villain...at least for now) Now I am rolling into Accolades. Will work a bit more on Incarnate stuff after that. Been a good weekend.
  9. So I am trying to work on my debt badges (villain, specifically to get accolade) I have been killed on Monster Island. i have been killed in paper missions, etc. No debt accrues. O debt showing. What is going on? I did just run all bank missions for 1st time and have "Life Insurance" do i just delete this thing? deleted life insurance. still no debt. is it eating patrol exp? After 1 death monster island 2 death Grandville paper deleted Life Insurance 3 death GV paper....grrrr 4 death GV paper got badge, accolade. Danged this game can keep you guessing.
  10. You guys pay no attention to the lore it was derived from? All those drunk Scotsman have claimed for centuries to have seen Nessie on land....just sayin'
  11. I got up and did the back pack dance when I read this! Shame. Bad person. Shame. True villainy does not always involve tying Nel to the railroad tracks. It is the small things. Like getting the dogs to howl all night. Favorite vampire trick. Petty? Maybe, but darned effective.
  12. I solo every arc redside about once per year on a completionist toon. Stopping experience and doing every arc and side mission. Havent decided what to go with yet next run. Last run started in oct and ended in feb
  13. This is one of the main reasons I never solo Blueside. You cannot complete everything, or if you do it is a miracle and requires days of research. Redside. Stop Exp. Do all contacts. Sometimes have to open a contact. Blueside....start guessing.
  14. usually after a really big meal i need a bio
  15. Unplayable. ?!? No, they are not unplayable. I have a friend who is a much better player than me. Uses a Water Sentinel as a main. I got upbraided a bit for smack talking Sentinels to them But are Sentinels in a “fair” spot. The general consensus seems to be no, they have been shorted a bit. yes i have always gamed a bit as a “power gamer”. Why would you want a VW bug when you can have a Porsche. Both designed by same man. One is just better so, they are not unplayable. But i am going to take the Porsche
  16. I am actually moving on (again) to a rad/fire brute. For farming somewhat, but also for the sheer joy of crazed Point Blank damage madness. Two builds of course. Farm builds are sideways to TFs
  17. i am going to start putting my lazy comp to work while i write (or struggle with writers block more factually) the great american vampire novel. What is a good AFK farm for a Rd/fire brute? Thanks
  18. Fixing Opportunity to actually DO something. (and I mean a metric crapton more than it does now. like 'Domination' good. Way better than Scourge good. - technical descriptions perfect. heh.) That might be the only thing sentinels need. But 1) It would need to be a life changing fix. 2) it ain't happening 3) there is another thread for that. 4) addendum. if the do 'fix' the Sentinel inherent.....it will be an anemic passover. Like getting a 700 lb diabetic to give up 100 calories a day. then be like 'you gotta start somewhere'
  19. THere are things that affect the damage that are 'hidden'. 1) Blasters almost always have TWO buildup powers. 2) Blasters have a ton more targets they can hit with an AoE (more damage by far) 3) Blasters are focused on one thing in their builds. Damage first. Sentinels have to at least take a small effort to enhance survivability. 4) The Sentinel damage scalar is less than a Blaster. 5) Sentinels range sucks. (Yes, that limits the amount of damage they can do.) These are just the reasons I can think of while sipping my 1st cup of coffee. I do not do in depth DPS analysis. Not for less that $30 an hour. and I am rusty, you'd be paying for knocking rust off my calculus. 🙂
  20. i was planning on killing 1000 Longbow.
  21. that is exactly what i was looking for. thank you thanks to everyone for their input!
  22. There are a number of ice powered supers who form an ice alide underneath their feet and “fly” using this mode of transport do we have a way to emulate that in game? side note. Are there alternate non sword animations for ice sword and greater ice sword? ( i hate disappearing weapons)
  23. I do not like farming. I do have a rd/fire brute and a ss/fire brute for farming. I much prefer the rad/fire as i do not feel the need to time myself to the rage crash
  24. I’m horrid at names. You are right of course. fire armor would be more appropriate but willPower would be more effective. Thrown on a red/orange unitard with that glow skin (forget the name, of course) and then add a fire aura. Done
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