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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. *facepalm the Blaster i was on is T4d across the board Incarnate, i/o’d with Purples everywhere, as well as a ton of other good stuff. He has all his accolades. Unfortunately I do not have the skill necessary to solo a TinPex on a Blaster. So without a team i avoid them
  2. You have chosen poorly
  3. i was flabbergasted. Finally I was like "You are going into that room eventually" Which got me a couple props for my name in team chat. *pats self on back.
  4. I am rolling two squishies right now. Dark/Dark Blaster and Dark/Dark Corruptor. The Corruptor is by far the more interesting. It has grand debuffs, soft controls (fear and stun, tar patch), team heals, good damage. Still I prefer the raw damage of Blaster. Dark/Dark Blaster is harder to run, but does significantly more damage. It is happiest very close to the action where it can bop in to charge up Soul Drain and use T9 Nuke. This adds a couple seconds to the Nuke Phase where you can get taken the F out. But when it works....OMFG. It is nice. A saturated Soul Drain is a Happy Happy thing. Then you bop out to 30-50 range and either ST chain the baddie or drop into 4 cones (Dark/Dark/Soul) for a withering AoE torrent that does not stop.
  5. Without going full rainbow. (No offense to the Captain Fabulous icon your are rockin') a very simple solution is to choose Bright Invulnerability with White/White. This creates a Shiny Invulnerability set worthy of the noblest Paladin. Blech.
  6. You joined during the only technical hiccup I can recall on Homecoming. So what I am saying is you brought the bad luck with you! Still, even though you bring us a curse, we welcome you. That is what villains do. If you are social there are some very serious, ranging to very casual, SGs to be found. The message boards for individual servers are a great place to look for that. I played for about half the life of CoX live. I can say that Homecoming has the best of the CoX experience from there. It also has some of the hilarity of one of the big servers with crazy stuff happening. I play on Excelsior and to me, it seems, there is a rather steady influx of newer players who seem amazed you can do simple things like pull the AV from DFB off the bridge to the tunnel and get the badge 3x easier. To me this indicates they have not seen a lot of the tricks veterans use to get stuff done. I am a "B" grade player copying off "A" students papers. Still, it amazes me when no one seems to know these tricks. Have fun and enjoy yourself. You will find the game is very solid under the current management. There are the big QoL improvements you have noticed. there is also a fair amount of tweaking powersets and even ATs to unscrew some of the original DEV teams peculiar building choices.
  7. yes, i stayed through the 2nd TF. I really try not to leave crap I join. Plus, one part of me had already decided to write about this lol. I was honestly amazed the two AVs and the two giant bots at the end of the second dropped pretty fast. Only 2 deaths there I think. One was me. Sigh. It was a rough night.
  8. the add was for the second TF of the tin pex
  9. PUGs hurt, PUGs scars PUGs wounds and marks Any heart Not tough or strong enough To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain PUGs are like a cloud Holds a lot of rain PUGs hurt Ooh, ooh PUGs hurt Joined a TinPex. It was a rough start. Not real fast. I'm on a Blaster. We got a Tank. i immediately put a waypoint on them so I know my safe zone. They are not really heading deep into the mix very fast though. I take one death clearing robots. We get to the tunnels. Head into the first Pylon room. Crowd of tentacles. No Tank. After a long minute I am like "Where is the Tank?" "Clearing the mess you left" Aw shit. The Tank is running it as a kill all/kill most. sigh. okay. Quite a few deaths racked up before we even clear the first two pylons. Turns out the organizer (a stalker) did not have their Alpha slotted. Someone quit. We ran that as 7, finished. It was not pretty. i will give the Tank this, they did a dam fine job with Battle Maiden. Stubborn that Tank. We recruited an 8th and finished the seciond half. It was real similar to the first half. We got through it. Ooh, ooh PUGs hurt....
  10. Best wishes on your new endeavor. If it doesnt work out you can always join me on my backup backup plan. Creative Diamond reacquisitions
  11. Lol. That was actually part of my motivation. I started thinking of the words and time i put in on the boards and was like....if you put that into the book...and so far 500 a day feels easy. I will keep this goal for a week or two and see if i want to increase the minimum per day
  12. I have started writing again. My goal is 500+ words a day. Which is not huge until you realize I have been writing 0 words a day and thinking i am "working on" a book. Putting all those ideas to paper is generating more ideas....and actually writing lol. How about you?
  13. now i want to see a granite race. sort of. yawnfest. but definitely just to be able to say "i have seen a granite race" is there a badge for that?
  14. I do not make character notes much. And always forget to look to see if someone has a note. But if you invite me to a Khan then insist on running it at +4 you will get such a note. Stupid is not the word. It is not stupid enough.
  15. I have a Dark/Dark I ran for quite a while as a main. I like the Dark/Dark because Dark Melee stacks more to hit debuffs and the End Rec power can be very welcome. Also, great build up buff.
  16. It would during some of the incarnate trial cutscenes...
  17. Well, just like being a mass murderer everyone starts trying to get that first one. The only AV I have even tried to solo was the first tree of thorns respec AV some months ago. at +0 I was able to accomplish this. I did use envenomed daggers and a lot of temp pets. I was going for the badge not the bragging rights. I still owe the original Positron EB at the end an ass whooping. Everyone abandoned the TF and left my poor Energy Blaster alone. I still have horrid memories.
  18. well. what you do is find an AV. Then, you attack it. successfully killing it hopefully. m'kay?
  19. I am Snarky enough without additives
  20. Wait? Didnt we already cover Sentinels do crap damage in the flame war section of this thread? Damn i hate the circular nature of these conversations
  21. This is a horrid deviation from the current state of affairs to perform a “fix” for a relatively new AT that has not received a tuning. Why would you change the entire “normal” for everyone to “possibly” find the “perfect fix” for this situation. Nurse Ratchet, bring me my mallet, I must anesthetize the patient!!
  22. So many things in this game are all or nothing. If your try to turn Sentinels into a class with agro management powers.... in my opinion you are adding complexity and mediocrity instead of simplifying and adding excellence.
  23. I did not start this thread because I dislike Sentinels. No, not even close. I love the concept of Sentinels. i ran Brutes for years rather than Blasters because I prefer toughness to outright damage. Having said that. (and without data mining DPS calculations until I could write a college research paper on it.) Sentinel get seriously shorted on the doing damage end. As a AT with a secondary armor set the most logical comparisons to doing damage would be Tanks, Brutes, Scrappers, Stalkers. Based on health, resistance caps and other factors you might logically assume their damage fell somewhere between Brutes and Scrappers. You would be wrong. Very very wrong. One strange but simple fix (which might be impossible) is to make every Sentinel attack ranged, nukes and all. This game deals out far less damage at range than it does at melee and that would provide a very different way to balance the AT. Yes, you do far less damage than a Scrapper. But you can sit at 80 range and pour out non stop damage in a Really Hard Way attempt (or other combat) and therefore have very consistent damage potential to bring to the team. A slight bump in the damage Scalar (which I have argued previously would not be enough) in combination with this change would (in my eyes) balance the AT and create something unique. and playable. There are many possible tweaks to the AT but the point of the thread is that it is long past time to go from saying "something should be done" to "doing something"
  24. okay. i am ready. now.
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