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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. AAAAAGH. Shows 3 servers up....then hangs........nerd rage
  2. and why can't we get Mr Incredible's version of Super Strength? Does he have 'rage crashes?" No! No he doesnt.... wrong thread.
  3. I'd kill to play a Sentinel right now. Give me the game back lol. Even thought of one. A theme actually, would love to see (be part of) an army of space marines. Beam Rifle Invulnerability with very similar costumes....
  4. I would be gone if you typed “ride” reading it as a question rather than a statement. I also dont know why i would assume that
  5. I have a decent first chapter on a vampire story about my main. I am not bad at origin stories. Longer plot lines are seriously more challenging for me. I need to losten to people like Neil Gaimen and just write. Then fix everything in the rewrite and act like i planned it all lol
  6. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Teleport. lol. Practice, practice, practice. Most of us have this crap memorized. We also use tens of millions of inf of P2W perma powers on each new alt. Mission TP, Team TP, Base TP, flight powers, etc. Say you go on a Posi 1, 2, or Synapse with me. I PUG these regularly. I know exactly which missions will be in which zones and what general (sometimes specific) area off the map they will be in. As the last mission is finishing up I am in the process of choosing the best option to vget to the next while reserving long cooldown TP for the hardest to get to missions in the TF. AND I am a "B" class player in terms of speed. On a hot team I am usually the last or next to last player to get there. (I use FLY on everything, part of the issue.) People are just insanely practiced at this game now. On TFs I do not have memorized I am an average to above average player at getting there fast. Compared to live we are shaving big minutes off each mission start on every Task Force and random door Team run. That is new new normal. Do not beat yourself up. Do what works for you. Oh, and if someone says TT hang out. Theres your ticket.
  7. as far as regular activities in my life i work 40 hours+ a week usually. (12 yesterday) lift 3 times a week (put a squat rack and bench in my place) and play CoH. i should write and practice guitar. rarely I do. Now I am down to working and working out. There is way too much work in that balance lol. Too early to be this dramatic?
  8. Crap. I may need to actually start writing on my novel. Cruel cruel world.
  9. Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone 'Neath the halo of a street lamp I turned my collar to the cold and damp When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light That split the night And touched the sound of silence And in the naked light, I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never share And no one dared Disturb the sound of silence "Fools", said I, "You do not know Silence like a cancer grows Hear my words that I might teach you Take my arms that I might reach you" But my words, like silent raindrops fell And echoed In the wells of silence And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls And tenement halls" And whispered in the sound of silence
  10. I want to thank Oklahoman and Confusion (may not be exact spelling, but you folks know who I mean) These two lead serious Incarnate Trials and they do it with complete PUG crews. They are both patient and accepting. THey will accept anyone who qualifies for the trial, no matter that others have all sort of requirement for the same trials. Thank you both.
  11. I think a Positron pool for AoE attacks. A lot of energy. All Ball attacks. Positron's Balls. Every Hero will want them.
  12. There are so many examples of player excellence on Homecoming. Including Free Farms from generous farmers lol. Thankfully I PL myself on an alt account now. Those with a comp (or two) that can handle the situation should set themselves up as well. So much faster than being in a 8 person farm team. Yomo's Whizbang giveaway. The giveaway for hide and seek by Krow and fun spirited and generous types like yourself. The costume contests. The guides to inf making and character building. THe PUG team I joined that did a LRSF in an amazingly short time yesterday lol. We have seriously quality players all over the place, Thank you all for being in the Homecoming community.
  13. I have PUGd the Synapse many many times. I know the pain of ending up on a team of half invested clueless mouth breathers. Hmmm. That may have come out harsh seriously though, on a long workday i sometimes calculate how much j have left to do by how many Synapses i have left or partial Synapse. I have run this a bit on a PUG Synapse you get what you get I do not like to recruit and i do not like to discriminate. That horrid player might be some 11 year old and this is their first week in the game. Cannot always be true which means we got some real schlubs out there but you take what you get and you get the badge. In truth having all the toys saves maybe ten-fifteen minutes. Okay with stealth and ATT that can get closer to 30 if the other option is the team bumbling through a giant map like low motivation zombies unsure where the brains are kept. Some teams got a lot of Homers. But if get a team with a few Hawkings and roll the small maps you can be done in under an hour easy the Homers make for better gripe sessions on the boards
  14. i never asked you to do a damn thing.
  15. Yeah. Arcanatime is not thrown out as an insult. It is THE GOLD STANDARD of accuracy. Which I have specifically said I WILL NOT be micro delving into DPS rotations. I did say look at Energy Blast. Evidently you did. Then clearly posted numbers showing the first volley of Sentinels out damage Blasters. Then you seemed upset that I quoted you said that. Since you are delving into DPS it would be helpful, if in context, you add in the whole AT including multiple aim and build up. You do not have to. You do not have to drive between the lines on freeways. Do what you want. But I will be pointing out the things you leave off. "Look at Energy Blast" does not mean "Cherry pick an un boosted attack chain without including DPS rotations etc and then drawing a conclusion" But again, do what you want. Lick frozen light poles for all I care. Run a Sentinel and claim it is whatever you want. Just do not expect me to be going along with your reality. No matter how many cartoons you post.
  16. That explains why the Sentinel does better. (Which I guessed would be the case at higher difficulty)
  17. think you're in the wrong thread. possibly the wrong game. Scrappers do not get Super Strength.
  18. THat is the real context. I will also take you at your word straight up that your Sentinel out damages your Blaster. i know you are a very good player. So I now have a new data point. For solo play with a good player a Sentinel clears faster than a Blaster. (I am assuming +0/x1, although at higher values it might even favor the Sentinel more) Things left out of the thread I "took out of context" is the larger context. The extra build up on a Blaster. The secondary sets leaning into damage more than survival. I do not play Defenders. The 'data points' I have about Defenders out damaging Sentinels come from people I trust. Much like I took your statement at face value. Some folks have earned cred. I am sure this has to do with all of a Defenders suite of abilities. Lately I have started playing a Corruptor. I switch back and forth between my Dark/Dark/Soul Blaster and Dark^3 Corruptor regularly now. The Blaster, if he can stay on the edge will clean the meat off the bones of spawns. But once things get nasty the Corruptor (in my opinion) is way better at helping a team clean through. Therefore I say the Corruptor helps the teams damage more than the Blaster in those situations. To me a Sentinel brings little to a team or league. Out of context or not that ST attack chain says very little. It does not include a DPS breakdown or available build ups shown in the rotation. A Scrapper does more work by far in my opinion. A Defender changes the playing field. So I will agree a Sentinel out damages a Blaster in solo play, due to all of the "context" of missions. But if I was going to solo Redside again there is a 90% chance I will be on yet another Brute. Not even gonna say it. We all know how silly a comparison would be here. A Brute also brings serious agro control to a team, even my patented no taunt builds. Which helps a team....do more damage. Because then the Blaster is much less worried about Mez and faceplanting
  19. I get that part Bill. And circus atmosphere aside, Rabbit Season/Duck season is only funny for so long. What the H is he saying? It seems he is massively disagreeing with me when I state Sentinels do crap damage. I posit (and i am not bringing out Arcanatime DPS spreadsheets) that Sentinels are out damaged by Defenders. He seems to massively disagree with this, posts some numbers (without including a DPS rotation or analyzation, just "numbers") that state clearly that a Sentinels first ST volley does more than a Blasters. I quote that, respond with amazement, and get slammed for "taking it out of context" What the F context? Someone massively disagrees with my characterization of Sentinelsd being low damage and posts an example of the ST outpacing Blasters. What the F did I miss?
  20. so that is not saying Sentinel do more damage than blasters? interesting. go on...
  21. i was way wrong. you are saying Sentinels outdamage Blasters. okay then.
  22. sure, lets give some 80% 83% 85% uptime. good thinking.
  23. i think all powersets should only be available 90% time. Should make incarnate trials more challenging.
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