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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Nice info Sinister. So it does work well as long as you are willing to work the gears like a Goblin snorting Superadine lol i am used to invulnerability. Which performed well for me for years on SOs and now... fughedaboutit. No literally don’t even think about it. Would almost respec out of Dull Pain because i never use it. Except for low level stuff. If anything does get through. MoM trial or Hami then Dull Pain may dull it but gou are still dying. Say hi to my little floor patch
  2. Originally Brutes were designed as Redside Scrappers. Sooooo No Believe it ir not the Devs thought MMs in Bodyguard mode would be Redside Tanks The players immediately ghetto Tanked with Brutes for speed and the game evolved But the argument stands. Regen on Brutes was not a nod to Regens ability to withstand an Alpha and hold agro. Also a good example of why taking the Devs actions as “The Word of How Things Should Be” is not a great idea We all know Regen for Tanking is a iffy idea at best in perfect situations. Try rolling ANY Regen with best i/O build and farming with it. At best you will struggle and get through. The increase in health on a Tank will help Regen but not enough to solve the problem it faces in trying to withstand constant pressure
  3. As has been pointed out this is horrid on a Tank. Regen mechanics only work if you get a breather. Being able to step away for 5-10 seconds resets your entire defensive structure. You cannot do this on a Tank and your team will suffer.
  4. Redside Invader is only easy if you dual box and have a 50 with Heroslayer? Badge to open up the contact for bank missions. Otherwise it is more of a pita than Blueside. Because you have to get your bank mission every 5 levels (not on levels divisible by 5 because that can get you wrong bank) and not miss one You can fly past one fast and since Redside is slow getting someone who is formkng a team to get your bank is... its not unicorn searching but it aint hunting skulz either
  5. Go Hunt Kill Skulz. So glad to have my world back Nemesis plots. Lmfao ouroboros and Dr Aeon and that Doctor (weber?) who allow the plot to twist around itself and us to run any content at any level over and over again with a (logical?) backdrop lot to love. These are some of my favs
  6. A lot of my characters i write to fit CoH/V. For instance the character i used for this project is a zombie who woke in a lab that was a battleground between CoT Vahzilok and DrAeons forces. He has memory issues regarding his past and comprehension issues on what is going on. Although he is not stupid (we all wonder what is going on between paradoxes, nemesis, secret plots, etc) this gives me the creative leeway to let him take any mission at face value. Faction wise he is a Rogue who gravitates to Burke’s philosophy
  7. I can stir the pot lol. But personally i jusr remembered from before the snap to get a Clarion. With enough League members dropping them in a semi coordinated fashion things go smooth. The one time i was forced to lead a Underground ( the leaser quit) i gave very strict instructions to the people with clarions. Timed out when to drop them recycle. Took a while in char. Then we dropped the final room in like 30 seconds. But i had the tanks and Brutes organized on where to face the beast etc. (i had just read a looong guide on the forums and none of the strategy was my own) But i have not run one since return. I do have a clarion t4 backup on my main in case and on my new 50 i will eventually get one as well.
  8. I just liked the plot twist at the end where .... okay i aint gonna give it away. There were a lot of things messed up with the arc but that plot twist made it worth it for me
  9. For me Kalinda and Burke (do both!) set the tone for the entire Redside. They spell it out clear as day and work you through a couple examples in missions. Kalinda “be loyal but be careful and be prepared for treachery” Burke “give a nod to loyalty and start stuffing as much as you can in your bag. Screw Arachnos” the Radio in Port Oakes is a long arc but worth it. Not all of the missions are straightforward or easy but it really has fun And puts your character at the center the new content from Graves is good. It is not easy though compared to older content Cap Au Diable i would recommend doing the Arachnos agents missions. Mostly for flavor. You are an outside operative and it is well written to that angle so Marshall Brass. Shelly Percy is mad scientist odd with deep connections to lore as well Archnage Tarixus on Sharkhead. Lore again. I love lore All of Sharkhead does a good job touching on lore but Tarixus goes deeper Nerva is fun. Loooong. Most of the contacts either go for lore angles or good old fashioned drama. Those are so much more fun than “kill all in cave” “kill all in office”. Sometimes you get those but they are story driven at least the Slot Machine on St Martial. Okay you have to have a soft heart a bit because you get a little heroic at the end. I love how they wrapped up the line and it is only 6 missions thats what i have liked best so far a d last update too lol. I screwed up and missed a contact i found out in Ouro. Should have looked there on my 50 sigh. But i was getting antsy to 59 this badger. And i just did. Even now i am about to head to ouro to incarnate him i will run this again later this year. Maybe on a stalker?!? (I never run stalkers lol). Or maybe be smart and get a character that can kill stuff fast. There an idea lol
  10. Yeah it is a luxury Hyperstrike. I am looking at using the Leadership toggles and higher resist values on the tank. As well as maybe more energy def? Then on the solo dropping that in favor of just s/l Def softcap and more damage and maybe only manuevers toggle and the accuracy power from Physical epic. it is expensive but since this is my badger i will have that second heavy heavy build to drop into Also on teams i can stop chasing damage as much and go back to old school herding and battle planning which is fun for me only because i plan to run this thing so much in the next year am i doing it. That and i have the inf lol i am using your builds and guides as the basis for all my Invul. I have those downloaded and saved. Thank you for doing that for the boards. Nice work
  11. As i slow level and near 50 on my story arc badger Tank i realized i want to have two active builds on it. I have the funds and i want it. So it is going to happen the first build is my solo build. It will be the one i do ouro and story arcs with. The second will be my team build. It will have slightly different powers. The i/o sets will throw damage dealing out the window and layer up for as much punishment as the build can support.
  12. Snarky

    Energy melee:invul

    Lol. I am having so much fun with it. Just simple fast no complications bruting. I ran a pretty tough elec/elec scrapper back in the day. Never loved the set
  13. Update on solo all Redside campaign This is on a Tank. Invulnerability/ Dark Melee parameters are Rogue. Badging locations Blue and Red (so far but will start Gold soon) and doing Blue TFs for badges as well. Doing all story arcs and side missions (completing each contact until they just want me to go away) This will also be my Badger so setting up for that As I round level 34 to 35 I am like crap I have a lot to do still lol. Glad they added content. Does not make it easier to do this. Also just finding contacts and ensuring everything is getting done is not smooth. Had to autocomplete one mission in this block. I did the mission. A kill all in a cave complex hunting Ritki. Pretty big mission. Lots of alternate routes. Pancake room. NIghtmare. Went through the whole place 3-4 times never found the wanderer. Never got red dots so report card. 86 Souvenirs, 506 Badges, 1491 Merits. I have also transferred over 132 Emp Merits for the off chance this actually gets to 50. No seriously i was alting a lot but am starting to warm back up to grinding this out ASAP. I want to fully build out two high end builds. One for Solo and one for Tanking for Teams. Have two Accolade Powers now Invader and Demonic Aura Ground hard on it this last week and am hoping to keep that up in February. Maybe even knock most of this out by the beginning if March and start level 50 earning
  14. Snarky


    Accepting advice i switched to Dark/Psi anyone have a gnarly pimped purpled winterized proc’d and ATO this one goes to TWELVE Dark/Psi Permadom build laying around? thanks
  15. Snarky


    I almost made this post a question about dark/psi vs mind psi. Advise accepted. Will repost thanks
  16. Snarky


    I ran a Grav/Nrg Dom for a whole. But i am a min max builder and the thing is odd and clunky. As pointed out many times Grav is just not a great fit on Doms. i have been poking around looking for builds and info on the boards. I have found some interesting info but nothing that felt right Does anyone have a “this one goes to 11” winterized purpled and ATO mind/psi build? Would really appreciate it. Doms and Blasters were where i chased unicorns back on live and never caught what i was looking for
  17. I have never seen it done. I am 99% sure it is impossible. You are basically in a mission and those rules apply. You cannot run a league on a mission. .
  18. ...wasnt this what i was Snarking about when we started? You are nit duck season rabbit season in me! Although looking at it after i tirr 4 something else that might be the only option. What a waste
  19. Yes just commons. But a lot of them because 4 badges
  20. Yes Emps i have a use for. Even though i rarely run 50 content i sent a ton over to my story arc toon (34 and climbing to 39 this weekend!) but the rest of it i look at and see waste. Because it cannot be converted transformed or otherwise recycled into something beneficial. All 104 T4s notwithstanding.
  21. I was in game last night and a friend. Lets call him Mike told me it was bugged and nerfed hard so there you go
  22. I have studied a little art. Last time i said that someone said i told everyone i was an Art Degreed expert. I am not. But i have looked around that area of a couple college campuses and wandered through a few museums so. ALL ART IS DERIVATIVE. In some cultures In human history if you dont copy enough or not closely enough you are denigrated as useless and handed a shovel to go do other work. You could write Doctoral Theses on where the Hulk or Captain America or Batman have derived from the beginnings of recorded human expression to their current incarnations we have a very robust character generator. But it some ways it is like the fast food restuarant that says there are 10 million possible variations to what they make. Maybe. But in the end it is a hamburger or a burrito bub. i highly encourage everyone to express themselves fully in CoH/V But do not get down on yourselves (or others) if what you make ends up a lot like something the Greeks or Vikings or Marvel or DC or Whitwolf has put out before. If you find yourself being chased by representatives of the corporations or cultists of the nearly forgotten gods take it as a compliment. It is not really art until people react to it. Also RUN
  23. I was just about to type this out. Lol. But yeah if you run 50s. I currently do not but have a Badger coming up that i will be doing a lot on. Then you have zero zip nada no cash worries. My problem in this game is the character creator and altitis. I spend most of my time on below 30 toons that eat money not make money
  24. I love the kind of in depth knowledge you get here. Some of you geeks have seriously long fangs. For now my ‘Badger’ which is nothing compared to most hardcore badgehounds will concentrate on the badges that exist. Placeholders will have to wait lol
  25. Every attack say things like high damage medium damage minor damage. A blasters medium damage may do more damage than a Brutes high Damage. (Not crunching numbers here. Rough example). As was posted above this is due to Damage Multiplier ir Scalar for each AT. Then a Blaster also has access to more of the bigger damaging attacks almost always. Because that is ALL they do. Everything else is secondary at best. Brutes do great damage (not spectacular) but can also Tank.
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