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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. About a month ago i had the same complaint. The difference now is night and day. Yet i still have no fire farmer and alt as much as ever. to make it simple: craft enhancers. run content. Tinpex gets 80 merits and 2 emps or random incarnate stuff. Weeklies give easy merits. Run content on your character. I get PVP and Purple drops pretty regular take the merits change them to enhancement converters. Buy cheap level 30 recipes. Craft 20-70. Start converting them until you have heals, res, def, end mod sets. Convert those to specific sets that sell well or have procs globals. Convert within set to get desired enhancer. Sell enhancer. Merits—-> process—->cash just running 50 content with a big team also earns well. See a 50 team running in PI. Ads it will take anyone. Go be part of the muscle. You will earn and help community. And maybe get a purple drop. But TFs are king. ITF LGTF LRSF etc. weeklies. Anything that earns merits earns good cash
  2. Help me understand this set please. A fee things; I found a character i like this set on. Thus is not in any AT section because i want input on the set not the AT. There is more traffic here and therefore a better shot at getting answers soooo. How does the boost power work on this set? my experience; i’ve been playing this on a Brute but Friday night i started a Tank and now i have an incarnate 50 with this set. My observations; on a Tank i am spamming Taunt and using the two AoE as the bulk of my work. I ran a bunch if TF on it and unless i was on a Elite Boss or AV this was the bulk of my work. After hours working with it i finally got into a rhythm of hitting the buff, hitting one or two quick attacks to build up a bit then launching the AoEs on an AV i go into single target mode. I hit the buff do some quick attacks then the big attacks Kinetic Melee is very odd. It has a ranged mode. This is short range (30-40) but it is definitely playable at that range. Which means the buff is not available because that is fed by melee attacks (right???). This works really well for the Mage Tank i rolled both conceptually visually and playstyle wise. My only issue is knockback. I crammed the build with sets and left no room for KB—>>KD procs. In fact until i did my level 50 respec i had a proc in the PBAoE that had a KB chance. When that hit they went flying. If i buffed up and gained a couple stacks in the Kinetic buff then hit the AoE and it proc’d? Fughedaboutit. They sailed like Atlas Park hellions hit by a Judgement power. I respec’d out of that and It seems less of a problem now. The cone still does knockback. I actually like that as it can be useful if you take the time to “forcefully herd” the enemies. It can be a pain for your ST melee teammates. The key is using it smartly any advice on this set, breakdown of using the powers and especially a better explanation of the buff power would be appreciated thanks is there a guide somewhere? Just thought about that but already tyoed all this out so j am posting it lol thanks
  3. Snarky


    Well that is where my problem came in. I wasnt following the tank. I was predicting where the tank would be in a minute (inv brute surv time at that level) and jumping in there to grab agro. And i was wrong lol
  4. Snarky


    Yeah. That was a rough Posi 1. Group kept splitting. I liked the lead Tank (pmsavenger) but i didnt realize she was clearing everything until we were 90% done with TF and i had died 3 times lol. I was like. “Why is no one at the next group, we always do this group next?!?” Sigh. I really suck at this game lol
  5. I’ve never had a Badger. Started one about two months ago and am slow leveling them while badging almost all Red and some Blue. At 34 and a little iver 500 badges
  6. Okay standard old school slotting is attacks 1 accuracy 2 damage 2 recharge 2 end reduction. If you do not have enough slots chop from the back. So if you only had room for 3 it would be acc dam dam. armors get two armor enh 2 end reduction. Same chopping. you should really look at putting some invention enhancers on. The first is the Performance shifter +endurance proc in the Stamina power. If you are having end issues that still gives you the ability to slot 2 regular End Mod enhancers in there you should really look at the Paragon Wiki section on Enhancement Diversification. Basically the third enhancer of the same type in any power does less good. The fourth almost nothing. good luck
  7. Snarky


    I got a new 50! This is actually rare for me these days. I alt a lot so after mid 30s I am already turning over new ideas This concept was the dovetailing of a number of events and discoveries. Firstly the Tanker changes with larger AoE. So shouldnt i make an AoE tank? I have been running a weird little robot using Kin Melee on a Brute. The arm motions are odd but the toon is so ridiculous it fits. I thought maybe that would be good to experiment with. Okay so the arm motions which evidently come from Tai Chi and look pretty wizardy. Tank Mage? I read that somewhere. Okay. CoT costume with Ascension glowy gloves and boots and flaming backpack. Skull for a head. Backstory some spirit summoned by CoT that was like gtfo and left. Name? Snark Snark Snark. Hmmm. Snarkanus! Looked at what i typed. No. That is not going to work. Internet research 1 min. Snarkanum! That was so close and into the city. Hero side for DFB. Got a tell at 1st level you need PL? Uh. Sure?!? (This is rare for me. Not unheard of but i am not part of farmer community). So two hours later 33. While being PL’d i download Hyperstrike Invul blank template and fill in KM as secondary. Tank ATOs, one set Winter and 3 Purple sets seem to be where i want to go. this was all Friday night. Saturday Morning i get up Start slotting and buying. Most is in base except i spend all my Synapse TF endless week money onPurple sets. i run Posi 1,2, Synapse, Yin, Citadel, Manticore and one other i think Croatoa TF. Level 42. And liking it. It looks and feels like the Tank Mage i was going for. Uh. No room for KB to KD procs. Well. Its concept. Still sucks but oh well. I avoid cone on bridge with Dr Vahz and stuff like that i seriously get another tell from same farmer. (I am being stalked? Must be winning personality). I am 50d. Saturday night ends i get up Sunday respec into purples. (Was using kinetic Melee as placeholders appropriately enough) go through ouro incarnate mission. Run an ITF run some PI stuff Do a summer BB. (Perfect run and i do one only on e every 3 months) Alpha slot tier 3. Tier 1 in next two slots then i alted to a brand new Energy/Invul Brute for the rest if Sunday. Because. More characters!!!
  8. I play SS. It is in my main. I have played it a lot going all the way back to my first character. So. Rage crash is annoying. Here is what you do: pull up the character info. All the data with resists defenses health damage bonus etc. click on monitor damage bonus. Slap that somewhere near where you monitor your attack powers keep a weather eye in the damage bonus. It will hit the floor for a few seconds every two minutes. Oh no! I will die! Forfend, wither and what shall we do? first take a deep breath. Okay if you do it yoga style your damage is back to normal continue playing. But youre not gonna do that are you? sooooo. Combine inspirations. Maybe pop one or three. Delete the ones that are useless use Sands of Mu or Blackwand/Nemesis staff. They are not subject to damage bonuses. They work fine. at incarnate level use your Judgement power. Not subject to damage bonuses. Works fine look around and see what your idiot teammates are up to. You think you know but you been crazy busy. What are they really doing? reposition your character. This is a great time to taunt if you are a tank. Change the battlefield bu controlling your enemies. use a power that does not do damage. I run a lot of Rogues and so use the PBAoE confuse power here. It’s fun, helps you clear content faster, and increases Your survivability Think of all the reasons Snarky annoys you. Like lecturing you and calling you a whiny baby for losing out on a few seconds damage on one of the most powerful sets in the game for melee okay. Get back to fighting now. Go on. Keep an eye on that damage bonus
  9. I am running a concept toon and Energy Melee fits it well. I actually like it which helps i am using the base invul build with blank attacks from Hyperstrike. Then added some Brute ATOs and 2 winter sets. I got Energy Res to 55%. To me the build looks sloppy still i use P2W jetpack for travel i took energy mastery both END powers, AoE cone and ACC (that got a Reticle in it) it’s not a horrid build. Probably just new builders jitters lol. On to the main topic; Energy Melee. I did not take the first power, or Taunt but grabbed the rest. Pretty standard Brute stuff. The set looks damn straightforward to the point of boring after playing SS, KM and DM. Just hit things or place the AoE and choose when do i hit build up. Which is kind if a nice break after SS and forced time outs, KM and its really odd attack chains, diff for range, melee, groups, and bosses. And of course DM which is always about planning
  10. I ran ss/invul brutes and invul/ss tanks on SOs when i first started back on live. If you carry some blues you will find the sets are already monster strong by then on SOs.
  11. I just leveled and am starting to incarnate a invul/ kin melee tank. I am shocked by the good AoE and (gasp) range. The KM animations are....unusual. The buff power is mostly useful against tough bosses due to the building up aspect. I created him as a Magic Tank Mage and that is literally what he turned out to be crazy spell casting and all. Generous AoE no doubt about that
  12. Isn’t this the hyperbolic chamber? Orchestra?
  13. Snarky

    Dark Armor Tank

    I run a lot of Dark Melee. Much like Super Strength ( in a very different way ) it is already a very strong set. It provides a swiss pocket knife for helping your build play well while still doing top not h ST damage. The changes to Tankers, honestly, are not well tailored to benefit Dark Melee. However, any benefit to Dark Melee makes a very good to great set (depending on playstyle and enhancers) a Great to Incredible set. As we all know moving the dial up once you near the top is not easy. This change gives more Damage Buffs easier to hit End replenishment, makes Shadow Maul marginally more useful (and i have learned to like the unchanged version) so, no, the Tanker changes were not spectacular for Dark Melee. But when you are already flying a little tailwind is just fun
  14. Snarky

    Dark Armor Tank

    I have a 50 Dark/Dark Brute i shelved with no I/O. I am sort of unsure how to i/o it. Since i get distracted about as easy as a kitten in a room of laser pointers i started thinking about the Tank changes and whether i should do the concept as a Dark/Dark Tank my questions for you good (and villainous) Tankers has to do with the strange Dark powers that semi-stealth the character. I really like the entire Dark Armor set. Does this not work well on Tanks and does it interfere with Tanking? any ither thoughts in tanking on dark i may need to look out for. oh and lastly does anyone have a real upscale dark/dark build. Pure resist. I dont trust Def on this as it evaporates. Or a Brute, i may end up there lol
  15. I joined a Posi 1 yesterday led by a returning player. Yeah! Yes i kicked them some inf. Welcome Home they were level 10. I politely reminded everyone about the need for a level 15 leader or the Doc Buzz hatefest issue occurs. He threw the star to a 22. Who had their level at +1. The first mission was tough. They were like should we keep it for the rest of TF.? I am on a future fire farmer Brute and have just burned through every medium insp i had stocked to stay upright We set to +0 and continued. It went okay until the last mission. 2 peeps jumped up by city hall doors. Two team wipes. One person quit. Then we finished. Time 59 minutes. This is more or less an average Posi. There are a few 40 min runs but not enough to say that is regular. The three TF i do most are posi 1 2 and Synapse. I generally am throwing i/o on my Brutes from the go and know content. But the teams generally struggle with anything more than +0
  16. I dont love speed runs. I like to get stuff done. Did a posi 1 and 2 tonight. They were both a little rough honestly and we wiped hard at the end of posi1. 2 peeps ran to the door while we were clearing. After 2 team wipes and one quit we got it completed. I will not quit a regular (speed?) run no natter how ugly it gets. But i prefer a regular run not a difficulty raised run. I earn the same merits at normal or +4. There will be no purple drops. Just get it done
  17. I run a lot if Task Forces. Mostly pre-35 stuff because i alt a lot. I ran 7-8 Synapses during the week it was offered a bonus. I try to run Posi through Manticore on my alts pretty much in order to see if i like the concept and AT as much in order as possible Generally this is pretty smooth for me. I run in Everlasting and it is a spectacular server to alt on. Friendly folks. More than once a PUG team i joined has offered to level someone by running papers if they were just short of making the level cut 95% time it goes real smooth. Okay nothing is perfect though. Sometimes we load into a TF and are fighting enemies that are obviously +level. I go back check my conversation tabs. Did i miss info stating this was running at a higher difficulty? Nope. Sigh. i was just informed in another topic thread that if i want “speed” runs it is up to me to advertise for those. If i accept a place on a TF i am bound to whatever the team leader decides, And it is my fault for not communicating i want a speed run. i do not consider +0 speed runs. Especially on Synapse. I firmly believe if someone is setting up a team to run a TF at anything besides +0 they should mention that. what are the opinions of the wise people of Locker C18?
  18. If you do bot advertise you are running a modified task force or bother to tell me before you lock the team and hit go do not expect me to stay. I am not captive to your whim. You advertise Synapse then i join i help you crush it. If you wanted peeps for a Synapse +1or +4 you are responsible for providing that information. My psychic powers are short one fuse and not working.
  19. I hope you put it in your advertising for the TF. About 10% of TF i load into these days i hit the 1st mission and it is +1 to +4. Hmmm news to me. I will usually post something like “are we running at +2?” If i get the least blow back, lije “well of course”. I quit. Not rage. Just quit. I run a lot of low level TF for merits, badges and char power exploration. The only exception i make is ITF. That is a known AE type madness magnet. If it is not posted as +level i just roll with it. But anything else I am pretty much out after one question.
  20. What levels and how do we reach you?
  21. I Brute a lot more than i Tank. That si because my playstyle. Not because the Tank is not great at what it does. The thing is a lot of people do not realize what a Tank does. Really. It is a melee Controller with one if the most powerful forms of NPC control in the game. Played to this strength and in this role there are NONE better. Shoehorned into a ghetto Brute or Heavy Scrapper and then you start being able to talk about how crappy Tanks are. They are like a shield. Used correctly you will be ecstatic. Used as a club and you will be complaining about what a horrid club they are. Can we add spikes? Maybe put a gun on the outside? How about lasers? Its a shield. Period
  22. I think Dark Melee will benefit more than it looks like at a surface glance. The set has always been odd and i run it a lot on Tanks and Brutes if the cone becomes more reliable to bit multiple targets with. Well nothing wrong there. But it is the PBAoE in the End recovery and Buff power where i believe the true benefits will be. Larger patches mean those powers will be way more useful. End recovery moderately so, being easier to maximize, but the Buff? I am guessing that could be the treasure here. Hitting more targets and getting more reliable large buffs
  23. I believe i was thinking of a Decanus who did more out of combat organizing than anything i know most of my interest peaked around the time i read the book “ Ranks of Bronze” as i went through a David Drake phase. Cheers
  24. Snarky

    Quit a TF

    Merits badge. Plus its how i learned the game before we had the options. I earn fastest at + 0 and i run these things endlessly. I am okay (not super happy but okay) with a bunch of Leeroy Jenkins at +0. Less so at +1. Not okay at +2. Angry at +3. And really pissed at +4. i used to run Brutes on SOs for about a year when i first started. Before level tailoring and when bridging still existed. I still remember being on a SS/Invul Brute in the low 30s on a team running at +4 to my SO build. We were about 4 missions into a bunch of papers when the leader sent me a tell. “Wait, you’re what level? I thought you were like 1 level below me?” I ran into every group picking the weakest targets that did the most debuffs, drains, or other special attacks. My armor allowed me to shrug it off and the SS allowed me to just hit the targets. So i can run hard. But i dont have any desire to carry a PUG team through madness because a leader wants a little extra experience off a Penelope Yin TF. Go find a farm or a PI team. I need my nightly merits. so boring? Maybe yeah. I jump into combat when i can even on Farms on my Brutes if they have armor for it. I still run a lot of Invul builds. But there i an not carrying the team everytime someone goes off exploring and pulls back completely new agro for me to somehow magically deal with
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