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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Snarky


    I love this combo on a Brute and am soloing redside with these powersets on a Tank. After thinking about various Scrappers all day it just struck me... i got to see this in a Scrap only done 2 DFBs. Level 12. Of course i like it one thing. I gave inly seen one crit in 2 runs. A couple Dark powers do not have % crit in their detailed info on power screens. Does thus set not crit with many if its powers ?
  2. I get crap for purple drops. Maybe 2 in the last few months. And of course oddball ones like the Mez dom set not Hecatomb. I have one Heca in my base and sold maybe 2 and that is all i have gotten since Homecoming booted up
  3. Snarky

    Kinetic melee

    Could you Scrappy folks let me know exactly how Kinetic Melee actually works with the Scrapper Crit mechanics? i am specifically interested in if this Primary is synergistic with Scrapper AT or if the mechanic conflicts or deflates the Scrapper AT thanks
  4. I am going to take a side project Kinetic Melee and 50 it to give it a real chance and see if I like it. I have palyed a number of them to 30s but tend to alt and they get forgotten is this combo better on a Brute or a Scrapper? I think Scrapper has a weird crit interaction with Kinetic Melee? Is that good? Does it mess up regular crits? Would that make it better on a Brute? thanks for any input and ideas
  5. 1st) lets not bring religion into this 2nd) grrrrrrr 3rd) you should probably know. I’ m a biter. Not particularly proud of it. But it happens
  6. Thanks Lines. I do enjoy getting the lore.
  7. I was shopping for a high end enhancer 2 months back. I was trying to bring the bid in low rather than pay 10 million. I bid 6 mil 6.25 mil 6.5 mil etc. working up to 8 mil. No luck. Took a bio or something. Came back and moved on needed a SO accuracy at low level. So I went to auction found it and bid. I thought I did. my computer still had the 8 million bid remembered that is right. Trying to save money I bought a level 18 accuracy enhancer for 8 Million 8,000,000 be concerned. Some of us are really dumb
  8. Ice Blaster is ‘worse’ but I like it for concept and live it for range. Ghetto Dom/Ghetto Blaster
  9. Hate to be annoying. Comes natural. What do you get for the ten or twentyfive mil? The joy of helping with inf sinks?
  10. I play Brites although I may be switching to Tanks with the new rules. There are no ‘broken’ Brute combos. Some are suboptimal. Some have weapon disappearing issues. Some armors are squishier. But if you know what you are getting then it is fine dont buy a fire armor and expect to tank like an invulnerable. Don’t get an Energy Melee and expect any AoE.
  11. Yeah I tend to not even read stuff that says pack (means random in city speak right) at 25 mil so what are these packs and where can you get them. My thinking is I need a couple sets of the Winter super rare sets. Winters bite etc Dropping 10 mil for a guaranteed one (any) would make sense for that
  12. More appropriately Veluna Lunata lore. I think I asked this on live a decade ago. Somehow I forgot the answer is there a connection between these two? Her relationship with Marco seems to parallel Ghost Widows with the Wretch
  13. I suppose some will. Of course some idiots look at a tall icy mountain and think it would be neat to climb it
  14. Snarky


    Thank you Heracles! I am looking at as many of these builds as I can. I will be running all Primary and Secondary except Unstoppable and Fear. I truly love DM Invul builds and my concept is pure CoX. Zombie wakes up in alab with CoT Vahzilok and Dr Aeons scientists fighting. He never knows more but gets out. Only memories are experimenting with Excelsior Superadine and Rage as well as anything else he could find. magic Origin. Very immersive for running Redside which is just so well written i have already started buying the two Tank ATO sets and I have a lot of procs uniques and sets to throw on. We need to earn a little to get the Winter sets but I love grinding TFs. Going to be a fun December lol
  15. Snarky


    Hey folks. I am on to a new project. Really like this one so good chance I will finish it. Soloing all Redside content (story arcs) solo and SFs as part of a team. Never done this on a tank before and never ran a 50 tank much at all i chose the nearly indestructible Invul/DM combo. Slow when it is a clear all but steady as can be. No EB should cause serious difficulty. I am carrying envenomed daggers if they do lol i looked on the Tanker threads and saw a few (4?) Invul/DM builds. Hyperstike’s was the best of these. It was not exactly what I would do but rock solid. The others. Oof. One had hover and no Dark Consumption. Soooo someone does not realize Invul needs to be right face to face and leaving off Dark Consumption? Seriously? I did run a DM/Invul Brute back on live. I forget who authored it but a very smart gamer. Wrote treatises on Tanker theory and such. The Brute was a seriously high recharge build. This brought up Invul huge heal, DM small heal, DMs combat buff and Dark Consumption lightning fast. While still having soft cap S/L def. it was vicious lookiNo at something closer to that in this build. boxing tough weave combat jumping mystic flight and Ghost Widows Dark patron powers as well as Hasten build goals are S/L def softcap, pumping resists a bit and as much Recharge as I can get while building for strength. Global Recharge on this build makes life good see ya in the Rogue Isles
  16. ...imagine trying to.... it’s called a wiki. Isn’t the real wiki community built? Like Wikipedia itself? so no I do not want to track and detail everything myself. But if we had a place where we could organize crap we know to help each other? Yeah. I can imagine that
  17. I don’t suppose there is any ways/plans to copy this and update it. It is starting to remind me of WoWhead. Okay nothing is that bad. “The exact location of this box is unknown.” Been standing in the exact same spot for the last 15 years. That is the worst source of information on the internet and that is only slightly hyperbole
  18. I am assuming the old wiki is not up to date. Tomax long ago disappeared am am I wrong? Is some of it updated? Did all the tomax stuff get tanked or is there another site?
  19. Snarky

    Brute farmer

    This is just for curiosity. I am not a farmer very much. Okay I might farm. I do like rewards lol what is the absolute best damage dealer in large spawns? I assume Brutes are better than Scrappers in a saturated Fury situation? Or at least roughly equal with better defenses and health? Tanks even with upcoming changes are just not going to be competitive in this and of course any squishier is not going to survive at a high saturation point. I have seen a teleporting squishier land on mobs and lock them down then burn them down. Fast. But that is Stalking a group strategy. The endless spawns I am discussing would overwhelm that strategy so. Brute. That is assuming this thread agrees with the above paragraph then powersets. Fire was the old go to Armor set due to the damage. In that still true or in the Homecoming game is there a set that is nearly as good and offers significant bonuses that are non damaging or otherwise helpful that should be considered? Primary. Dark offers great ST as well as a big (huge in these spawn sizes) 30 second damage buff. The ST will take out the hard cases while the damage aura from armor melts the minions. Yes I do love Dark enough to advocate for it. SS is of course popular. My main is SS/Invul. Foot stomp is vicious. Again what other primaries do farmers look to as gems in the Homecoming Age? thanks all for helping me with thinking this through. If I find a particular primary/secondary that is maybe not the best but very near it AND fits one of my odd character designs I might just make a farming alt and sink a ton of money into it. Then make a ton of money with it. I have found joining in farms with my main is nearly as fun as Task Forces, helps new toons level, makes cash and creates goodwill as well. Having a build that can jump in and grind faster might be worth doing. Invul is great for TF and iTrials but kind of overkill (overarmour?) in farming
  20. Snarky


    I was just messing around in costume creator last night. Was going to make grav. Then thought about my ice concept. Halfway through I realized I was I. A dark evil theme. So changed to Dark/Dark vampirism theme. And entered the city villain style hit pocket D switched to Rogue and did 2 DFBs. Then a farmer posted an any and all welcome. Less than two hours later I have a 32 Dark Dark Dom. First Dom since about a year before live was killed by evil soulless cubicle zombies. I Brute a lot lol so... the 32 pet changes my concept slightly. Rebuilding as a crossroads demon with a hell hound. Powers wise i avoid the melee but am doing the PBAoEs including going to do Ghost Widow arc and get those epic dark powers. Love to stay ranged but will be jousting for more damage and staying there if a Tank or Brute is around to hold agro and just help burn it down still not in a huge rush to 50 this guy because I have a couple projects running. Finishing accolades and earning in my main and soloing Blueside on a Brute i will do a cheap I/o build on this guy since that is about the same as throwing SOs on at this point and redoing them every 5 levels planning to do the low level task forces more or less in order to build my Dom chops back up see you in the city
  21. I rarely farm. Maybe a couple days since Homecoming. Never much on live either. Always chasing a concept alt lol my ‘farmer’ is my main. A SS/Invul Brute that Hyperstrike designed. (If I win the lottery I will hire him to design my alts lol) that build eats the Comic Con and the longer cave Comic farm. I found this out when a Farmer was PLing a random group and was lamenting how slow. Sooooo. I alted. After a few missions he mentioned how impressed he was i was told to farm 17655 for Infamy on my build. Have not tried it yet. But need cash soon. Since my main is finished just been alting and slow earning. 100 mil in the bank and 130 merits since I slowed my play on my main a couple weeks ago. I need to start grinding a farm or TF a day on him again for cash to feed the alt crowd. Is is there a really good influence farm for a SL build? Thanks lol this post was supposed to go in the s/l farm thread. Posting while half awake
  22. What makes City of Heroes different. Already answered. And the stupid comment was self directed i wanted to point out in my own Snarky way how great our community has always been. And I played Redside freedumb for over a year. As juvenile as that was it is leaps and bounds better than anything else. The Freedom experience was lessons in being villainous with style more than childish and petty. Impatient sure but a lot of style i spoke with a friend whose wife has played WoW for over ten years. Dungeons raids multiple topped out characters. She had three volumes she has written on WoW lore and guidance. She still has to put up with negativity regularly. I wont even run high level WoW because I only have a little over a year training there so I just do quest lines. They are way worse than Freedom ever was i can recall once since Homecoming came back that I had to shut somebody down in LFG for smacktalking me. With a name like Snarky you would think they would not even try....but yeah. On WoW it’s a nightly occurence to be insulted if you talk. It is their culture I recall an in game memorial for a player that passed back on live. /em holdtorch while everyone who knew her spoke up. I just happened on it in Talos while running missions Thank you all for being the best community on the MMORPG list. For not breaking out a spreadsheet on my low damage ice Blasters. For being the greatest PUGs of all time Happy Holidays
  23. Snarky


    I am starting a new Dom project to bring back a very old toon that was Grav/Energy and I have a topic on that. This is really the question of should I change that grav/rad and grav/time would both be possibles as well a s a grav Dark with a concept tweak can you folks give me a rundown of the benefits and drawbacks of various secondaries for Grav and yes yes I am putting an overwhelming force KB->KD I/o in wormhole. I see someone says they pop up in a line when you do that. Cone anyone?
  24. Snarky


    I had a couple of these back on live. Even perma’d one back in the day when it meant a lot i know the powersets are....not well loved lol. If if anyone has tips tricks on how to use them effectively I appreciate. It looks like the group phase shift has changed?? in general what are the changes on Dom? I ran maybe one since the Dom shift on live and was wondering what/how they are different and how to use them effectively thanks!
  25. I looked at that back door yesterday and was like mebbe? Nah. Now I gotta do it lol
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