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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. my ST go to is the Beam Rifle Blaster. i use that as fire support in RHW Magisterium badge runs, i can comfortably keep shooting with little affecting my damage output. because anything you do besides ST just lowers your damage. move, calculate, whatever. just sit still and kill it.
  2. on a team I find it more important to get the AoE debuffs up, the things like Tar Patch, Darkest Night, then lay into AoE, Fearsome Stare, the DoT rains, Frost breath. only spitting ST as a luxury. More important is to stay near the bulk of the team and make sure Twilight Grasp (the heal/-tohit/-dam-regen) is working on a big bad while topping off the teams health.
  3. this is exactly how i feel. To me there is a significant damage improvement from Dark/Dark Corr to Ice/Dark Corr. Due to the DoT Rains and Scourge. Plus the ranged nuke is tactically much safer and easier. Also, for me there is a survivabilty improvement from Ice/Cold Corr to Ice/Dark Corr. The team heal is amazingly good (and is a debuff) the Darkest Night and Fearsome Stare -dam, -tohit debuffs, and you still get some -res in Tar Patch. Giving up the GREAT debuffs in Cold secondary, and (for me) not much else about the set i love. Then there is theme.
  4. Well,…any ideas, prognostications, wild speculation, or haphazard statements on when we will see 27/7 drop from Beta to Live?
  5. it depends on content. on a badge run or during tough (especially long) sessions were a few mistakes can ruin it? people that play better than me for regular content, bank missions, short task forces? mostly chaos is funny. but not if it brings progress to a glacial crawl. so, teeter totter balance of stupid but keep getting things done is hilarious
  6. were you hanging out in pocket D for a while?
  7. and this is why my Lich Corr is Ice/Dark. Ice DoT rains are Scourge heaven
  8. i take it. it is very extremely rarely useful. but when some idiot pulls a spawn when the team is already screwed? priceless. when you are in a LGTF and cannot get to the elevator, and dieing there is a no rez situation? again, not an every mission occurence. huge, "oh crap" button.
  9. Corruptor Secondary Dark has a team heal centered on you that debuffs the enemy and is available at level 1. The thing is magic. It fits a Theft of Essence PROC so it can even feed you endurance (slottable at level 7…). Thematically it fits for my Lich. I love almost all the Dark secondary powers except Fluffy pet. I hate pets. The only reason Cold is a better secondary (in my opinion) is the huge AoE debuff. Better strategy for a league. But for solo or small team i think (for me) Dark is better tactically and thematically
  10. At 50 you see someone using a super cool power. an idea for a new costume and character flashes through your brain, and you go chasing it like a dog after a ball. Welcome to Endgame: Level 1
  11. It is a very fun design. I would argue Ice/Cold is slightly more powerful but Ice/Dark is way more easy and fun. The AoE debuff/heal. Tar patch is so powerful. Combined with DoT rains. For my undead concept it just feels perfect. It plays so well from 30-80 foot range. And has the tools to control that gap.
  12. Yeah but it is difficult for my theme driven brain to make that design choice. I think mine crams all 5 of those bonuses on. But I struggle to like Doms. Not enough AoE for me. AoE is king in modern endgame. Or at level 9 where my new project is.
  13. You are going to have to have a great concept or a really good build idea to stand above (or next to) cold domination on the Corr. I just started an Ice/Dark. Which is perfect for me, concept and playstyle wise. But Cold Dom is more powerful. Not even in doubt
  14. Had some time off and making good progress for a giant project. I have completed all content 1-9 except the blue 5-9 stuff. Should knock that out tomorrow and get to working 10-14 content. Really grinding right now because it is frustrating to run in without power choices. Already at 9 the synergy between ice blast and Dark Miasma is insanely good. I want more lol. Very excited about the tweak to Dark epic. Months off for this toon.... but a Dark Soul Drain ranged buildup? Are they in my lich's library looking at my sketches??? Dark Mastery > Spirit Drain (replaces Soul Drain) This power replaces Soul Drain from the Dark Mastery epic pool (Defenders, Corruptors). Soul Drain had ignored the standard epic cooldown penalties while also obtaining a larger than standard radius, making it a superior power to even the AT-specific version. Instead of applying the appropriate penalties (which would have made it a 240s cooldown and 10' radius power), we have taken this opportunity to rebalance it into a unique power (separating itself from Soul Mastery which also has the Soul Drain power) that trades some of its former potency for increased utility. Spirit Drain is a 60' ranged attack that can hit up to 5 targets within a 15' radius. Unlike Soul Drain, these targets can be alive or defeated. The cooldown remains 120s, however the buff duration will now be 15s instead of 30s. This power is still quite potent as it can do the same amount of self-buff as Build Up, while having a longer duration, can be used as an attack from distance, and have a very minor cooldown penalty Summary of details: 120s cooldown, 2.37s cast time 60 foot range 4.8 scale damage buff from 1 target, 8.0 scale damage buff from 5 targets 1.2 scale to-hit buff from 1 target, 2.0 scale to-hit buff from 5 targets 0.40 scale damage (Negative Energy)
  15. use strategy and inspirations so you do not look
  16. It gets worse as you meet better players. When Cosmic Council was hyper active they ran a themed costume contest about once a month. A couple of those people are actually F-ing artists with the costume interface. I was going to make a Fireman for one. Could not get the jacket right, made a lab tech. (theme was work) Someone walked in with a perfect fireman, the jacket created from different pieces meshed together including a belt part. A kitten on each shoulder. I was like.... hey.... i tooks artsy classes once.... why i suck? lol
  17. Cold Dark is nice. But there are so many great powers in Ice/Dark is is tough to pass any up.
  18. So I could make an Atlas homage and call him My Huge Ball?
  19. You knew better than to name him Barbie.
  20. This is like staring at a fast food menu and wondering about prices The only real change i want is for Synapse to have it hard coded for every kill all map to be a small one. Got lucky on last PUG Synapse and this happened…50 min and it felt fun.
  21. My Dark Dark Brute runs Fly 99% time. Just easier….
  22. Hmmmm…..so you want to collect funds from the yokels….so you can help them help themselves. Very nice. Remember to send a cut to Arachnos. They get fussy.
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