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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. There is a learning curve. But jumping into a pug and running the task forces and strike forces is one of my favorite things in the game
  2. Having to grind? Prolonged….??? Granted you need to know what you are doing but i can get a toon 1-50 in a few hours. With some advice and sliding into farms you should not need more than a couple days if motivated. Lets just forget “ the grind” totally You want to like something? Car, girlfriend, school, job, game…. Invest in it. In your head. In this game that means finding something you want. A character in your head that you want to create. To learn how to be a Blaster. Understanding X. That is the path to giving a shit. Otherwise you will never like it, or anything
  3. those threads can be turned into incarnate inspirations. which sell for good cash
  4. one inf short of 2 bill. stack the rest in email
  5. Goldside is great. If you love unending waves of techno zombies. Endless socio political dialogue. And mind controlling space tramps. Oh. They also have robots
  6. Redside. Bestside . F-ing loner side. Always has been. I have run many redside solo runs. I am trying to stop myself….i think unsuccessfully…from starting another. This involves stopping exp and doing every contact for every mission until they say “i have nothing else for you”. The storylines are so good my only complaint is there are two or three people in missions you cannot kill or you lose them as a contact. If you want to be a villain, you start at the bottom. You stab people in the back, you take crap work, you learn how to work against the system and survive. When you get to the top of the heap you hand the boss his head.
  7. Make sure you do this on the bonus exp servers and use double exp booster
  8. Every Dev staff of anything will tweak it. Some will not like the tweaks. I still sting from the Brute nerfing Having said that the Homecoming team seems bent on offering up enjoyment for free. Take the recent performance upgrade to assault rifle. Always a low performance set, in my opinion it is now one of the funnest. And indeed, with my limited amount if gaming time the only set I currently play. Make your own judgement. But do look around deeper first
  9. currently most of those that are out are on the front of buses. usually ones not stuck
  10. The only color portland streets have lately is white…
  11. yeah, both my current builds are near top of Brute board. Now, I like Dark Armor better on the Brute then the Tank. This is due to what I consider "waste" of build material in Tank Resist, and he Stealth. But I made what I think is a decent stab at efficiency and added Darkest Night for grabbing agro. The Brute is my "main" and a vicious beast.
  12. And I pointed them to Brutes, the King of Smash Mountain. Tanks do a different job, done properly
  13. My closest is s beam temp i ran as fire support for endless RHW magisterium itrials. Great fire support. No crackle worry
  14. Then you havent R..e..a..l..l..y heard me. Have you? Holding my breath, that is it!
  15. You can also store stuff in your email this way. Inspirations, cash for alts, transfer of special stuff to alts just email it to you global name @global. Mine is @Snarky. You can test it by emailing yourself a sm insp or 1 inf
  16. Not me. And i am going to hold my breath until you folks start listening…
  17. I have not seen one in forever. As a German learner now it is pretty quaint. I would love find a Der Waffle House….
  18. Hmmm. This has possibilities after all …
  19. Brute will be strong. Corruptor, built correctly, is an A or S tier team player, dependent on sets, build, and such.
  20. Wow. Why has no one thought of this before….
  21. The scholls ferry tangle, the major intersections set at 120 angles with multiple roads coming in. Portland is just a joy to navigate
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