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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. People like Oklahoman and other great leaders (yeah, i compliment where it is deserved. sue me.) use macros to paste text walls. Some intrepid players even macro a power and a text file (pretty sure) for things like TP teammate. That is all I know
  2. We are navel gazing. The OP may never give us another clue. This happens a lot with threads we know) the only way his toggles dropped is if endurance went to zero. And someone was using a phase shift power we dont know) anything else
  3. I am wracking my brain to think of any power in the game that will drop one toggle. Much less all of them. Except for sapping energy with a side effect of dropping toggles
  4. More details on your toggles. You say it happened multiple times. Was your endurance gone, as mentioned above? Because in all my years playing that is the ONLY thing that will drop all your toggles. Having enemies sequestered in a phase shifted reality is a power a few control type sets get. Black Hole, Dimension Shift, etc. yes, this is annoying and most players never learn to ise it correctly. And it is almost never worth a power pick because it is a very very rare occasion where it can be used correctly and so is a waste edit; if you did take this type of power one of the few conditions for using it is having a teammate who just dropped endurance and lost all toggles. This would stop the enemies from attacking and buy the teammate time. Much needed time
  5. Furbie.... skating the fine line between TWO copyright infringements
  6. i have an aversion to buying my way through things unless the price is relatively cheap. and PAs are not.
  7. i have never run on test server. but maybe i will. which prob means never being on live much again...
  8. I can only base it on the very few Prismatics I have earned since they were dropped. I do not run Aeon much. I tend to either solo arcs or run endless TFs, with a break for a lot of Incarnate TF when the mood strikes. So, I run hard, but in content not delivering PAs. For me doing endless Dr Aeons or taking 30 toons through ToT is a good sign it is time to leave.
  9. I love that you drew the line there and not with Jenna Jameson!
  10. I listened to this. It was...not bad. But as someone who spent a few chunks of time trying to personally copy Johnny.... AI has (not surprisingly) no soul. What makes Johnny a great singer is not his pitch but his inflection and delivery. That is why he is engaging, he is singing TO you. The AI is just making noise. With a perfect singer (especially one with little charisma) this might not be noticeable. But with the GOAT? Well, well done that the lyrics included I am plastic....
  11. I have warned you. The hunters are out there. Wretched creatures. Here is a possible crossover... Vampire Hunter DD?
  12. People want to go to the movies and they want to spend cash. Going out is a celebration. Barbie is enough to pull in disparate Grrrl fans (if only because certain demo said boycott), younger more innocent fans, older ladies who have fond memories, and die hard M Robbie fans. My opinion. Then Oppenheimer gives an option to grumpy ancient cerebrals. (No, I'm not leaving my crypt. Went for Renfield. Still need to see Rocket, violent little fuzzy) or future grumpt old cerebrals. It is a train wreck of science horror drama and angst. Perfect alt side for non barbie watchers. Bottom line. It was the weekend and people got enough of an excuse to sit in a cool theatre. Then there was buzz so people are like, well if my friends are going...
  13. I just thought of one. Not making it, but the idea is funny to me Barbiella. Name inspired by Barbie and Barbarela. because she trains with barbells and was trying to build a social media following… concept; strongwoman contestant offered a strength upgrade by a corp ( prob one of usual suspects but hiding behind fake names ) and to trick her public she sats she is going to a beauty spa. Well, they do make her beautiful… but overtuned her upgrades by a factor of 10-20. She now has Super Strength and ??? Can no longer compete in contests but she has a huge following as she saved the city again snd again.
  14. My issue is it takes me forever to land on a concept I like. So I could go through 6-20 toons finding THE character. Who then will be in my head for life. In one incarnation or another. But the "testing" if it looks good in min mode for each one? Yeah. No. I will not pay that price. Not today. Not tomorrow. Never.
  15. I run a few "furry compatible?" toons. Is WoW Tauren a Furry? I do love the lumbering beasts. I also have a reptile man I played for about a year+ in a tabletop campaign. Not a furry I guess. Vicious thing. Lucked into meeting a young artist, Jennifer Ando, who would go on to work for Disney. She did a colored pencil of him for $40 I tried to make a version of him for CoH. The reptile head is there, But he is a robe wearer and the options are crap. He is a Fire Blaster. Was a Mana Fire Mage in RoleMaster. (I learned to program spreadsheets to keep up with the crazy math in that game...) He had a "dark side" hidden from the group. 1) batshit crazy 2) evil mentalist. Was fun to play. And that part is available in CoH, sort of, Fire/Psi. But I hate playing close and that style is IN YOUR FACE. But...no robes. Tangent. Not a furry.
  16. I would be in favor of using the research. Creepy fact, a not insignificant chunk of worldwide aeronautical and medical tech has its roots in Nazi Germany. Then, of course, beat down anyone in the galaxy who is still around that is affiliated with causing people such misery. We cannot control the horror of the past. We can only act with hope for the future.
  17. Why cant we mod pets grrr lol So many possibilities. (and yeah I know the wrong alleys believe me) I would run a great Necromancer but just want plain skeletons and zombies
  18. The people have spoken. F-ing idiots. don't get me wrong. Everyone loves Margot Robbie. Even I have to admit she has an alluring neck. Also, I love crazy chicks. Not sure if she is one, but her characters always seem to have at least one bolt not adjusted properly. Margot told the bosses the film could make a billion with the right director and support. i read that a while ago, and I was like "Right...." So, ... yeah. But I bring all this up to ask if people are creating any Barbie themed toons. What are there styles? Powers? Marine Corps Barbara? AR/Dev Blaster! I will not be doing so, as I never run fem toons. But I am always curious what the cool kids are doing. And, of course, please be "inspired by" and not "blatant rip off and copyright infringement issues" 🙂
  19. I think some of the bases already have poles and a few enthusiastic users and spectators
  20. Yeah, I have 1-3 standard looks that I use for every paladin. The +2 is really just variation for odd shaped races. Then another 2 looks for my Death Knights. I may try running a Warrior soon. That will of course be a lot of tryouts for what race I like best for them and whether I even like the power sets. Never have before. Or I may be back in CoH a lot. I can never tell. Starting a new job in two weeks. Sigh. The break has been so good for body and soul.
  21. i play toons for longer iguess. been on HC for years and have maybe 30 fully kitted out. some with 2 builds and i think one with 3. i make a concept and if the look, the powers, the animations and everything sync up i spent a long time on it. same in any game. if i find what i like i grind. i may spend days or weeks testing various things to find the right combo of look powers and feel.
  22. you got a few billion to toss to me to buy PAs? because I am not throwing everything I got into that AH for a few toons
  23. every game is a time sink. In WoW I do not spend 3 months to unlock a look. (though I never try, my transmog bank is huge now. If I cant buy it on the AH or luck into it I ignore it.) I can take a toon from 1-70 and be 70 Mythic geared in a week or so with no "specials" running. Days during events. I mostly just putz around there doing quests. Sometimes taking a toon and running for months on old expansions. But that is not "grind grind grind" O look, I got what I need I can make that toon I wanted....3 months ago...
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