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Everything posted by Glowman

  1. I think I fixed it! It had something to do with an Xbox Controller I was using. When the controller was on the problem was not present. When the controller was off the problem persisted. Clicked the controller in CoH settings and the profile went away. The problem was also gone. Must have been looking for the joystick?
  2. When I click a door (usually in zone) my mouse wiggles all over the screen, my chat moves if I click a second time and sometimes my mouse look gets locked on. Thought it might be a bad key bind, but even with a reset the problem persists. Same issue if I type /interact instead of clicking. You can see a video on YouTube at Things I have tried to resolve: Used a different mouse Unplugged all other periphials Restarted PC Reset Graphics Reset Keybinds Checked Mouse Settings Loaded my very first toon (to make sure it wasn't something with new default keybind file) Loaded a variety of keybind files Updated mouse software and drivers Closed all other apps Tried on another PC. Same issue. Logged onto wife's PC and her account same issue. Confirmed it was all in zone doors Uninstall mouse + restart to reinstall Uninstall CoH from launcher + reinstall from launcher I am using Razer Synapse and as far as I know no overlays. Issues on wife's PC were with a Logitech mouse. Also tried using a 3rd Logitech mouse on my own PC. Issue persisted.
  3. Excellent. Thanks!
  4. @Infinitum if I want to run taunt in your Shield/Broadsword build, what power would you recommend dropping?
  5. Thank you kind sir.
  6. @Sovera I'm unable to open your links.
  7. Couldn't many of the criticisms just be addressed by starting your own Aeon and advertising it as a slow roll/RP/learning experience run? It's not that tough at all at 1 *. There aren't currently a lot of casual runs advertised (at least on Everlasting), but that would be easy enough to change.
  8. I'm wondering if both focused accuracy and tactics aren't just set mules for the recharge bonuses. I turned both off and it didn't seem to make any difference in my ability to clear the map in under 10 mins while afk (assuming the mobs came my way and/or I was able to alt + tab to reposition once in a while).
  9. I will let you know once I've reached full tier 4s, but buying/converting 2 purples isn't a big deal if that's all it takes. Clears the map afk in under 10 mins easy and is a great passive money maker. I think inspirations are the most underrated resource in all of CoH, personally. I also prefer one of the 10 min recharge radial pets so that I can summon each map.
  10. I also had this issue with all tier 3 incarnates. I make sure any travel stuff is off (sprint, etc) and leave maneuvers off. To compensate I eat 2 purples when I park in the middle of the map. That’s plenty of time to take the alpha and def is fine for rest of map.
  11. @America's Angel do you keep all toggles on for the elec/rad AFK build?
  12. I agree 100%. The only other reason to run taunt IMO is for hard mode content. The auto hit is really great there. So, I run a separate build for when I do that.
  13. @Voltakcan I find your ice/cold build anywhere?
  14. SG Name: The Dark Horses RP/RP Friendly: Yes. Light-Medium RP. Theme/Era: Street level heroes. Redside/Blueside: Blueside and Vigilantes. Recruitment Message: Based out of a decommissioned firehouse in Brickstown, The Dark Horses are a team-based, light to medium RP, supergroup of predominantly street level superheroes, inspired by groups like The Defenders. Street level is more a description of our focus on being local heroes than the power level of the members of our group. Do we sometimes team up to save the world? Sure. However, most of our time and efforts are spent keeping Brickstown and Paragon City safe. The Dark Horses are focused on building an active community in City of Heroes on Everlasting. There will be weekly opportunities for both RP and content, as well as an active Discord to discuss real life, game stuff and to keep the RP coming.
  15. Glowman


    I assume you’ve sent an email and/or message to their global in game?
  16. Appreciate the responses! Gonna take a look and see what I can incorporate into what I'm working on!
  17. Looking to put together a fire/fire build for Hardmode content (801, ASF, new ITF). Does anyone have a tough build I could look at for inspiration? Seems like you might have to take an entirely different approach from the usual in building this way. Hard to blap if you’re dead…
  18. @Voltak, you said for non-ITF runs you would take Mu Mastery. However, power boost isn't available there. What would you take instead for a group focused build? How big of a deal is it to not have power boost? Also, is it better to run core or radial on interface for hard content? Sorry for all the questions. 😛
  19. I've run the new itf twice, both on different characters. The first time I ran it, my screen froze continually the entire mission. I could hear what was going on and type to my team, but couldn't see anything beyond the frame I froze on. This happened again on a different toon last night. After the first crash I wondered if there was anything the two characters had in common. The only power that I could think of was super speed. After turning super speed off I did not have any further crashes on that mission. That mission was the only place I had any problems. It may be unrelated, but I thought it worth posting.
  20. Last power slot empty because it doesn't matter what you take? Might work taunt in there if so.
  21. Appreciate it! Having a blast with the build!
  22. Which incarnates would you recommend on this tri-form flex build?
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