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About Evercent

  • Birthday 07/25/1996

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  1. Let go of Metaphor
  2. Allegory Anecdote Chronotope Convention Ideology Lifeworld Moral Motif Oxymoron Prose
  3. Hm, weird that it got removed. Here you go!
  4. Oop, my bad, posted this in a half asleep state, sorry!
  5. That's another thing, if you play a knockoff with a similar story or appearance, but entirely different name, it counts as a parody, which is allowed under copyright. As long as the character isn't an exact copy, you're fine.
  6. One of the ones I'm most proud of recently is a Blue Beetle Cosplay
  7. I have a yugioh inspired character that summons monsters and uses cards similarly to Gambit called Deckhand
  8. This, but as far as I'm aware actual public domain characters are allowed, this means characters that have absolutely no copyright or trademark anywhere, so be sure to do extensive research to make sure they are actually public domain. Also, scroll over the ToS and CoC just to make absolutely sure they're allowed.
  9. I have two mains at the moment. First, a ghost witch that protects and shelters outcasts and monsters, her theme is Ava of Death And secondly, a werecrow with similar powers to Mot and a similar sort of 'eternal hunger'/darkness that threatens to consume them, They are from the netherworld and can control shadows. Also a guide to the afterlife. Their theme is When The Darkness Comes
  10. Grabbed: Springbok Anecdote Free: Disembark Riptail Swandive Turbofan
  11. Darkness Control/Savage Assault Dominator
  12. I drew one of my favorite characters, a werecrow named Morrigan
  13. Thank you for the advice and suggestions, everyone! I still really enjoy this combo, and did find that build on this forum somewhere and only altered it slightly. These are all very valid points, and I really do appreciate the feedback! Can't wait to build out this character 😀
  14. Thanks, will change that, this is an older build and I haven't played that set in a while, but that's a good catch, especially if Cash wanted to use it!
  15. I'm not a frequent tank player, I vastly prefer support, but I wanted to make a tank for end-game starred content. Currently levelling a Rad/Dark Tank and loving the set, I can see plenty of potential for damage with procs in this set. The resists are a bit overkill and I can't figure out how to transfer that to defense. Is this build good, or are there some changes I can/should make to get a little more defense? Rad-Dark Tanker.mbd
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