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Everything posted by Laucianna

  1. Because our damage cap is so low that the boost from the team is pointless when doing content at end game, and the resist bonus is only useful for Psi damage since we have light form to fulfil said resist, compare it to almost every other inherent that doesn't stop working even if you are buffed to cap on everything. The scales are great it's the lack of high damage powers we suffer from due to a mix of super slow animations like incandescent strike or the fact they have super low recharge (meaning low base damage), to the point most high end builds will have to pick up Cross Punch to fill in for some of that damage. Same issue as the two points above, that +45% damage is pointless at high level due to us having a low cap and again with actual damage of the attacks, if we just went off the damage scaling it would mean Squids are the highest ranged damage dealers in game which we all know is far from the truth 😄 So we are not equal to other damage dealers in our cap and in end game content it is capped instantly from barely any buffing due to it. The data points are just the base surface you are looking at, not the actual damage numbers of attacks. For actual numbers: Base Dominator melee DPS rotation: 68.93 Base PeaceBringer melee DPS rotation: 51.69 Base Sentinel ranged DPS rotation: 72.94 Base PeaceBringer ranged DPS rotation: 40.25 Our damage should be equal to both of those ATs in that regard going by the rating Homecoming suggests to players but we fall massively short in both. The trade off is losing changeling which is currently something that allows us to do good damage (Not the best) and have some extra tankiness due to procs in the forms. At the moment without changeling as much as I love them, Kheldians are bottom of the barrel to the point play a scrapper or even a sentinel to do a ton better then them.
  2. Our damage is 100% upsetting without changeling and yes we have -def debuffs on all our attacks but so does pretty much every other powerset have a bonus thing on attacks (Radiation is also -def, sonic is -res (Much better), fire adds a dot etc) And being in a team really doesn't boost our damage greater then anyone, if anything we suffer as a lot of other damage ATs have higher damage cap hence why I suggested an upgrade to the cap 🙂 Allowing us to do good dps without relying on changelings is what I suggest for damage and the trade off is the changeling binds ❤️ The devs know we need a buff otherwise they wouldn't of given us back the changeling binds when they took them away by mistake in the past.
  3. Without changeling binds our damage is far below what it should be, with changeling binds I think we are in the ballpark of where we should be on damage and tankiness. And the devs have stated they want to remove changeling binds but have kept them in until Kheldians can get a rework that will make them better then dead weight ❤️ So this post is sort of a wishlist from myself of what I would like to come in the rework as I feel like I can give a solid opinion for PeaceBringers, the devs may look at it and take one or two things or nothing at all but wanted to get it out there 🙂
  4. I get that but if Nova gives you detonation for free why would you pick the human only version unless you are going a human only build? The whole stats are over the place but I view them as what the devs are intended that role to fill (Whether it does is another matter (Most of the time it doesn't)) So I wouldn't personally suggest buffing them to try and fit in line with that ❤️ That's a whole debate in itself that isn't limited to Kheldians 😄 I remember it here a little while back and it got quite heated so I am staying away lol
  5. Not letting me copy this into mids hun 😞
  6. Personally I don't understand the duplicate power issue, why would you pick up both human detonation and nova? It feels like it would be just wasting power slots to me, you also then have the issue of them both using the same cooldown which messes with the WarShades double mire as you will only get one. To be honest anything with the shields that would make them more desirable is okay in my books, even more mez protection or debuff protection I am more then happy with ❤️ From what Homecoming have ranked PeaceBringers as is where I am getting the 2 from, and if we had 3 little turret summons (With enough recharge they can even get 6 for a little while) each firing off an attack even if it's nova bolt would be amazing but to me feels a bit strong for something that is meant to be 2 in that section (Not saying I don't want this, I would LOVE this but I don't think they will add it sadly) The inherent is honestly 10/10 imo and I honestly hope they include it ❤️ And this may be an unpopular opinion, but I like the fact we have Knockback, when building a Kheldian you have to be smart with slots and powers and I feel like this also factors into that, whether you say f it and don't convert anything for max damage, only convert AOE to stop the spread, or be super safe and slot it all. It adds another layer of customization that I personally enjoy 😄
  7. Thank you so much for the suggestions!!! 1A - I am fully for ❤️ Making them inherent will make it clear this is the selling point of the AT too! 1B - I am less for as atm there is enough slots to make a powerful build, it just requires the person so slot it smartly which is part of the difficulty of a Kheldian imo. 2 - Personally I would prefer Debuff protection in the shields as we get mez protection in Lightform and Dwarf so the shields will still not be great at max level if it's just mez resist. 4 - I do agree there should be more powers useable in the forms but personally I don't mind dropping out of the form to power them as it encourages form switching. 5 - Whilst I would LOVE this! I doubt they will since they want us to be a 2 on pets and that would make us a solid 6 imo. 6 - I would want Glinting Eye to stay the same, but Gleaming Bolt could become a Gleaming Barrage to give us the melee starting option that carries over into dwarf ❤️ 7 - Pulsar feels like a lost cause and some powers will be (Energy group flight for instance...) But if they turned it into a toggle that did a stun aura like Entangling Vines I think from nature, that carried over into the forms and in Dwarf it was used as a taunt aura that would make it SUPER useful imo! Love the inherent idea! Would be nice if it related to the form you are in, so switching to nova gave you more dmg/acc bonus, switching to dwarf gave you more recovery/regen, and switching to human gave you more recharge etc 😄
  8. Updated - 03/04/2024 - Updated my build with my most recent one, an infinity changeling ❤️ - Lauci x
  9. Says massively how big the server populations have gotten! Poor Hami getting double teamed in two zones at once though by 48 or so people in each 😄
  10. Updated - 01/04/204 - Updated the PB section with Moogs build ❤️ - Lauci x
  11. Neither have I personally, but trying to keep it in line with the numbers they are suggesting we are equal to it would make sense for us to be at 90% 🙂 I just wanted to add all the things I would like to see happen so the Devs can see and possible take even 1 or 2 things from it ❤️
  12. Well done to the winners of the "Rock" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Martial Arts"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/3deQdRudtZ 1st: Vezgarock 2nd: Glam Metal 3rd: Walker in the Wastes Honorarys: AC Deceased Spirit of Achilles Lost Monument RubbleWithoutACause Granite Buster
  13. This would be very welcome imo, whenever I am running an MSR, Hami, COP and we get teleported to the boss it is annoying trying to push past people to get within that melee space (COP espically) To the point it feels like we have little T-Rex arms and we just can't reach 😄
  14. I haven't found an issue with it personally, but it would be QoL update if they say made the wall behind Lady Grey go back a bit more and have the portal there
  15. I still want my giant Nictus Minotaur on the bridge charging the city gate where you exit after you finish an ITF 😄 Either that or have it in the open city where Romi normally is on the TF that similar to Ghost of Scrapyard spawns after a certain amount of romans are killed.
  16. Changeling binds, I mention them on my guide with videos showing them in action. If you have seen a Kheldian rapidly changing forms and attacking that is what a changeling is, the devs have allowed it to stay in the game until the rework 🙂
  17. The devs have said they will remove the changeling binds once the rework happens ❤️ These are just suggestions on ways to keep the AT useful without having to rely on them 🙂
  18. So the following changes are what I would like to see out of the eventual Kheldian rework, I may add to it if I see any suggestions that I also think would help make the AT more viable and fun without having to rely on the Changeling bindings. I will mainly focus of PeaceBringers in this as that is what I play and although I know a good amount about WarShades I would rather give my opinion on the AT I do play ❤️ Overall changes "Minimal FX" One of the biggest things people request with Kheldians is the ability to not require to shapeshift into the (In my opinion) cool forms to attack, so a minimal FX option that greatly reduces the visual effect of the form similar to Bio Armour would help a ton with this with the options below. Dwarf form - Spectral Lobster arms over yours. Nova Form - Spectral back tentacles similar to the comics. "Combat Flight animation" Simple option of allowing PeaceBringers the option to use the combat flight animation rather then having to use the fly pose. "Power pools usable in forms (Where possible)" This would add a linking factor between the 3 forms and allow for some interesting power pool choices. However things like Cross punch could not be used in Nova and Arcane Bolt is unusable in Dwarf. "Epic power pools" VEATs get access to Patron pools but we do not get access to Epic pools and would allow for more options for playing a Kheldian. "Damage cap raised to 500%" Both PeaceBringers and WarShades are meant to to fill damage dealer roles but do not get the same maximum damage bonus as the other damage dealers, so it should be raised to a 500% cap Intended Stats: Survivability - 8 (Same as Brute) Would be nice if we got access to the same damage resist caps as Brutes to match. Melee Damage - 6 (Same as Dominator) We are currently quite a bit weaker then dominator in terms of ST damage so we would need a buff to our damage to compete. Ranged Damage - 7 (Same as Sentinel) We need a HUGE buff in damage for this as our ranged damage is not only a ton weaker then a sentinels, but it's even lower then our Melee damage. Crowd Control - 3 Support - 3 Pets - 2 Inherent Focus on the forms instead of relying on a team - weaker scrapper inherent for human (10% crit chance on melee attacks), weaker tanker inherent for dwarf (Small AOE taunt on attacks), weaker blaster inherent for nova (Staking damage bonus for 5 seconds). Atm our inherent doesn’t play into what makes a Kheldian unique (It’s multiple forms) and honestly fits the Nictus more than a Kheldian which might work lore wise for a WarShade, but makes 0 sense on why a PeaceBringer would have it. Human Form Swap the intended damage scaling of the human and dwarf form so Human is the more melee damage form. I would rather encourage people wanting to do melee damage to do so in human form than just sticking in Dwarf. Human melee damage 0.8 -> 1.0 Dwarf melee damage 1.0 -> 0.8 Human shields also grant a 3.11 debuff protection to a certain kind of debuff. (For example: Shining = Defense, Thermal = Endurance, Quantum = Recharge) With Light Form there the shields' current only purpose is as mules or looks, and we have 3 of them, this will give each of them desirable for different builds and situations. Dwarf Form A small 2.5% -def aura to the form for a constant AOE taunt whilst remaining in the form. There is no real reason to stay in Dwarf mode if you are tanking once you have hit taunt and flare for the aoe taunt, this will encourage PeaceBringers to stay in this form for longer if they are intending to tank and the –def suits the rest of their powerset. 3.11 debuff protection and a 5% all def. We have no other way to get this without incarnates and some enhancements and against some foes you might as well be butter to their hot knife with their debuffs (Not great for a tank form).
  19. I fully support it being an option people can turn on ❤️ The more accessible the game is to people the better!
  20. I do like it but I think the only issue would be: It would become confusing which chat is being used, is it team chat? League chat? General chat? Atm the colours help make it clear what chat is being used at a glance
  21. True, it would be nice to have a red dot to symbolize it's down ❤️
  22. True, the only other fight added apart from the final one is the two giant robots and Vandal but they are needed to finish the mission. A giant Nictus minotaur on the two bridges as you enter the final mission could be a cool addition, but adding an additional boss fight seems a lot less likely 😄
  23. Just throwing this out there that doing the special badge on 4* Aeon gets you a target dummy, doing it on LGTF gets you a cool ass bonking sword. But ITF gives no such reward? Personally I would love something like a unlimited love arrow but maybe make it so they have a Kheldian aura for a little while in theme with the mechanics of the content ❤️
  24. Updated - 25/03/2024 - Added my own build here for people to use ❤️ - Lauci x
  25. Updated - 24/03/2024 - Updated Changeling binds to the double fire version as it's easier to get used to and have higher speed with. - Lauci x
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