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Everything posted by Laucianna

  1. I'm all for this as I like to leave my character in a pose to add a bit of flavour to her, then someone buffs me and I am just left hovering like a mug 😄
  2. But using that exact logic Kheldians should of been looked at in the same patch? So it's unfair to Kheldians when they finally get their long needed rework to have half of the dev team working on another AT 😄
  3. In that case here is the current build I am using ❤️ I have taken a lot of the Teleport pool powers due to enjoying how they work and character backstory 😄 I currently use this build for everything I do, herding for Hamis, 4 star content, Incarnate trials, Costume Contests... - Goddess Laucianna - 20.mbd
  4. I mean VEATs did just get some updates and HEATs were left out?
  5. Well done to the winners of the "Zodiac" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Rock"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/3deQdRudtZ 1st: Shagittarius 2nd: Gemini Effect 3rd: Aquarius Dreams Honorarys: Pi-Seas Sagicarnicus Carrot Juice Cancer the Crawdad Loyal Leo
  6. Got my character bio post made now ❤️
  7. Just the one toon as when you have a PeaceBringer you can do it all with style and grace! ❤️ Goddess Laucianna - PeaceBringer Confirmed forms: 269 Veteran Level: 858 Nationality: Ancient Italian Age: 2,000+ years Occupation: Self proclaimed Goddess Birth "Lauci" was born in ancient Rome to two loving parents, in a time where myths and legends intertwined with everyday life. Her birth was amongst laurel bushes, the origin of her name, however it was also marked by a beam of pure power, believed to be a celestial blessing that gifted her with distinct white hair and later the ability to teleport. As she grew into an adult, her curiosity about her abilities led her to experiment and test her limits, at first teleporting herself a few hundred feet, then being able to teleport others that she could see from miles away to her. During her testing, "Lauci" unintentionally teleported herself and a nearby mountain shrine dedicated to the Goddess Minerva into orbit. The shrine, a sacred place of worship adorned with intricate carvings and statues, was a centuries-old structure that held immense cultural and religious significance to her people. The consequence of "Lauci's" teleportation was not just limited to her immediate surroundings. The displaced mountain shrine, now floating in orbit, became a celestial spectacle. Its ethereal glow was just barely visible in the night sky. People across the region began to notice the mysterious addition to the stars, and rumors and legends started to circulate about a shrine that now adorned the heavens. Developing Powers As "Lauci" stood on the now-floating shrine, panic gripped her heart, fuelled not only by the consequences of her actions but also by the overwhelming uncertainty of finding her way back home. In the midst of her panic, "Lauci" encountered Prometheus, the Titan known for his association with fire and his rebellious nature against the gods. Prometheus, recognizing the potential source of "Lauci's" powers, approached her on the floating shrine. He revealed that her mutation to gain teleportation abilities were not mere chance but tied to a deeper source, the Well of the Furies. Prometheus, recognizing the potential within "Lauci", guided her towards Ouroboros—an ethereal convergence of realms suspended on a floating golden platform. As she stepped onto its radiant surface, she found herself surrounded by a surreal landscape that defied everything she knew about time and space. The platform teemed with diverse inhabitants, timekeepers calling themselves "Menders", aliens from distant galaxies, heroes and villains wearing extravagant costumes, seemingly from both past and present. The once-unpredictable nature of "Lauci's" teleportation abilities now harmonized with the rhythms of the energy surrounding Ouroboros. The golden platform beneath her feet resonated with the echoes of past and future, becoming a conduit for her to traverse the vast expanse of spacetime. The threads of different eras, realms, and dimensions became visable to her, granting her the ability to navigate through them at will. With her enhanced abilities, "Lauci" joined forces with Prometheus in a quest to recruit allies. Prometheus, aware of looming threats to come, sought individuals with unique talents to balance the scales. "Lauci's" ability to traverse spacetime became a valuable asset in this mission, as she could navigate through different eras and realms, aiding Prometheus in assembling a diverse group of allies. Kheldian Syntheses As "Lauci" traversed spacetime, her temporal voyages led her to a pivotal moment in her life, a Rikti attack on an unknown spaceship. Amidst the chaos and clashes between various extra-terrestrial forces, she encountered "Anna", a Kheldian captain fighting against the Rikti assault. In the midst of the intergalactic skirmish, "Anna" proposed to merge their two minds into one, granting "Lauci" the powers of the Kheldian. To transcend the limits of her physical body, "Lauci" agreed and merged her mastery over the timestream with the symbiotic powers of the Kheldians. The infusion of Kheldian abilities transformed "Lauci" into a formidable force, now calling herself "Laucianna" to represent her merge. No longer bound by a singular form, she could now transcend the boundaries of her physical existence, taking on diverse shapes and harnessing the strengths of those she encountered. Using this newfound power she turned it against the attacking Rikti, using their own bodies and strengths against them as she took the forms of their ranks. After the battle with the Rikti had subsided, and the remnants of their ship drifted through space, "Laucianna" found herself drawn to the heart of the Kheldian struggle. Guided by Anna's memories, she delved into the ancient lore of the Kheldians, discovering the malevolent force known as the Nictus, their ancient foe. As "Laucianna" ventured forth, her mission expanded beyond merely assisting Prometheus, resonating with the struggles of countless civilizations. She joined cosmic battle against the Nictus, and she stood as a beacon of hope in the face of an ancient darkness that threatened to consume the rest of reality to sustain their unnatural lives. Paragon City As "Laucianna" traversed the universe and defended against the Nictus threat, her exploits reached legendary proportions as she found herself in the nexus of all threats, Paragon City. "Laucianna" engaged in epic battles against a myriad of adversaries. The Rikti, with their advanced technology, tested her abilities on the physical plane. Godlike beings, seeking to cement themselves within in Paragon City, challenged her with cosmic might and celestial prowess. The Nictus, their dark presence felt in the shadows, sought to drain the very life from the citizens living within the city. With each encounter, "Laucianna's" adaptive abilities allowed her to accumulate new forms and powers. The clashes in Paragon City became a crucible for her evolution, and she seamlessly integrated the strengths and abilities of her adversaries into her ever expanding repertoire. Each battle marked a transformative moment, enhancing her formidable powers and solidifying her status as a true cosmic force. "Laucianna's" abilities steadily evolved, reaching heights that surpassed mortal comprehension. She became a living embodiment of the convergence between the mortal and the Kheldian, a force to be reckoned with in the ongoing struggle for Paragon City's survival. The title of "Goddess" was not just a recognition of her power but also a testament to her commitment to aiding those around her. Rise of the Goddess Driven by a sense of duty and compassion, "Laucianna" took it upon herself to become a guide and mentor for confused Kheldians. Drawing from her experiences, she shared the wisdom gained through her journeys and battles against cosmic threats. Her deep connection with the Kheldian legacy allowed her to provide insights into the symbiotic relationship, the responsibilities it entailed, and the cosmic mission they shared. Word of "Laucianna's" teachings spread among the Kheldians, and her reputation as a Goddess for her kind grew. The lost and confused found solace in her wisdom, and a Kheldian family began to form and grow under her watchful eye. As Laucianna continued to guide and teach, her title of "Goddess" transformed from a symbol of individual power to a beacon of unity for Kheldians. The reverence bestowed upon her by her kind was not just for her combat prowess but for the nurturing spirit that helped forge a community bound by a cosmic legacy. The reputation of "Laucianna", the Goddess of all Kheldians, echoed throughout the streets of Paragon City and beyond, marking a chapter in her saga where the Kheldians began to be recognised and a force in itself to help push back against the Nictus and any other that threatened their homes.
  8. Just do double check you mean human only is like minionless MM right? 😄 Personally I am not too worried if they enjoy it, but I wouldn't want a rework for Kheldians to have human only in mind as that isn't what a Kheldian is meant to be. Cosmic balance also becomes useless once you get perma eclipse/lightform for resist, and damage on leagues is easily capped.
  9. I will say that with Kheldians it is more about slotting smartly then other ATs, to the point I wouldn't say it's a huge issue that needs to be addressed as you are meant to be playing a Kheldian with some knowledge on how to play etc. Not sure if you mean human only here? As Tri form get a ton and if you don't pick up the forms then yeah you will have less powers 🙂 I agree with the handful of useful abilities but I feel like (From when I used to play other ATs) that is a case for most power pools where you get your awesome powers, then your okay ones. Not sure how cosmic balance is affecting your forms? I would treat our (in my opinion rubbish) inherent as a bonus more then something to rely on. I do feel like the pay off for learning a Kheldian should be a higher, but I would say we are above the minimum of others lol 😄 And with your suggestions I 100% agree our inherent should represent our form shifting not the team we are with ❤️ 25 slots is HUGE, most I would see them adding is 1 slot ever 10 levels for an extra 5 at 50 (Which is still a big buff) So you mean an activation power? That honestly sounds awesome and would encourage form shifting if say Nova had a free Inner light fire off when switching into it, and dwarf had a free aoe taunt as you switch into it! Honestly REALLY love that idea! The eye beam thing is how it works, you slot one eye beam and it is basically just more powerful in Nova form ❤️ I don't see them making an enhancement set just for Kheldians beyond the ATOs sadly And yeah I agree with using power pools in the forms, would add a sense of unity with the AT imo ❤️ - Lauci x
  10. 1: 100% agree that end drainers are a bastard to fight against which is why I updated the target bind to include them now 😄 2: Yeah toggles don't carry into the forms but are supressed, but click buffs like Hasten carry over ❤️ 3: On point! 4: Depending on the level you are playing yeah, personally I don't run defence toggles unless I am herding monsters for Hami now 🙂 5: Again depending on the level you play will dictate how much agro you want, levelling you may want a smaller threat level but at max level you should looking to tank where possible since you out tank most others. 6: You can also use a teleport bind with your target bind so you end up face to face with the thing you need to kill most in the pack ❤️ 7: For Warshades yeah the duration REALLY hurts how well you can hold agro (For Peacebringers it's about 85% as effective) But tankers also get an inherent to help with taunting even more 😄 8: 100%, I slot one slow resist and the rest as knock back IOs ❤️
  11. I am 99% sure it does but I am also 99% Granite does change with your body type (Huge for example)
  12. Yeah no idea if it's possible but thought I would suggest it in case it was ❤️
  13. Is there any chance we can have the Mini mode affect both the Nova and Dwarf forms for Kheldians?
  14. Updated - 18/03/2024 - Updated targeting bind to better target enemies that will be a threat over multiple content. - Lauci x
  15. Well done to the winners of the "Water" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Zodiac"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU 1st: Fiddler Crab 2nd: Aria Pacifica 3rd: Sunken Figurehead Honorarys: Killer-Whale Tridan Dame of the Tides Ship-Wrecker Poseida Thicker than Water Killer Orca Aqua Lung
  16. Just an update on this, today it refused to let me fill the last 2 spots on the league, so I will probably stick to running it open world until these bugs get fixed as it makes it a lot more annoying and tedious to run ❤️
  17. I do have all the previous winners on our Discord if you want to check them out there ❤️ But yeah sadly I found my image cap was quickly hit so I couldn't post any winners or any picture anywhere else 😞
  18. Would be awesome for sure! But highly doubt they will add a travel power for a single AT that is the second least played sadly 😞
  19. I started an instanced MotherShip raid today and when I was inviting people to the league, if I had 6 teams and team 1 was filled, it was not letting anyone else join. This is a massive pain in the butt as you are half inviting through the spam and having to quickly chuck them out of team 1 so they can join.
  20. Not every costume gods no XD But some affects people are going to want on their more played characters
  21. I feel like that would work if it was a case the Aether costumes were bound to your account, but as far as I am aware their not so everyone with alts they like and want a costume or god forbid one of the 250 (or even 1.5k!) ones will need a lot of Aether to cover the costs keeping them in demand.
  22. I get where you are coming from, it is very centred towards bringing a set number of AT's, I would also prefer it if it relied more on playing smart (Avoiding things that will kill you, unique boss tactics) more then high dps checks and high debuffs so it would be a case of any AT could join on a GOOD build and it require them to be smart as they play ❤️ But the idea of taking them out of the game and they are a failure is wrong, people still run them and they give people who want that harder challenge what they want 🙂
  23. I like the teleport option, the fly one doesn't seem as good by comparison but it's hard with fly 😄
  24. Personally I just think normal fly should apply to pets as well, since they are an extension of yourself rather then needing a whole separate power to enable them to fly. Though this would remove probably the final reason anyone picks Group fly.
  25. I honestly really like these! They all suit the element they are representing and don't feel too overpowered, I feel a bunch of fire farmers will probably take Glacial storm to add even more AoE to their AoE 😄 - Lauci x
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