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Everything posted by Laucianna

  1. Glad to see you here hun! Yeah I try to message a any Kheldian I see online about it to help our numbers grow ❤️ - Lauci x
  2. True! I am still jealous we don't get them on PeaceBringer too! Though that is just me being greedy at that point XD - Lauci x
  3. I absolutely love it!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ - Lauci x
  4. I would say you are highly limiting yourself hun as switches builds resets all cooldowns so you have to wait a while for things to pop back up, I would suggest going dual form if you want to focus on tanking/ranged etc as humans are the ones with 2 nukes and 2 heals, so you will be missing out on a lot of damage/survivability if you ignore human form ❤️ Human only is fine though as you have a decent variety of tools though you will still be slightly limited imo. - Lauci x
  5. So sorry to hear one of the main Kheldian experts has been driven off the game due to what seems to be the devs putting in extra work to make an already niche AT even more niche and ignored. Especially after there has been a budding interest in the AT, it now looks like Kheldians will be that ignored AT that no one picks again 😞
  6. Tri form is a 3 form build hun? Unless I am missing something XD Or do you mean a separate build for each form? - Lauci x
  7. So many wonderful bases! It's amazing how creative some people are!!!
  8. SoV run a different daily event everyday of the week for their SG (You can see that on their discord, though I am not a member of their SG) But aside from that I have ran quite a few Kheldian only mission teams and since my SuperGroup is very Costume focused we often run with matching themes when we feel like it ❤️ I was going to start doing Squid Sundays where we do the weekly TF as only Khelds but I started a D&D group that can only play on Sundays instead 😧
  9. I could not agree more! Toggle suppression felt like a massive QoL and to a smaller extend a buff to both Kheldians (As a PeaceBringer it is so nice not having to toggle your flight etc back on each time!!!) The auto unlock forms is a great idea I've not heard before! Would love to see how people build differently if those powers are auto unlocked ❤️ - Lauci x
  10. Great suggestion hun! Added a section explaining the 2 special Enhancement sets you can get and the form empowerment (Also learned something new about it whilst testing!) And with the binds I put them as the numpads as if people want them there great, if not it is easier to replace it with "Q" or "E" then figuring out "Numpad1" ❤️ - Lauci x
  11. Great idea and so glad to hear you have the courage to try something fun! After all games are meant to be enjoyed not just min maxed 😄 Added the "Special Enemies" section that lists what happens and also an easy way on how to deal with it, but let me know if you think I am missing anything! ❤️
  12. 01/04/2023 - Added a section on why play Kheldians since our main strength comes from understanding our AT better then others do when they have to constantly alt ❤️
  13. I am only seeing the option for colour tintable and original under Combat flight?
  14. Hiya! Thanks for the info hun! My knowledge on WarShades is a lot more limited so a massive thank you for letting me know, I have updated the intro to WarShades to better reflect the playstyle you mentioned, let me know if I am still missing anything ❤️ - Lauci
  15. Thank you for the point hun! I added it to the guide as it is a viable option to save a precious enhancement slot if you can control the knockback ❤️
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