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Everything posted by Laucianna

  1. Updated 15/07/2023 - Added a section talking about the different power pools - Lauci x
  2. Well done to the winners of the "Wild West" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! Or join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU 1st: Village Singer 2nd: El Otro Fantasma 3rd: New Old Prospector Honorarys: Y'allternative Raddlesnake Chief Cherokee Miss Scarlet Deadeye Daisy Wild Teks
  3. Heads up all: This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Wild West"! It will be in Atlas park under the statue on Homecoming - Excelsior, and the time will be at midnight UK Time!!
  4. THIS FRIDAYS THEME: "Music"! ^^^^^ THIS FRIDAYS THEME ^^^^^ Last weeks Winners! 1st: Moon Gardener 2nd: Moontouched Owlbeast 3rd: LUNAR Honorarys: Phase de la Lune Man in da Moon Aiera Moonwater Blanker That's No Moon Neil Farmstrong Apollo Juan What! The Friday Fashion Contest is a Costume Contest held weekly in Echo Plaza 😄 The total prize pool can range from anywhere between 100 Million to over 1 Billion Influence!!! (Special events may go even higher!) When! It happens every Friday at 19:00 (7pm) Eastern time! (Just after the daily Hamidon raid in the Abyss) Where! On the Excelsior Server - In the lovely and golden Echo Plaza! (You get get here from the tunnel portals) Why! The Costume Creator is such an amazing tool in this game that gets ignore by a lot of players once a character is made (Plus I only have 1 toon so I need to spend my influence on something!) Who! You! Anyone is allowed to enter you just need to be able to get to Echo Plaza which is accessed through a tunnel portal! FAQ: "Is there anyway I can help out?" If you want to help judge a contest you just need to ask any member of the Elysian Guardians SG to invite you, if you can't find us at a time before the contest you can always message one of us then (I will defo be there of course!) If you do not want to judge but want to help another way you can always donate to the prize pool. If you wish to donate you can do so by emailing me (Global is @Laucianna) MAKE SURE TO SEND A TEST EMAIL FIRST! Donations are 100% not expected or needed to enter, they will just help raise the Prize pool to the cap of 1 Billion inf (Unless a special event) "How do you decide on each theme for the week?" On our Discord we have a suggestions tab for anyone to make a theme suggestion and around Monday-Tuesday I will start a vote on the top suggested themes, the winner of the vote is the theme for the week! "Discord?" https://discord.gg/3deQdRudtZ A few rules: - No Copyrighted costumes, the GMs do not like it and I do not want to endorse it (Get creative ❤️) - If you enter on a toon in the "Elysian Guardians" SG (The SG that hosts it XD) We will not be able to vote on you as it would look like favouritism. - Do not be rude to other contestants, if I see someone saying something mean about another contestants costume you may be excluded from the votes. But most of all: Have fun! This isn't meant to be a way to earn lots of influence or try to even win, this is meant to be an event for people to show off their costume making skills and help inspire others to do the same! (We all started in the pre generated costumes at some point 😄) How we actually judge: Just to make the process clear on how it works so there's no confusion I thought I would explain the process of how judging works ❤️ - Step 1 - Judging - Once judging has begun the judges of the day will begin their walk around the costumes, picking out their top 5 picks based on the theme selected for that week. - Step 2 - MATH - Once the judges have their top 5 they send them to me, where their first pick will get 5 points and a secured place as honorary if not higher! The second pick will get 4 points, third 3 points, fourth 2 points, fifth 1 point. - Step 3 - Totals - Once all the judges have their vote in I will total them up and the person who has the most points gets first! Same with second and third. - Step 4 - Announcements - That's it! I then call out the honorary winners and the top 3 of the day ❤️
  5. Honestly it comes down to the traffic as well, there are a lot of places that I could post it to make sure everyone has a chance to see it but at the moment the list of all the places I have to post are already quite high 😄 (To the point sometimes I forget to post in one or two of the places) Discord is easy as it is copy and paste across the servers, whereas here and Reddit require a bit more work to format it, the difference between here and reddit is when I post the winners on reddit I am seeing around 30 people interacting with the post but on the forums that number is more around 5. Saying all that XD I might delay posting the winners of the weeks theme on here and Reddit until I know what the next week theme will be, that way I can include it in this post as well. I will see how it goes but hopefully that gives more people the heads up! - Lauci x
  6. Very nicely detailed guide on the different ways to bind the tp! ❤️ - Lauci x
  7. It is a great suggestion tbf since a lot of people play Human only because they don't like the looks of the forms, and I know Light form already has the option to have the form appearance (Wisp) or human with extra detail (Floating wisps around you) - Lauci x
  8. I post the theme normally from Monday through to Wednesday on our Discord channel, a few other Discord channels including on the official homecoming Discord channel under Excelsior events and Costume Discussion, alongside also posting it on Reddit and on the in game costume contest channel 😄 I don't update the weekly calendar event here as I am pretty sure it needs to be approved by a GM which could take a day or two and gives them extra work, but if you want I can post a link to the Discord here for you to join if you wish hun? - Lauci x
  9. Winners: 🥇 1st: Ratkowski 🥈 2nd: Crimes of Fashion 🥉 3rd: BigGame 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ Honorarys: One Forgotten Burlesque Be Gay do Crime Thugtown Sly Old Fox If you wish to be part of the first people to find out next weeks theme, or even help suggest/vote on the upcoming theme, join our discord at: https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU
  10. Winners: 🥇 1st: Under the Boardwalk 🥈 2nd: First Baseman 🥉 3rd: Charcoal Briq'ette 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ Honorarys: Alternate-Current Independence Jay Bottle Rocket Billy Sunburnt Bob FireWerx
  11. I do always love seeing the more unique builds for Kheldians XD I hope you have a little bit of fun with it despite how limiting! - Lauci x
  12. Tbf yeah, from what it sounds like you are trying to do is just change bars alongside your form and have the form powers on the bar, in which case you just dedicate a bar for each form and have the powers you want in each form on that bar, then use the following binds to switch form and bar: /bind numpad1 "gototray 4$$powexec_toggleon bright nova" /bind numpad2 "gototray 5$$powexec_toggleon white dwarf" /bind numpad0 "gototray 1$$powexec_toggleoff White Dwarf$$powexec_toggleoff Bright Nova"
  13. I am stumped then hun, you can add me on Discord and I can try sending the file that way to see if it helps? - Lauci x
  14. I would have no idea sadly hun, might need to update you Mids? - Lauci x
  15. Winners: 🥇 1st: Healsinger 🥈 2nd: Synthpunk 🥉 3rd: Space Mommy 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ Honorarys: Galaxyca Escape Pod 30th Century Fox Street Samurai Edo Vanessa 382436 Counterclockwise
  16. Oh 100%! I mean just look at @Harakh Peacebomber build XD - Lauci x
  17. Winners: 🥇 1st: Dendropithecus 🥈 2nd: Zoki the Cave Girl 🥉 3rd: Mighty Munger 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ Honorarys: Extinct Caveman Lawyer Brap'Korg Cait M'ress La Brea Smilodon Inventor of the Wheel Sagira the Savage GammaRock Tyrannosaurus
  18. I did a bit of experimenting with the form bonuses you get with the enhancement and I found that you get your current forms bonus plus the previous forms for about 10 seconds after switching (So if you come from nova into human for nukes they do more damage) I am not sure if this is an intended feature but it is a nice one 😄 Also congratulations on getting to level 50! There will most likely be a lot of respecs coming your way as you tweak your Kheldian into your own personal one! ❤️ - Lauci x
  19. I think you have quite a few things mixed up here hun: 1: Lightform carries over into Squid form so you can still have capped resists and any defensive set bonuses in that form. 2: Again Lightform carries over into Dwarf form too. 3: Lightform can quite easily get to max resists (Except Psi) but the base values are right 🙂 4: I am confused with this one, you can use whichever powers of the form you are in, Human only builds are locked to human only powers but the other forms can switch back to Human to activate things like Lightform and Hasten. 6: The crash comes every 90 seconds and will always take you down to 50% health, and take away 50% of your total endurance, meaning it can wipe out your end but never your health. The best way to know when the crash is coming is when you have perma Lightform, it will be coming soon after you pop Lightform again. Hope this help clear some things up ❤️ - Lauci x
  20. Updated 12/06/23 - Added a section talking about the pros of each form - Lauci x
  21. Overwhelming force sadly is not a 100% conversion form KB to KD, I can't remember the exact numbers but I know for a fact it will still kb enemies about half of the time sadly 😞 - Lauci x
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