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Everything posted by starro

  1. I believe you can just type a post as you just did and you are good to go OR go over to discord (see instructions on first page) and do that.
  2. What about the hot dogs on Spanky’s Boardwalk in Talos?
  3. I saw the small download and repeated on second pc. Patch notes or some background service updates?
  4. don't forget more defeated villains also equals more opportunities for salvage, recipes, threads and other drops too. Depending on the villains and depending on the mission it's fun to play with. If your butt is getting kicked bail and try new settings.
  5. My favorite memory is at launch when I tried to share a computer and an account with my husband. This lasted about through the end of the pre-release and we realized this was unstainable and picked up a second copy of the game, second PC and I think even a desk to share in our office. The thought of a game where we both experienced the same game from TWO computers blew our mind. We fought crime and robbed banks. We were both misty eyed and elated with the games untimely departure and later return on Homecoming.
  6. To good health and things getting back to normal. This has been such an off year. My house decided to have the washer, dryer and fridge all die since New Year's Day. ....in have New Years seems a year ago.
  7. my theory on the stages of all MMOS 1.) Dumb Fun and you play 2.) Recognizable Grind and you still play 3.) Resent the Game and hate playing 4.) Resent yourself and still play 5.) Eat a lot of donuts. I get to stage 5 with most MMO's in an hour. All these years later I float between stages 1 and 2 still to this day.
  8. wow! was it done in about an hour? That was done while I was cutting the grass!
  9. I am crazy in love with Roger Wilco. I think the Sierra line of products was my first computer gaming love lost to the progress of time and tastes in the gaming industry.
  10. You're a space janitor. Get back to scrubbing toilets.
  11. Use this zone for more incarnate content and advance the story line with the imminent invasion of Battalion. I have been hung up on that for a long time and would like to see Homecoming tackle some serious lore and story advancement. Praetoria was nice, but ready for something new. I do like the comments about more rogue/vigilante content which makes sense between 20 and 40. Lower unused hazard zones should get renovated for that content. I would like to see where the new Boom Town was going. Zone optimization is good. i have far less crashes moving to 64bit client, but man that 32 bit client, 50 people in the zone and my computer gives up.
  12. most come here to escape reality. Now I will get back to the Wound Licker and continue my reign of terror
  13. all the frequent updates get addictive. I'm withdrawing man! In all seriousness i hope all the people who bring us Homecoming are in good health and spirits and never get burned out working on this in their spare time. ....but seriously let us know... like clown masterminds or cat-girls are coming, right?
  14. Welcome home. Check out the old content, the “new issue 24” and all the homecoming content- issues 25 and 26. More updates to come. as a casual player it’s fun to drop in for a 30 minute run or longer. I find teaming easy. I miss my old super group but the community remains friendly and fun. All those other mmos I tried over the years? Yeah I haven’t looked back.
  15. I keep os on C:\ apps on D:\ and personal data on E;| Why? cause I over purchased on my computer years ago and just keep doing it! Actually i like my data on one drive by itself and that gets backed up daily.
  16. oh! I missed last couple of months. Got it in at 87%!
  17. In Praetoria there is always a February 31st.
  18. welcome home! make your old favorites and make some new heroes with the new archtype, visit the new zones and catch up with old and new friends. 😉
  19. As always thank you Homecoming Team. Were there any new pieces added in? I was scrolling through gloves and see Fashion Flared and Fashion Tight at the bottom of the list if I select Tops with Skin. For chest I also see Cybertech 1 - 5 which have a different kind of material pattern. I love new costume pieces when I can get them 🙂 Still playing but I noticed as I go down the list for path aura and regular aura sometimes when selecting a new path (or regular) aura the other category deselects and reverts to NONE. Not a biggee, but wow.... Electrical Aura and Electrical Path Aura!! Maybe a bug or maybe a preference - After making Asymmetrical costume selections but then selecting Costume Sets from the top of the selection the asymetrical pieces to not conform to the Costume Set selection.
  20. Yes. When the HC team can build and advance the story line. I want the Battalion story too.
  21. i look forward to an updated synapse tf. I just get tired of the clockwork and hope they can mix in some other villains / break it into 2 part.... ANYTHING to make it so less boring at such an early level 20.
  22. This is awesome! ....badges too? I have done a bad job maintaining my spreadsheet of which task forces are done. I see in LFG channel a message for a certain task force or event and I have to find the right character in my pile of alts. I would keep a browser open and click through/review and know which character to switch to if that was an option.
  23. Thank you developers who build/fix and players who test stuff. I just enjoy playing and have no time for beta, but I benefit from your efforts.
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