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Everything posted by starro

  1. Welcome to game. Not sure if this is the issue but sometimes forum and game account are two different accounts. I do recommend never use the same password on multiple accounts. game account reset - https://forums.homecomingservers.com/gameaccount/ or Account on menu bar above and select Game Account
  2. Before the thread dies/locks and regardless of position on gambling and the social/legal risks for COH/society as a whole I just wanted to share that I like Project: Gorgon's approach on the subject with games of chance (modified dominos) card games (monsters and mantids) and an in-game bets on arena. I played the games on release for three months and kind of burned out on them. There was no risk to real world money. If you ever look for another interesting MMO (but does not fill the void in COH's absence) I recommend Gorgon also for the community.
  3. i think the donation opens and usually fills in minutes, hours and never a day. Anyone keep stats on that??
  4. thank you homecoming volunteers and community for another month of excellent service.
  5. No. The war never ends with countless mothership raids that grind new heroes up and turn the survivors into jaded veterans. The Rikti continue building their arsenal for the next raid. And the next. And the next. When there is the appearance that maybe peace - sirens blare as raid ships descend onto Paragon City and the Rogue Isles…
  6. Back when I had a SG on live i want to say I have copy+paste / overflowed the email body and there was no graceful recovery. Along with horrible formatting I just keep the email to sending attachments and brief messages.
  7. I am a casual player and spent 5 years getting my first level 50 on live. On HC that journey was 6 months. COH has become ridiculous easy to level in many ways and does not need another. In a world of blinkies the game needs to find new ways to be sticky and keep player attention span. My experiences say there are many level 50s out there who flew to the top and have no idea about incarnate system / how to unlock, chat channels, task forces or even form / participate in a team. none of this is a complaint but an opportunity to team and show new people new facets of the worlds greatest hero mmo.
  8. starro


    Non-Homecoming version of the game?
  9. welcome back. My old stand-by is super strength/invulnerability. Radiology has been a fun addition to the game!
  10. I had this. You did nothing wrong and not punitive, just happens. If a verify does not fix it there is a text file that checks with the server and it is hung up. Delete and corrected files will download. I had a level 35 hero and thought I had data loss but there was no data loss. I will see if I can find that fix. edit : rename playerslot.txt to playerslot.backup and restart game.
  11. The redesigned Atlas Park has an arboretum/enclosed glass area on top of a building.
  12. Any body that is not standard male, female, huge goes white on mine too including Recluse.
  13. thank you homecoming supporters, community and hc team
  14. thank you homecoming. Starro felt alone with only millions of his starfish minions to keep him company tuesday
  15. Starro commands you to discontinue Avast and apply a starfish over your mammal head. All is fine when you are one with Starro. I have had the same with avast unhelpful messaging
  16. I like all three starting zones, but easily everyone wants to save the day and be a hero. on my list of magic wishes (unlimited, time money and resources) there would be a large villain story update and new Arachnos stuff.
  17. Not this mission specifically but I have completed missions only to have the same mission come up. This bug for me happened on live as well as Homecoming but very infrequently. After doing the same mission 2-3 times I would just open a support ticket or it self corrects with a computer restart.
  18. Be mean to us and alternate. Call one the Paladin and the other the Earl or some other royal title.
  19. strength and invulnerability. Her costume is so basic - blue head to toe. I learned to play the game with her, lead groups, support teams, learned enhancements, architect and Wentworth tutorials. This is my old go-to and solo or group she mostly never dies... mostly. At relaunch I could not believe old muscle memory and the feels that showed up. I was told you can never truly go home again, but COH like many things bends those rules.
  20. Please submit all requests to the following: Super-Group Registry 1 Atlas Park Paragon City, Rhode Island ATTN: Dick Ballzac, Super Group Registrar Allow 4-6 weeks for processing.
  21. Civilian NPCs - Paragon Wiki Archive It's been years and I don't think it is around any more but I wonder if the old City of Heroes "Herostats" utility had that. I just remember it was very small.
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