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Force Redux

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Everything posted by Force Redux

  1. Belated Happy New Year! Glad to celebrate 5+ years of my favorite MMO
  2. I'm just going to drop a belated Happy New Year here. 'Cause red side.
  3. Love me that Cryo ammo on my DP/ninja
  4. Same with ninja blade
  5. Yeah... Without dragons tails just a little single Target for me too.
  6. What made you decide to change if you don't mind me asking?
  7. Did you recolor Mu white to resemble spiderwebs?
  8. I really like /Plant for ranged over blapper builds, only because I find the melee powers are rather mid. That does free up a lot of powers, unless using them as enhancement mules.
  9. Everlasting. Only
  10. I'm sorry to hear of their passing. /emote torch Rest well hero
  11. I don't post builds anymore, and this is very late to the question, but I will say that damage on seismic is very competitive with all my other blasters. Definitely not lacking. Do plan on being near the ground if you want to get the most out of seismic's secondary effect. The only pain point is whether you don't mind the delay on the T9 or not, I personally enjoy it. Meteors from the sky!!
  12. I don't mind having the same power sets on different archetypes. Especially when the power set performs a little differently, like super reflexes or radiation armor.
  13. OP clearly wants more jingle bell.
  14. The quilted red cloak really hits the gothic feel
  15. I just love this. Color, composition... but may I ask, which pants are those?
  16. I think my preferred secondaries to go with beasts, are darkness, time, and Marine. Darkness: all the usual great reasons to have this power set, including controls extra pet, debuffs out the yin yang, and the pets being all melee are reliably where you want them to be for the massive healing. Time: virtually smorgasburg of a variety of powers packaged together, with Defense and most of the things also affecting The Mastermind being top of you. It's like an armor set for you and your pets. Marine: like darkness, your pet's being melee mean they are in the right position to receive all the goodness that Marine offers predictably. Like both of the other sets, this one offers quite a bit of many different things that synergize well together especially for melee.
  17. I'm with @kelika2. Time really offers a lot in one package.
  18. I tried both. I try find Kinetics to be too busy for me, as a player. Time is more consistent and has better tools IMO. I hope you are enjoying Beasts...I like them.
  19. I didn't see an answer for this, I just want to offer some quick thoughts: honestly I think time beats out kinetics. The additional protection for The Mastermind particularly getting up close and in melee puts time ahead. Ken will end up doing more damage but time is a bit safer.
  20. Try this topic below: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/52974-looking-for-a-waterregen-build/
  21. Welcome back hero!
  22. This is the part we find out *we're* the sidekick...🤷‍♂️
  23. Rest in peace heroine... /Em hold torch
  24. Me too. The conversion to AI of the face was particularly attractive.
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