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About Honorbridge

  • Birthday September 6

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  1. Note also you have to have “Remember me” (or whatever the check box is to automatically enter your user name) checked for playerslot.txt to be referenced.
  2. I wonder if that’s an oversight from when they reduced T9 primary powers becoming available at 26 instead of 32.
  3. Reminder that resistance to control effects decreases duration by 1/(1+resistance amount) and does not prevent an effect. 100% resistance halves duration. Source: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Resistance_(Mechanics)
  4. I’m not certain exactly what you are concerned about here. Your characters themselves are under no danger of deletion unless you do it yourself. The worst that could happen is you might have to rename them. However, the system for releasing names is not active, with no indications that it will go live in the foreseeable future.
  5. Clicking on pedestrians with names starting with a certain letter can give you information about the game. Names that start with F give you the time IN Paragon City. A ‘day’ in game takes about half an hour real life time, so the time it takes to click a few times means a few in-game minutes have passed. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Civilian_NPCs for more about info that can be obtained from NPCs.
  6. Rogue Isle contacts, like Doc Buzzsaw, can only be talked to while in the Rogue Isles. Paragon City contacts can only be talked to while in Paragon City. Ourobouros counts as your home area (Paragon City for hero/vigilante, Rogue Isles for villain/rogue). This is working as designed.
  7. Hmm, by any chance did you run into that bug where Council bosses/Lts. are pulling from the wrong subgroup, and are over leveled for the mission as a result? Because if you got some bugged lvl 35 councils, that might explain the high level salvage (they drop the entire list of mid and high level salvage at 35.)
  8. Still fighting at level, I presume? Increased difficulty, whether solo settings (+1) or from teaming, could result in those drops, but they should not drop from level 33 mobs. If you identify what you were fighting, it could give the devs a place to start checking drop tables.
  9. The player notes are a simple text file stored locally with the client. They have no connection to the server, so they can’t be updated. Take note, if you login to your account from another computer, your notes will not be there.
  10. When viewing the forums menu (the three bars) on my mobile device (iPhone), the option “Account” shows up twice, but with different options for each of them. The first seems to be about managing forum settings, while the second seems to be about setting up game accounts. I’d recommend renaming one or both of them. Maybe something like “Forum account” or “Manage accounts”.
  11. Looking at City of Data for Grant Invisibility, the power only affects Leaguemates rather than Allies. Therefore, NPC allies ARE ineligible targets. In fact, so would be players you are not teamed with. I’m not sure this is actually a bug. My guess is the intention was to prevent drive-by buffing rendering people unable to see their costumes/characters.
  12. First, check this link and see if it helps: Second, you shouldn’t use your email address as your forum display name, it’s bad security. You can change it under Account(the first one)>Account settings in the menu at the top of the page (directions based on mobile version, may differ on desktop.)
  13. Arbiter Sands is normally an Archvillain - as such, he is not a Boss, and is not affected by your settings regarding bosses. He’s affected by your Archvillain settings, which when off makes him an Elite Boss - which is not the same as a Boss, but is rather the tier of enemy between a Boss and an Archvillain. EB is the lowest rank he will go. Edit: By the way, we have a separate Bug Reports forum a few down. That would be a better place to post a bug next time so the Devs can keep them all in one place and see them more easily.
  14. As far as I know, it boosts your heal OTHER things powers. As you are a fire/fire tank, that basically means medicine pool or Rebirth Destiny. It doesn’t affect your lore pet because they only get one instance of the hybrid power inherited when summoned - which lasts 10 seconds - whereas you get the power refreshed as long as the power is active.
  15. We sort of have something like this in the Steel Canyon fires. I’m not sure how often they get run, but my gut says not much. It probably doesn’t help that badges are the only reward.
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