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Everything posted by Bopper

  1. I type this into my chat window for my bind: /bind g "powexec_location target Distortion Field" Now when you press "g", you will activate Distortion Field at the location of your target. As for your defense question, you should let me know what your numbers look like without Power Boost on, so I can calculate what your perma PB + Farsight looks like. If you have a mids build, that would help too.
  2. That's because you are giving the FF proc more opportunities to trigger in AoE powers. You only need it to proc once, since there is no stack. So even though there is a degrade to your probability to proc on each target due to the Area Factor of the attack, that degrade will get offset if you can hit 3 or more targets.
  3. I haven't tested it, but there is a /Storm Summoning thread in the defender section that I believe has your answers. As for stacking, it won't, but it should/could refresh the duration of the +Recharge
  4. The percentage won't increase, but the number of procs will increase. Think of it this way, assuming the targets don't run out of the quicksand, and the fight lasts for at least 45 seconds, then you can expect each target in the quicksand to have 5 attempts at getting hit with the proc (which has a 15% chance of hitting). The probability of missing every time on a target is 43.6%, so your probability of hitting the target at least once is 56.4%. It's not bad. It's not game breaking. For what it's worth, I use 4 procs in my Distortion Field, which lasts for 45 seconds also, but has only a 20 foot radius (so higher probability to proc). I get very good production out of it.
  5. Ok, sounds good. So you collected 30 samples here. There were 5 opportunities for each of 5 Crey in your first test, and 5 opportunities for the Tank Smasher. Of these 30 opportunities, you got 4 procs (13.33%). This falls right in line with expected, as the formula for pseudopets with a 25 foot radius would have a 15.3% probability to proc. Now, I won't make conclusions with a small sample size, but so far it looks like everything is working like normal.
  6. I only see 10 seconds of log. Quicksand I believe last for 45 seconds.
  7. @Chelsea Rorec can you edit your posts and add in how each power was slotted (procs and regular enhancements), and also what incarnate alpha is slotted? I want to do my due diligence when looking over your logs.
  8. Sure, that could work. I recommend posting your logs inside a Spoiler window, so it doesn't fill up the post too much. For example As for the test, dont stack any powers. Just let it ride out for the entirety of its duration, then cast again. Try to keep track of the number of enemies that stayed inside the radius. Thanks.
  9. Can you provide specific numbers? Tell me how many enemies were hit at each 10 second interval (tough to control, I know). How many times did you cast the power, were they stacked? Basically, is the performance lining up similar to the ppm formulas?
  10. I definitely phrased it wrong. This is all I meant: Let's do an example with made up scales (because I dont know them). At +0, the debuffs are 12.5% and 20% for annihilation and Achilles, respectively. At +4, the debuffs are (we'll say) half, so 6.25% and 10%. Let's assume these debuffs are always on, how much damage will you do? If no debuffs, let's assume 100 damage. So for +0 mobs, you now do 132.5. If you do +4 mobs, you now do 116.25 damage. In both cases the added damage from Achilles is 60% more than the added damage from Annihilation, but the added damage for both is still reduced by higher mob levels.
  11. That holds true for all the procs. They scale similarly. So if it were to, let's say, add 10% to your kill speed against even level mobs, it would do the same for +4 mobs. (edit, badly worded) Now, if you dont want to slot it because it procs less often (3 ppm vs. 3.5 ppm), and because it procs for less (12.5% vs. 20% debuff), then that's fine. I won't say it's useless, though, but it certainly is less impactful. Either way, slotting it would depend on the build.
  12. MRT is modified recharge time, which is how long it would take to recharge the power based on the recharge reduction slotted into the power. This recharge reduction includes alpha incarnates as those act as global enhancements for your powers. Basically, it is the final recharge reduction after factoring in enhancement diversification. So let's do an example. Let's say you have a power that has a base recharge of 20 seconds, and you have one level 50 IO recharge slotted into it (42.4%) and you have Spiritual Alpha equipped (33%). Your MRT would be: MRT = 20 / (1 + 0.424 + 0.33) = 11.4 seconds Notice, this calculation does not factor in global recharge, so recharge boosts from powers like hasten or fulcrum shift do not factor in, neither do recharge boosts from set bonuses (like a LotG, or a 5 slotted purple set). CastTime is animation time.
  13. Ok, I tested the Annihilation proc. It turns out, I was wrong about something, Annihilation proc is resistible just like the other resistance debuffs. Also, it is working (as of today anyways). I noticed on my power analyzer the calculation of the New Resistance after debuffs has a huge delay (like 1 second). It is possible that you took your screen shot too early and the effects of Annihilation were not calculated yet. I did a few videos and monitored my calculated resistances in power analyzer, and it all adds up correctly. For what it's worth, here are the results of one of my tests against a Lattice (Monster in Peregrine Island). The Lattice has a base resistance of -40% Smash. It is 0% for Lethal, Fire, Cold, and Psionic. It is +20% for Energy and Negative Energy: Resistance Debuff Test Smash L/F/C/P E/NE Piercing Rounds Annihilation Comments -40% 0% 20% N/A N/A Base -68% -20% 4% -20% N/A 1 stack, no proc -96% -40% -12% -40% N/A 2 stacks, no proc -113.5% -52.5% -22% -40% -12.5% 2 stacks, proc'd -85.5% -32.5% -6% -20% -12.5% 1 stack, proc'd In every single combination, the formula works properly: New Resistance = Base Resistance + (100% - Base Resistance)*(sum of all Resistance Debuffs). For example, let's look at the 2 stacks plus the proc: New Smash Resistance = -40% + (140%)*(-52.5%) = -113.5% Now, full disclosure, I only analyzed the numbers that showed up in the power analyzer. I did not look at my combat log to confirm the damage taken by the enemy matches the stated resistances. That would be required to confirm everything works properly. Edit, I went back and looked at the damage. It matches up perfectly. So mystery solved. Annihilation proc works exactly as advertised, 12.5% resistance debuff for 10 seconds at 3 PPM. It's not as good as Achilles' (20% debuff, 3.5 PPM), but it's still effectively a decent damage boost (boosts your proc damage as well) and it is easier to slot.
  14. If you right click in your chat window, you can select edit tab. Select damage inflicted, click add, then save. Hope that helps. As for damage rarely procing, I dont know how to respond to that without you quantifying it. I believe the probability to proc on each enemy is 15%, which is low. This opportunity to proc happens only once per 10 seconds, so you should average about 0.9 procs per minute per target. The other challenge that you might get from this is your targets getting repelled and knocked back, so it's possible that they might miss one of your 10 second ticks because you knocked them too far away. I can try testing again against a boss or two and see if my numbers line up with the formula.
  15. I dont want to hijack the thread, so if you/anyone want to talk about it more, PM me. But to answer your question, I am not seeing it proc when the pseudopets are summoned. It only procs when you cast it. I believe this is different from when I initially tested it over a month ago (I swore I used to see it proc 2-3 times; once on cast then randomly again on the subsequent summons). Anyways, I asked a GM about it but have been ignored. So who knows what's going on.
  16. FWIW, if anyone sees a performance issue in a specific power, please message me about it so I can verify. Tell me the performance you're seeing, I'll calculate what I think it should be, and if there's a discrepancy I'll test it. Right now, only Enflame has been acting weird for me, but I haven't necessarily been hunting for problems, so I'll need community help to point me in the right direction.
  17. It does not work off base recharge. It works off enhanced recharge. Feel free to read through my guide and I'll happily clarify anything you'd like. The wiki you reference is for i23, we are in i25+ now, so lots have changed.
  18. That hasn't been confirmed. I'll test it this weekend and get back to you.
  19. The formula is this: New Resistance = Original + (1 - Original)×(Resistance Debuff) If we only look at Achilles and Opportunity, we get: 35% + (65%)×(22.2%+5.55%) = 16.96% 25% + (75%)×(22.2%+5.55%) = 4.19% This is exactly what the numbers show in your screenshot which implies there is no effect from the annihilation proc. I'll dig through on the Sentinel page (I think around page 3 or 4) I can show an example of annihilation having an effect (I'll link to it later). So I dont know what's different between then and now. Edit: Link to what I was referencing earlier when annihilation proc did work: In that example, the original resistance is 20% and it shows debuffs of 5, 9.6, and 12.5. If we ignore annihilation again, we'd get the following: New = 20% - (80%)×(9.6%+5%) = 8.32%. However the final is -3.68%. This means one of 2 things, either Annihilation is 15% and resistable, or it's 12% and unrisistable.
  20. Thanks for the screenshot. It appears there is a bug. Can you tell me where you tested this (live or beta)? It was my understanding that the annihilation proc is unresistable, which is nice. However, it appears to be providing 0% resistance debuff, as the final resistance is exactly what it would be if only opportunity and Achilles were applied. I need to analyze this when I got home because I have another screenshot that does not do this, but it's from over a month ago. I wonder if something happened in the code.
  21. You can check out the PPM Info Guide in the guides section (also linked in my sig), it has most of the formulas for PPM. For Build Up, you can reduce the recharge time to 54 seconds and still retain the maximum probability of 90%. So if you can keep the enhanced recharge to 66% or less, you're good.
  22. Can you confirm that the tab you are looking at shows "Damage Inflicted"? I am on the test server now and I see it proc'ing fine. Every 10 seconds it only has a 15% chance to proc, so basically I get 1 proc ever 60-70 seconds (when testing against 1 target). But I am having no problem seeing the damage pop up over my enemy's head and I see the damage show up in my chat tab.
  23. You can slot at any level. You can own any ATO, but only slot it if it's your AT.
  24. Agreed, Hot Feet is probably one of the better examples of this (I actually tested it, but the damage ticks made reading the combat log a pain). Given the ~1.5s cast time and a reasonable to expect 5-6 second cool down, you could make it tick once every 7 seconds, approximately. The downside, however is you lose the tick damage from hot feet. At base damage it's 8 damage every 2 seconds (4dps), whereas the hot feet damage from clicking it every 7 seconds becomes 8/7dps. Add in damage modifiers and we're talking about a net of 6-10 dps, depending on containment. With a probability to proc at 18% for the 3.5 ppm procs, the dps from triggering every 7 seconds as opposed to every 10 seconds likely doesn't make up the damage lost from hot feet triggering every 2 seconds. That also doesn't account for the lost damage from other powers because you were casting hot feet again every 7 seconds which takes up about 1.7s of arcanatime. I won't dismiss it though, as I haven't truly tested to the level that would form that conclusion. It's just from looking at the numbers, I suspect you lose more than you could gain. Perhaps if you use the purple procs along with the regular procs, you might achieve a slight edge...
  25. Do you see damage numbers on your target at least? When I get time, I'll see if I can find it in chat. I usually look at my damage, pet damage but I'll add more to my channel and see if it shows up elsewhere.
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