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Everything posted by Starhammer

  1. I love this idea, and would play the hell out of it. It really has that Batman & Robin feel to it. And depending how you do names and costumes, it would not be difficult to make your pet the "hero" and yourself the sidekick, which I know would suit a lot of people's RP preferences. I definitely like making the partner a primary melee function, though giving them at least one ranged attack - maybe low damage with immob, would be useful. I would also build it such that both player and pet have symbiotic PBAoE buffs/debuffs so that while each is good on their own they really excel when side by side, maybe even adding provisional improvements based on distance so their more effective at 20 feet than 30, and yet more effective at 10 than 20. Of course the real kicker for this AT would be whether you could make a costume and apply it to the pet. This kind of duo dynamic deserves to not be limited to generic NPC appearances like MMs. It would be playable, sure, but much less enjoyable. Now on the other hand, I could also see a stripped down version this added as a tertiary pool, using a pet with an existing appearance from an NPC faction.
  2. I think changing an entire power selection might be more work than it's worth, but... I would be interested in playing Sentinels with an Assault primary rather than a Ranged primary. Most fights end up in melee before they're over anyway, so having a few melee attacks (not just from pool powers) would be really nice. I would suggest a testing implementation first, using an Assault set that doesn't mimic existing Sentinel primary themes, like Thorny Assault or Martial Assault. If that were well received, then start looking into the viability of altering existing theme sets to match Assault parameters. (and if that works out, we could proliferate Munitions Assault to Dominators so they have a "guns" option!)
  3. To my knowledge we don't currently have something quite like this. If I'm mistaken, please enlighten me. We already have a /beginchat command which is useful for many things. Any chance we could get one for /endchat so we could bind that into commonly used keys (like movement) such as [up "endchat$$+forward"] to avoid such errors? Personally I'm arrows instead of WASD, so mine is usually repeating something I said recently, but 111111111111 happens from time to time also since it cycles my attack rotation.
  4. So in the mission "Recover the Manual of the Dead" for undead Montegue Castanella in Night Ward, there's an empty version of the round table room. The room has a dome area in the top-center, and I found that if you fly up to that, it's possible to move sideways and get out of the intended area of the map. I don't know yet if this hole in the ceiling is the same in other versions of this room, such as the proper Midnight Mansion, or the one in Manticore's basement. I'll give them a try when I get the chance and edit this to include new information. It doesn't seem like a high priority fix, but if anyone is ever plugging holes in the geometry, this may as well go in the list. Edit: The second such room in the mission map has the same hole in the geometry, increasing the likelihood that it exists in other instances of the room. Edit: Checked the similar room in the Night Ward Midnight Mansion and was unable to escape the map. Hopefully this means the hole was plugged at some point and they just forgot to fix it inside mission maps. Edit: Maybe I just didn't try hard enough in the Night Ward Midnight Mansion. Primal Mansion has the same hole in the ceiling.
  5. Why not just use a proper overlay like MSI Afterburner? Mostly because I really don't care about the FPS part of it, but the realtime location coordinates. What I do now if I have to use /loc to find something is to temporarily rebind my movement and jump keys to also do /loc (/bind SPACE "+up$$loc" etc) then make a chat tab just for system to observe the updates, but it's a tad cumbersome.
  6. Did we ever get a method to disable the popup flytext for "enhancement found" "salvage found" "recipe found" and such?
  7. /show costume also you can use: /bind K "show costume" if you want it bound to K again Here's the other window names from the game: WINDOW NAMES ------------ status (Scalable) health (Scalable) target (Openable, Closable, Scalable) tray (Openable, Closable, Scalable) power (Openable, Closable, Scalable) powers (Openable, Closable, Scalable) chat (Openable, Closable, Scalable) chat0 (Openable, Closable, Scalable) chat1 (Openable, Closable, Scalable) chat2 (Openable, Closable, Scalable) chat3 (Openable, Closable, Scalable) chat4 (Openable, Closable, Scalable) powerlist (Openable, Closable, Scalable) group (Openable, Closable, Scalable) team (Openable, Closable, Scalable) compass (Openable, Closable, Scalable) nav (Openable, Closable, Scalable) map (Openable, Closable, Scalable) friend (Openable, Closable, Scalable) friends (Openable, Closable, Scalable) inspiration (Openable, Closable, Scalable) inspirations (Openable, Closable, Scalable) insp (Openable, Closable, Scalable) insps (Openable, Closable, Scalable) supergroup (Openable, Closable, Scalable) super (Openable, Closable, Scalable) sg (Openable, Closable, Scalable) email (Openable, Closable, Scalable) compose (Openable, Closable, Scalable) contact (Openable, Closable, Scalable) contacts (Openable, Closable, Scalable) mission (Openable, Closable, Scalable) clue (Openable, Closable, Scalable) clues (Openable, Closable, Scalable) info (Closable, Scalable) help (Openable, Closable, Scalable) actions (Openable, Closable, Scalable) enhancements (Openable, Closable, Scalable) costume (Openable, Closable, Scalable) search (Openable, Closable, Scalable) badge (Openable, Closable, Scalable) salvage (Openable, Closable, Scalable) vault (Openable, Closable, Scalable) recipes (Openable, Closable, Scalable) recipe (Openable, Closable, Scalable) options (Openable, Closable, Scalable) pet (Openable, Closable, Scalable) chansearch (Openable, Closable, Scalable) combatnumbers (Openable, Closable, Scalable) contactdialog (Closable, Scalable) quit (Openable, Closable, Scalable) missionsummary (Closable, Scalable) store (Closable, Scalable) petition (Openable, Closable, Scalable) defeat (Scalable) costumeselect (Openable, Closable, Scalable) combatmonitor (Scalable) auction (Closable, Scalable) tray1 (Openable, Closable, Scalable) tray2 (Openable, Closable, Scalable) tray3 (Openable, Closable, Scalable) tray4 (Openable, Closable, Scalable) tray5 (Openable, Closable, Scalable) tray6 (Openable, Closable, Scalable) tray7 (Openable, Closable, Scalable) tray8 (Openable, Closable, Scalable) playernote (Openable, Closable, Scalable) missionreview (Openable, Closable, Scalable) badgemonitor (Scalable) cvg (Closable, Scalable) incarnate (Openable, Closable, Scalable) scriptui (Openable, Closable, Scalable) lfg (Openable, Closable, Scalable) lfgdialog (Scalable) razertray (Scalable) league (Openable, Closable, Scalable) contactfinder (Openable, Closable, Scalable) paragonrewards (Openable, Closable, Scalable) browser (Openable, Closable, Scalable) mainstoreaccess (Scalable) loyaltytreeaccess (Scalable) lwcui (Scalable) salvageopen (Scalable) convertenhancement (Closable, Scalable) newfeatures (Openable, Closable, Scalable)
  8. So, /showfps 2 is really nice to have for the real time loc info, but it would be even better if we could get it in a window instead of an overlay, so it can have a black background for better visibility and also be moved to wherever we want it on the screen :)
  9. I could see it being thematically appropriate to station Pay2Win vendors in all AE installations. If they could be made available as a base option that would also solve most such issues.
  10. At this point I don't even care if all of them work right. Sometimes a clip or other graphics fudge can end up looking better than intended when mixed with the right other pieces, and if it doesn't, it doesn't.
  11. I would dearly love to see an "Invisible" option (or maybe color?) available for costume pieces and weapons. This has already been done to an extent with Night Ward NPCs to create sentient "weapons" and "spells" and would further support other concepts like "Gun Hands" or just having claws on one hand (instead of taking Widow claws on the other and trying to pretend they aren't there).
  12. So one of the things we got in Champions Online was the /alias command, which would allow you to create a new /command out of one or more other commands. Yes, I'm aware of how this can effectively be done with keybind files and macros using existing subsystems, however there are still flaws in that we could work around with /alias. Macros take up tray slots, which are not always in ready supply, especially at higher levels, and keybinds have a limit of 255 characters "between the quotes." You can work around the 255 limit by having one keybind command include a command to load another keybind in it's place, creating a sequential rotation of commands, but that can get cumbersome. It's especially problematic with some of the longer named powers (like the prestige sprints). For those of us who write extensive and dynamic keybinds, it would be nice to have the option of creating our own more efficient shorthand for some of the longer command strings.
  13. It would be nice to have alternate emotes/animations/stances usable with these powers. or even just an emote that mimics the idle stance of Ninja Run (great with shields, having nothing to do with ninjas even) and Beast Run (great idle stance for wrestlers and such).
  14. At least for me, the change that would offer the greatest impact would be to proliferate as many NPC costume pieces as possible, including weapons, and to allow more crossover of weapon models between various powersets, like getting Arabian Scimitars into Dual Blades (even if the perceived theme doesn't always neatly fit the damage type, such as allowing D.U.S.T Rifles or Resistance Energy rifles in Assault Rifle or Arachnos Soldier options). I remember when Icon went live, there were a lot of NPC costume parts that became available for use. I know that got reverted for some technical reason, but I would really like to get them back. EDIT: It would also be nice to have costume pieces only currently associated with specific powers made available, like many of the Flight Packs. I have some costumes that look especially good with the LKT-1700 for instance, but don't want to hemorrhage Inf just to maintain a costume piece, or have to always be flying to have it on my back...
  15. Sadly the developer for Pinnacle Game Profiler passed away last year, so it's not getting any more support (it was a one-man show). I'm using Controller Companion (got it for like a buck on steam) and one of these days will get Joy2Mouse set up and start using that. I'm currently using an xbox360 pad. I used an xbox S-pad all the time the game was live. It's what works best for me. I don't like keyboard either. Once you figure out the basics of getting the joypad to interface with your game, I'm happy to help you write keybinds that can do amazing things.
  16. Is there a way to access the NPC costume powers that the devs gave out at conventions? I didn't see them in the P2W vendor.
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