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Everything posted by Onlyasandwich

  1. This is true. My initial inclination was that the animation time isn't really worth it given the way -Dam is reduced by resistances and level. However, even a 1/3 to 1/2 strength debuff there isn't negligible when you are near resist caps, and the idea of sapping as a sideline mitigation strategy is sort of fun, even if not always optimal. After further reading, it looks like Defib can be used without a dead ally - is that right? That seems to be what @Tacheyonis saying here as well. It seems to be a reasonable follow-up to sap in one combo when you wish in addition to its utility as a rez. The power description is not so helpful with this one, but it looks to be so in CoD as well. Given all of this, I've reworked again further. I don't super miss the extra lotg given otherwise strong recharge numbers. electric necro.mbd
  2. Thank you for the EA perspective! In your experience, can EA get away with skipping extra slotting in Health/Stamina for end support? I know MM's can be a bit end hungry, especially when using their attacks. My build has taken all of the primary attacks and given them good attention. Dropping Discharge would free me up to grab another epic attack or something else interesting. I'll keep Amp up if only for when I do team. Shame to miss such a strong buff! Has anyone put Grave Knights through @Carnifax's parser or a similar tool to figure out optimal proc slotting? Intuitively, it does sound like the Build Up proc is a priority based on the damage aura as @kelika2pointed out. This should indeed guarantee pretty high uptime, especially in crowds. However, a substantial portion of their attacks are still -def, so I feel it still worthwhile to squeeze -def procs in as well. Currently I've swapped the Grave Knights to Buildup, achilles, lady grey, but perhaps someone else has done the math and knows better. Edit: I had a silly inspiration and dropped Discharge in favor of Whirlwind! The extra slots get distributed to shore up odds and ends and enhance the new toy. I know not many MMs would view this as optimal, but it's certainly fun and I want to give it a shot. I know @Nemu has been on a Whirlwind press tour lately, and I want to see for myself. It really fits the theme of this particular character as well. If you have experience on this front, I'd love to hear it! His name is "Ded Zappelin." 😄 The idea is a musician whose electric guitar is empowered by a god of revelry to "inspire" the dead out of their graves. It's all about electricity, undeath, and putting on a great show. If anyone has tried hold procs, especially the purple one, in Soul Extraction, I'd love to hear how much of a difference it made. I'm contemplating swapping for the 6th ATO to max out my S/L resist. New Build: electric necro strike.mbd
  3. Great insight with the aura! Even so, does it outpace achilles, grey, or shieldbreaker? If you were to swap, which would you drop in favor of soulbound?
  4. I think this is pretty fair! Psy app may not be optimal for builds focused primarily on damage, given the presence of Fire and Ice (more aoes, the excellence of sleet). However, if you're hitting Psy for the extra defense, along with additional lotg mules, World of Confusion is a viable consideration. WoC definitely has a reputation for being poopoo, and as @Frosticus has shown, it is actually pretty useful. I wouldn't be focusing my build around it, but if I am already choosing the pool for thematic or functional reasons, it provides: An excellent mule for Ranged defense and Recharge if your primary lacks a confuse. Coercive Persuasion is excellent even outside the proc. Additional no-animation needed melee mitigation for low endurance cost (hey, Dom's actually like melee!) A bit of extra damage, with the potential for proccy nonsense as well if you feel like it, given the abundance of melee aoe procs. Not super ideal, but not so bad either. A pretty visual - whee. Sure using it as a "one slot wonder" will probably be relying on hefty global Accuracy or other shenanigans. Plenty of other powers rely on global bonuses in end-game builds to put the pieces together. Perma-dom, anyone? For a proc focused build, you are already pursuing these strategies to maximize proc potential.
  5. As @evetsleepmentioned, even the brief window 100% recharge is active is helpful, as during that time your powers are ticking down more quickly. This is most meaningful on longer recharge powers. Note that the buff stacks up to 10 seconds, so you can "bank" it a bit. It won't stack beyond 10 seconds, but will keep refreshing up to this point if you get another proc.
  6. Hello MM town! Edit: Tweaked slots a bit to optimize pet accuracy. I haven't played either of these sets before, and precious few MM's. Just my demons/dark thus far, which I love. With the changes, Necro is looking great these days, and I'm taking a crack at a fresh build. However, I'm a bit unsure of some of the finer points in optimal slotting here, especially as it relates to pets. Now that Soul extraction isn't just a mule for the Pet IOs, there's a bit more to consider on that front. A few questions stand out, though perhaps you see other issues in the build below: Is it worth slotting Lich much for damage? It seems like he is primary for control effects. Certainly I've paid some attention here, but is running short on ED caps for damage a mistake for the Lich? Do you find the soulbound buildup proc worthwhile in Zombies, or other pets for that matter? Has anyone parsed out optimal proc slotting for Grave Knights? I'm pretty happy with my current slotting, but there are a ton of other approaches I can see. Procs in Soul extraction. I prioritized Dam/Rech, but squeezed the purple Hold proc in there as well. I see this in several other builds - is this a significant contributor, or just a "nice if you have room" sort of thing? Personal End contribution in Energizing Circuit. If I'm spamming this, how much can I expect it to support my own end? I understand it can bounce back to me if I'm diligent about generating static. Discharge - is it worth the animation time if you aren't trying to sap as a primary strat? I'm using it as a useful set mule right now, and the cooldown is short enough that between it and fences I should get mobs floored fairly shortly, but it isn't going to drain from the alpha. Do you bother with this power? Empowering Circuit and pet accuracy. Some of my pets are a bit low on acc, and my proc focused build doesn't really have global acc, though I am running kismet+tactics. I don't think Kismet helps my pets though. However, EC is a strong tohit buff. Do you think it's viable to rely on its uptime for max hit chance? I'm hoping to get some pretty regular bounces back to me for personal hit chance as well. Buffing Heal enhancement in Dark Empowerment - worthwhile, or just hit it with the base slot? Amp Up - is it much use in solo play? If so, who do you target - Grave Knights to add some KU soft control to the mix, or perhaps Lich to empower his controls and debuffs? The build as it stands focuses on recharge and optimal damage/proc slotting for both attacks and pets. I'm also a big fan of slow resist, and am near cap here. I'm hoping that between pet distraction, heals/absorbs, moderate resists, and even the KD proc in fences, I have enough tools to make it through alive. What are your thoughts? Build: (note Zombies are toggled off so Soulbound doesn't impact global totals) electric necro.mbd
  7. CJ is literally the lowest end use toggle in the game by an order of magnitude. I wouldn't call that a fair comparison. .163 is significantly lower than most every other toggle that isn't just straight up end positive.
  8. This is a fair assessment! The standard tac for /Fiery is to skip the pbaoes, as they are indeed poopoo, though consume has some situational use. Most dom secondaries have a sort of mediocre cone and a pretty serviceable pbaoe. /Fiery is the inverse. The appeal here is that you can take all the ranged powers and you aren't really missing out. As with most doms, you may want to supplement aoe with an epic. However, Symphony has less need here given the aoe rotation built into the primary. Symphony/Fire can just stay in Symph's comfy cone range and be happy. That being said, theme is king, and /Dark is still a great set with solid additional utility. I agree that Symph feels a bit like Mind Control 2.0! I recently rolled a Mind/Dark controller, and though it has been a fun ride, the only thing Mind/ really gives me in addition are the non-notify skills (pretty handy at times), the one-shot boss sleep (hey, Dom's can do this in an aoe with domination up under Symphony!), and the silliness of Mass Confusion. For all of this it loses a reliable aoe stun, and has vastly inferior damage, despite being a bit blasty by nature itself. I'm glad you're enjoying your dom! All doms are great - I don't think there exists a truly bad combo.
  9. I remember being so excited for these, and snatched up quite a few for my kin and everyone who runs fold space. Now they are like 600 million apiece just for the 50s. God forbid you lose one while combining. Yeesh! Wish I'd thought to dump more of my funds there 😀.
  10. If I did swap to Shockwave, here's the build I have in mind: Dominator (Darkness Control - Sonic Assault) wave.mbd I lose the little +recharge from the set in Haunt, but gain a pretty reliable FFback proc in my opener, and am able to put the +dam ATO proc into my opener as well. I still may try it with Haunt first to see how the build survives without Shockwave to blunt alphas. Would love to hear from others how useful they found Haunt on their doms!
  11. From experience with my other low defense doms, you are undoubtedly correct. My elec/ and Plant/ can shut down the alpha quite reliably with Static Field and Seeds respectively, allowing them to execute their melee strategies more reliably. However, Fearsome will definitely let through some retaliation, despite healthy -tohit. I do have modest resists here, and the -tohit is still substantial. I'm going to get it levelled and slotted and see how it works out! I do have Combat Teleport to better facilitate a quick engagement with HoD. I don't have issues chewing candy as needed, though it's nice to have a reliable strategy outside of inspirations. I wonder if it may be worth dropping Haunt for Shockwave, and using Shockwave as an opener. Shockwave+Fearsome, then CT in for HoD may be enough to get me past that initial retaliation. Once I've had a chance to cycle Fearsome+Shadows+Dark Oblit, mobs outside of AV's will be hard pressed to hit me, and I should stabilize. Bass Boost also allows me to juice -tohit on Fearsome when needed, giving me a better chance of surviving the retaliation.
  12. I've got the build bug again folks, and it's dominator time once more! I really love the incredible procability of /Sonic, and my theme works well for Dark/, which is of course an amazing set regardless. This is the latest in my line of "screw defense, controls are more fun" Dominators that completely eschew all pretense of defense stacking outside of the Uniques. Perhaps I'd even be better served dropping the uniques too - what do you think? In any case, I'd love some help optimizing further. Build: Dominator (Darkness Control - Sonic Assault).mbd Focus: Perma dom Maximize slow resist. Super duper proc time. Poo poo defense. Seriously - I know I could get it higher, but this is part of the fun. : ) Max hit chance against +3's. In its current form, I anticipate the strat to go as follows: Open with Fearsome, CT in and pop HoD. CT back to root, back in to unleash my aoes and melt bosses as needed. Sometimes this will benefit from a juicy Soul Drain. If HoD on cooldown, Shadow Field will do nicely. Dog makes lots of noise while I do this. Concerns: End consumption! This one is rough. I won't be running Evasive and fly during combat for the most part, but the aura is a bit of a drain. Dark Consumption isn't exactly a solution, but helps on occasion. As it stands, I may end up relying on Ageless to really unleash, though of course there will be the random injections from Domination popping off. What do you think? Shockwave is actually really decent on a dom. Am I a total dummy for skipping it? This combo is really melee focused, and though I'm fine having a cone or two in the opener, I don't want to keep popping back all the time spending so much time out of melee where Disruption Aura won't be in effect. Haunt. I love this on my controller. However, do you find it worth the time of day on a Dom? The control aspect is so-so in my experience, so it's mostly for damage. Dom has damage covered really well! Do you like it on your dom? If I did drop the defense uniques I'd have room to include the PM proc and a bit more end support. However, perhaps even my marginal defense totals will be useful alongside Dark's tohit debuffs. Fearsome+Shadows is pretty substantial, especially with the Musculature Radial backing them up.
  13. Hey there! Again, I would encourage you to review the controller forums. Hopefully someone sees and moves the thread over. : ) I agree that your current build needs a ground up rework. I understand we all must start somewhere, and new combos can take some understanding! Meanwhile, I did a quick run of how I would approach this combo: Controller (Fire Control - Storm Summoning).mbd This build is focused heavily on recharge so you can cycle all of your tools of chaos. I've included as much end support as possible, as you'll run dry on fire/storm very easily. Power Sink is not something you want to use all the time, but is there if you need it, and you definitely will need it at times. I would prefer more slow resist, but have included at least a modest amount. The general strategy: Open with Flashfire, then follow up with Freezing Rain. Bonfire also works as an alpha killer when Flashfire is down, but when in solo play I'd recommend getting used to hurricane as well. You can stay very safe with any opener followed up by hurricane, though may not want to employ this on a team. Spam Cages, throw out Tornado, LS, and ball lightning on cooldown. Dive straight into melee range so Hot feet can do its thing. Since you have flight, you'll need to pre-cast it while on the ground, but it will stay on when flying. If you anticipate a really tough mob, or get in a pickle, you can pop Surge of Power, Rune of Protection, or Cinders to save the day. Rune doubles as a Break-free when needed. Beware the end crash on surge. At low levels/exemping you can actually just spam Gale constantly to keep the enemy down when needed. Most controllers have a tough time keeping Imps and Epic pets alive. However, the mayhem that storm can cause is well-suited to keeping them on their feet! Some folks like Thunder Clap to stack with Flashfire. However, this is a huge animation commitment, and I don't find it worth the animation time, endurance, and power pick. It looks pretty at least. Once you get your tools rolling, you'll be very safe regardless. Fire/Storm is a very end hungry build, and one that requires constant aggression. Your bonfire, FR, LS, and nado are all knocking things down constantly, keeping you very safe. Even if you aren't using Hurricane as a primary defense tool, you can break it out to fly around and kiss everything when needed, which will floor the hit chance of most mobs. The unique -range component also helps them prefer to clump and chase you instead of taking potshots. Note that I didn't put -KB in LS. Instead, use positioning to your advantage. When wanting KD, pop LS above the mob. Other times, you might prefer to cast it behind the mob to jockey strays back towards you, or cast it in front of you to keep them out of your face. It's very flexible. If you get into incarnates, Musculature Radial is ideal, as you make good use of every component.
  14. My thoughts: I would personally miss the aoe immob, as mob scatter can be obnoxious otherwise. It's also one of your primary sources of persistent containment. I don't know that I'd worry about a third ST blast (melodic, arcane, etc). You'll be busy enough with other things between Impassioned and Hymn's cooldown, which are both pretty quick. Chord's can be dropped, but I rather like it as a home for a 5 slot purple set (minus the proc), which makes a strong problem solver when needed. Enfeebling Lullaby is a strong proc damage power. Ideally I would find a way to reprioritize slotting to allow this. I see you are setting teleport target as a requirement. Is this just for teaming, or other purposes? Reverberant can fly, and doesn't need teleport shenanigans to stay with you. The return on your Adjusted targeting slots in Tactics is very marginal. These are easy slots to siphon elsewhere. Assault is nice enough for teaming, but of very marginal personal benefit, as much of your damage will come from procs, and even the base damage enhancement is not amazing for the end cost. This would be an easy drop for Hasten. Although you can live without it, finding room for Darkest Night would be nice. This would give you a tool to effectively cap out defenses when you really need it. Most of the time your other controls will be quite sufficient, but it will take the pressure off your other slots that are currently devoted to defense. Unbreakable Guard 4 slots isn't doing a ton for you in Dark Embrace. Consider cutting the power down to 2 slots with 1 Ribo and a +4 Resist IO. Aegis psionic resist is very marginal in Shadow fall. Your psi totals are modest at best even with, and the slot would be better served either enhancing the power's actual resist, defense, or just towards other powers entirely. Red Fortune does not fit well in Fade. Not only is not not maximizing the recharge, which is still short of perma, but it completely neglects the resist component. Consider a hybrid slotting strategy. A lotg can fit here as well, allowing you to drop either Veng or Evasive if you are only using them primarily as mules. Soul Absorption would be a nice target for any saved slots for recommendations above. Enhancing its end especially is quite useful, as you will find yourself breathing heavy at times with good power cycling. Maneuvers is also pretty marginal for slot return. If you were just eking out that last bit to softcap, it is sometimes worth it, but this isn't where you are. There is much I would probably do different in a ground-up rework, but I respect that we may have some different priorities! Here is my own symphony build, in the event you may find some of the slotting strats in the primary helpful. Even with very little defense as I have here, it is quite survivable due to the raw strength and ease of use in Symphony's controls. Controller (Symphony Control - Pain Domination).mbd
  15. With this in mind, not much will stack up. : ) /Fiery is amazing. Still, /dark offers some good utility, and has strong ST as you note. For me it just comes down to what fulfills a satisfying theme, and if the sets execute well towards that end. I haven't paid super close attention to recast times on Reverberant's powers, but certainly a controller will be feeding it more primary powers to copy, and have a better time keeping it alive. I find it to be a moderate contributor on damage, and a great lockdown buddy for hard targets on my controller. The aoe controls that it stacks are not something I rely on - more of a happy bonus and extra damage. It's true that Symphony wants to just sit at range and pop cones, which is somewhat at odds with most Dom secondaries since they want to mix in melee. This would be another point in favor of /Fiery, as it is one of the few assault sets that can operate at more or less peak efficiency while staying at range.
  16. You may have already tried and are perhaps limited in other ways, but there is a guide to running Mids on Mac OS, though it's not officially supported: Meanwhile, here's the visual: Apologies, I'd have to literally transcribe everything manually to parse it out in text. I love sharing, but don't have the patience for that! You could also consider swapping Gremlins for Nightfall if you want a more complete aoe rotation, and are willing to line up the cone.
  17. New mids doesn't do text export anymore. Screenshot will be lacking in detail but i can share later.
  18. I agree that it is actually pretty great! I just don't find the trade-off in ST damage to be worth it for my own playstyle, and the effects don't feel very impactful. I definitely acknowledge that it is a strong set.
  19. Welcome to dom land, Strider! I did a rough up based on my own Electric dom. Bear in mind my build is geared towards maximum offense potential, and does not pursue any softcap defenses other than incidental easy/large bonuses. This build relies purely on aggressive use of controls. Fortunately Electric has a very reliable set to work from! You do have a set of modest resists to fall back on if needed. A softcap build may be an easier intro into Dom land, but since you are quite experienced in other ATs, I trust you'll get the hang of the dom style quickly. dominator strider elec dark.mbd This build is designed to operate in melee range. Night Fall isn't actually bad at all as dom cones go, but I find it a bit awkward to pop in and out of melee range for the animation time. Some highlights: Perma-dom (does rely on hasten). Slow immunity. Very heavy proc focus. /Dark has some of the best ST powers out there, especially when procced. You'll melt bosses easily, debuffing them all the while. The playstyle is usually to open with Synaptic or Paralyzing if up, otherwise static field. Chain Fences as you approach, then dive into melee to plow things down. You also have power sink, which not only acts as an end backstop, but an alternate follow-up to your opener. You can pop Gather Shadows, dive in, Power Sink, Fences, and keep Fences cycling to halt recovery and keep them drained. Gather Shadows is good to weave into your attacks generally as you go if safety is a concern, as it buffs your -tohit. Can also pop it before Paralyzing to ensure a longer lockdown window. Make sure you keep static field down as you go, as it is key to your survival. Go ahead and spam on cooldown, as it comes back quickly enough, and the +dam ATO is present, allowing you to keep a couple stacks up on the side. No matter what your opener, the mob tends to bottom out on end pretty quickly even if not using power sink. You'll find that tougher fights tend to sort of stabilize in this way, allowing you time to approach things at your own pace. The weakness of this approach is if an ambush catches you out. Keep a keen eye for over aggro, and drop a static field or emergency aoe hold to stay on your feet. Other power considerations: Gremlins is good on paper, but the little guys tend to die. You might consider swapping them for Life Drain if you're hurting for the heal. Life drain is suboptimal DPA compared to the other attacks even procced out, but a useful heal. If you do this, I might steal a slot from Health or Stamina to round out the 6 slot so you can maximize procs, damage, and enhance the healing a bit as well. If you don't care about the sapping strategy, consider picking up Surge of Power as a one slot wonder in place of Power Sink. You can mule one of the res +def uniques here for an extra slot, and you get another pretty effective emergency button. It also makes you feel like pure electricity!
  20. @Galaxy Brain and others have broken them down for other AT's, but I'm not finding a handy up to date ranking. All blast sets are at least competent, so in my mind theme is always first, so pick what you think is fun! That being said, my own super loose first thoughts: Really awesome stand-outs: Ice Blast. Great DPA, highly proccable, allowing Defenders to reach stronger damage numbers. One of the best nukes around. Holds and slows help you protect yourself and others. Fire Blast. Still good here for the same reasons Blasters love it. King of damage due to high DPA attacks both ST and aoe. No utility to speak of. Won't disappoint: Dark Blast. Loads of utility with some good proc opportunities. Cones are not ideal for every primary's preferred positioning, and lacks some up front punch. However, nothing defends better while providing good damage over time. Sonic. Debuff city! Stack that -res and go to town solo or on a team. aoe sleep makes a safe soloer, though pretty mediocre aoe damage. I could break this down in super granular ranked detail set by set, but the above are in my view those that are worth calling special attention to. Others have their own special tricks and strengths of course, and my own characters use any and all according to theme. Many would put water blast as a stand-out, but I find myself a bit disappointed by it. The aoe is above average, but ST feels like a noodle and the set as a whole just doesn't feel very punchy. The little heal is nice for sets otherwise lacking, but the Defender ATO covers that just fine for me even without. Without putting them in any particular order, my impressions of the others: Archery. Fun nuke, smooth aoe chain. Lethal damage can be rough at times, and ST chain relies on Blazing arrow, which is pretty slow. Assault Rifle. Same lethal challenges here, though some diversity from Ignite and flamethrower. Every time I make this on a Defender I just wish I were playing my AR blaster, though. Above average aoe. Beam Rifle. The spread mechanic is a bit of fun, and the Nuke is a blast. Overall a great set that I would place higher than many, but doesn't stand out quite to the degree of the top performers. Dual Pistols. Actually one of my favorite sets! Relies heavily on procs to make up damage. Good for sets that like being in your face. Electrical Blast. Nothing bad to say these days! A great set that doesn't care if you are up close or far away. Lacks a third tier blast, but Tesla Cage and Voltaic make up for this to a degree. The chain mechanic is sort of incidental. Energy blast. Looks great, feels good to play, great with heavy FFback abuse. Psychic blast. Pretty okay. The wub wub projectiles are a bit slow and it has some clunky animations. Nuke feels great, and some sort of useful debuffs and soft controls. Radiation blast. Highly proccable, great "in your face" set. Pretty solid secondary effect. This used to be defender's best comparison to fire blast before proliferation, though its animations aren't approaching Fire's superior DPA. Seismic blast. Meteor is super fun! Some people don't like to wait for it to fall. Otherwise good DPA, strong theme, with a nice dose of soft control. Storm Blast. Demands your attention to really get any advantage from its special mechanic. If not taking advantage, damage is a bit soft. Could be workable on a less "busy" primary. Pretty end intensive with satisfying visuals. Though it takes setup, surprisingly good mitigation tools.
  21. Yes - I amended my reply already above : D I'm very confident that Gather Shadows would not extend the DoT on Confounding, as it is a separate effect from the stun, and not tied to something power boost interacts with in that way. If you find otherwise it would be an interesting synergy! The small damage boost would come into play of course.
  22. Symphony on a controller is very much like playing a dom, but with your blasts and controls rolled into one package. I really recommend giving it a shot! The cones line up easily at range, and every control in your kit can be procced or enhanced to do respectable damage. No need to leave your primary for both aoe and ST damage. Focusing on primary powers heavily also gives your Reverberant more fun things to copy, making it more useful. Most any secondary would work. /Dark combines well with anything, and would be tremendous if you find it thematically appropriate. You might enjoy having Combat Teleport for quick pops in/back to hit soul absorption, but otherwise everything can be thrown out at range with your Symphony cones. The strong +def from this secondary provides a great baseline for very flexible proc slotting in your Symphony powers. You can achieve meaningful defense without sacrificing damage in this way.\ Edit: Doop! I thought I was in the controller forum - silly me. To amend my statement, I think Symphony is great as above, but offers more to a controller. A dom will be more involved in their secondary if feeling blasty, leaving Reverberant with less to do. You'll also not care quite so much about the damage opportunities that Symphony provides - this is more of a game changer for a controller. As for doms, Gravity is a favorite of mine, and one that got me into doms! Wormhole is great fun of course, but the key is Singy. I use TP ally and enflame, with a -KB IO in Singy. In this way, I have an easily recastable opener ready at hand basically all the time, and it's on fire to boot. Doms have a high ranged damage modifier, which Enflame goes off of, so you are uniquely placed to leverage its heat. Singy keeps them knocked down and distracted while they burn and you unleash whatever form of hell you like. /Dark is a great form of hell, of course. My own is Grav/Energy, but anything that works with your theme will do.
  23. You'll have much better luck in the controller forum. First, search existing threads and you're bound to find quite a few, as this is a popular combo.
  24. Looks like a really solid build! I like your plan of using Entangle with minimal slotting on a proc focus. The build has a really healthy recharge total as well, while still reaching range defense softcap, and also devoting good attention to a few proccable powers. The only slight question I'd have is end. With fly off, you're running a 1.93/s surplus, which is on the line of sustainability. It will be hard to go all out without outside support from inspirations, team buffs, or incarnates, though you can certainly pace yourself and manage. Since you're a bit over softcap, and not really meaningful close to incarnate softcap, I'd consider stealing a couple slots from one of the 6 slot ranged defense IO sets (probably the one in Fly Trap). Good targets for these slots being: Health Uniques, a bit of extra stamina slotting, another recharge in HT, a ribo in Dark Embrace, Darkest Night extra slot for the Recharge bonus, Kismet (Soul drain is not perma, and +3's are not at capped hit chance without it up), Soulbound buildup proc in either Fly trap or Seer, Proc in Dark oblit, or resistance enhancement in Shadow fall. Personally I'm not huge on Spirit tree, and would rather have my Panacea in health so its effect isn't so conditional. If it were my own build, I'd swap it for Vines and drop a 5 slot of the purple hold set. You're still only at 4 10% rech bonuses, so would benefit, and Vines is a nice button to have in your back pocket.
  25. Power boost buffs deflection/insulation to incredible levels. This persists for the shield duration, even once pb wears off, allowing this to be effectively perma. While pb is up, it buffs dispersion as well.
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