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Stupid Question about enchantment level

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If you are talking invention enhancements then start at level 22 buying level 25's then slot the appropriate level IO's as you go up. When you hit level 47+ then you can respec them all out and replace them with level 50's. Then you can start looking at sets (if you haven't already) to gain all kinds of useful bonuses.  Inf doesn't tend to be a problem unless you are going for the expensive purple sets, just sell everything you can either on auction house or at a shop, depending on what goes for a good price. There is no distinction in the auction house between attuned and non attuned. The difference is that attuned can't be boosted and remain at the same level if you do lower level content and unattuned can be boosted to be more powerful but lose their effect if you go too low a level.

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There’s two things that could make this confusing:


One is that enhancements changed dramatically when the invention system was made. The original enhancements, usually called DOs and SOs, are still about but are inferior and cumbersome since they can be outlevelled. IOs, the crafted variation, are as effective as SOs from level 25(ish), which is why people suggest 22 as the time to start slotting (you can slot level 25 enhancements at that point).


The other confusing factor is that everyone does it differently for different reasons, which is why you might have heard conflicting information. Some leave IOs till later than others, others slot attuned sets as soon as they can.


Bottom line is not to ignore slotting once you need to perform. I often slowly solo early content, so slot DOs at 12.


Edit; actually, rereading the question, I think I realise you’re asking about sets? The decision here is between effectiveness of the enhancement (go high) or keeping the set bonus as you exemplar down (go low). For the best of both worlds, Attune your sets.

Edited by Lines



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1) You can only slot IOs that are equal to your level, below your level or upto 3 levels higher than your level. Ex. If you're level 27, you can purchase and slot a level 30 IO, but if you're level 26 you can buy it but won't be able to slot it yet. 

2) Attuned versions of set IOs are equal to the level you are at. So if you get the attuned version of Luck of the Gambler, for example, it will increase in benefit as you continue to level-up. You can slot it so long as your level meets he minimum requirement for that IO (22 in the case of LoTG). And you don't have to to do anything else to it going forward.

3) You specifically said BUY, so let me add: On HC, Attuned versions of set IOs you purchase from the Auction House are pulled from the same bin as the un-attuned versions, and thus will cost the same amount. Thus, I almost always purchase Attuned versions of set IOs. YMMnV <-your milage may not vary.



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1 hour ago, Wintercat said:

Personally, I use SO's until at least lvl 32, because I hate that crafted enhancements are slightly worse than +3 lvl SO's.

Also, I think crafting is downright boring.

Personally I don't bother with IO's until I hit 50 well 47 and start putting together sets, you don't really need the extra oomph of IO's before then


It's my Oeuvre baby!

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I think the OP is asking about Set IOs.  The answer is not really one or the other as they both have advantages and disadvantages... BUT if you buy an attuned enhancement, it has the best of both worlds.


My latest toon I followed this strategy and it worked surprisingly well:  

  • Every merit I got, I turned into a +1 booster salvage and sold it in the AH. 
  • Every recipe I got I sold on the AH.  (even if it was something I wanted)
  • Every salvage I got I sold on the AH. 
  • Every DO and SO I got, I sold to stores. 

(Basically, I turned everything into influence).   


Then, I used the influence to buy crafted IOs from the AH.  For sets I only bought Attuned IOs.  And those sets were all sets I was planning to use in my final build.  Everything else I filled in with normal IOs.  For normal IOs, I just bought the highest I could use at the time (at least level 25). 


When I got to 50 I picked up and slotted a few purple sets and catalyzed my AT sets to the superior versions.  Then I started using boosters on my IOs and purples.


Following this strategy, I never found myself short on inf to buy what I wanted.  I generally run mission arcs and TFs so I'm getting steady merits while leveling up.  Selling Boosters and lucky drops are the main source of inf.   If you only run radio teams and AE teams you won't get merits so this process may not work as well for you, but I was pleased to see how well it did work.  It will be my strategy from now on with any future creations.


edited:  One last note... When I say I sold something at the AH... I almost always list everything for 334 inf so nearly everything sells instantly (common salvage sometimes takes a few mins).  I could get better pricing by playing the patient game and listing higher, but frankly, I just didn't need to.  I had enough inf coming in as it was so I tried to make my AH stops as quick and painless as possible.  


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On 10/10/2019 at 10:30 AM, Duck-Smokes-Quack said:

Sorry for the noob question but what level should I be aiming to buy my enhancements at?

The min level or the max level? (for many that means either lvl 30 or 50 it seems)

I'm confused 😕

As needed. This is the quick answer.

At lower levels: If attacks are missing get some accuracy. If running out of endurance too often, get some endurance reductions. Etc.


Longer answer link: New-Players-Enhancements (comments there may also have value)


A character is going to level fairly quickly in this incarnation of the game. 'Buying' might not be necessary until leveling starts to slow down a little. Buying a whole character's worth of enhancements every handful of levels may not be necessary.

Once introduced to invention origin enhancements in the game the decision to slot better single origin enhancement (which only last a handful of levels) and invention origin enhancements (which continue to work) is a choice with not real wrong answer. Once past that phase you'll likely be looking into invention origin sets as an option.


If you are looking for detailed IO information https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Invention_Origin_Enhancements. (good info regardless)




Edited by Troo
additional info

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While you are still new. Play the game and have fun. Slot the training then dual and SO's. Once you understand the game then move in the direction your desire. 


Like other's have said, it gets complicated later, but it doesn't have too. The important thing is to have fun. Later you will know which path you want to take.


The great thing about this game is no power choice is wrong no slotting is wrong. Well after you have played the game you'll know what you want to respec to and how you want to slot your stuff.

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3 hours ago, ILIWAPCT said:

While you are still new. Play the game and have fun. Slot the training then dual and SO's. Once you understand the game then move in the direction your desire. 


Like other's have said, it gets complicated later, but it doesn't have too. The important thing is to have fun. Later you will know which path you want to take.


The great thing about this game is no power choice is wrong no slotting is wrong. Well after you have played the game you'll know what you want to respec to and how you want to slot your stuff.

If you'd seen the slotting on my first 50 WS on live you wouldn't say that!! HORROR!  still the best fun, and the most kick ass Kheld I've ever played!

(hows that for a different way of agreeing with ya!)


It's my Oeuvre baby!

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