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Bring Prestige back


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7 minutes ago, Tyrannical said:

Now this is a toughie!


Either you need reminding of the fact that three other people have pointed it out.

Or you're implying I keep feeding the troll (you) and I should know better.


So might as well do both and get just it out of the way.


Lmao you are so clueless that I don't even know how to help you. Good luck. 

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In fairness, I don't think anyone asking for the restoration of Prestige wants to force a grind on those who don't want one. Rather, as far as I can tell, they want a metric they can use for bragging rights to others who care about such things.  It can be otherwise meaningless and entirely disconnected from the rest of the game.  They want a "high score" number.  That's all.

Does it sound a bit silly?  To you, maybe; to me, definitely.  But some people live for this sort of thing.  If it harms no one, might as well give it to them.  *shrug*

Edited by Megajoule
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2 hours ago, Megajoule said:

In fairness, I don't think anyone asking for the restoration of Prestige wants to force a grind on those who don't want one. Rather, as far as I can tell, they want a metric they can use for bragging rights to others who care about such things.  It can be otherwise meaningless and entirely disconnected from the rest of the game.  They want a "high score" number.  That's all.

Does it sound a bit silly?  To you, maybe; to me, definitely.  But some people live for this sort of thing.  If it harms no one, might as well give it to them.  *shrug*

Actually that's not how i read it.   I read it as a desire to channel people into other people's SG instead of people having personal SG's, so that then there can be a more populated "guild chat" and someone can set out organized and structured goals that other people should want to work for, instead of people doing what they darn well please with their own evening.


Becuase you bring back Prestige, you bring back upkeep. Then someone's personal huge decorated superbase?  SHUTS DOWN and can no longer be entered or used until the upkeep is paid.


Admittedly, it could be done without upkeep... but the way I read it the original poster would be fine and dandy with 80% or more of the personal supergroups ceasing to exist and people needing to look for a new group to join.  Maybe I'm just being very uncharitable in my interpretation however. These things happen after a long day at work.

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On 2/4/2020 at 5:09 PM, Megajoule said:

In fairness, I don't think anyone asking for the restoration of Prestige wants to force a grind on those who don't want one. Rather, as far as I can tell, they want a metric they can use for bragging rights to others who care about such things.  It can be otherwise meaningless and entirely disconnected from the rest of the game.  They want a "high score" number.  That's all.

Does it sound a bit silly?  To you, maybe; to me, definitely.  But some people live for this sort of thing.  If it harms no one, might as well give it to them.  *shrug*

I agree that it seems people are looking for a shiney they can brag about.  The problem is that in order for them to brag about said shiney, everyone has to be forced into the grind.  


I dont know if its intentional or just thoughtless, but so many threads about bringing grind back via prestige or costume pieces or what-have-you are trying to force grind onto players who are generally casual gamers.  We have lots of grind available in the game but people still want the bragging rights of a shiney that proves...I dont know what it proves.  


Regarding prestige, I could totally support bringing it back for raidable bases presupposing that non-raidable bases could still exist and remain exempt from the prestige requirements.


In light of previous GM comments I think perhaps this proposal needs refocus and tweeking.


Ps. Why does autocorrect think tweeking should be twerking?

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If my choice is between prestige and creativity, I'll take creativity - which not having to grind away to get prestige enables.


If it's "I want to brag because arbitrary number," I see no need for it. Prestige didn't show how good a group was. It just showed that it had a lot of prestige. Which could be because there were one or two busy farmers, or because "You're in SG mode or you're out," or because the group actually was active. It's a measure of nothing but itself, and certainly not something to brag about.


I hated Prestige on live, even ignoring rent. It can stay the historical curiosity it is.

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Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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It won't be long before Homecoming reaches its 1yr anniversary.


In my opinion, it is TOO LATE to bring prestige back to what it used to be for the following reasons:

1) Like others pointed out, it would disrupt too much of the SG base-building progress that has already been done.

2) If it was done early enough, maybe, but a year after? No, the amount of backlash would be too much.

3) For those fascinated with base building, it would put too much of a block on their satisfaction, I can imagine many base builders leaving the game.


HOWEVER, I am NOT against the idea of Prestige returning if.....

1) Prestige was brought back and it did NOT affect base-item utilization and/or base upkeep

and 2) If prestige instead served another purpose such as (SG earns X amount of prestige=SG earns X Status/Rank/Badge)


Basically, a re-invention of the prestige purpose wheel in contrast to what it was before.

Edited by CU_Krow
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