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I feel like I'm playing Dominators 'wrong'...


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Obviously, no build "requires" permadom, but there's also no good reason not to have it. Permadom is such a ridiculous increase in effectiveness, choosing not to achieve it is just squandering your potential. In short, yeah, I think that if you are intentionally avoiding permadom, you're playing a Dominator wrong.

All of the rest of your post is just pointless rhetorical questions that have no bearing on the topic. They're just excuses for why building a powerful character is unnecessary. Which is true, people have fun with all sorts of characters, but the OP was asking about how Doms are played at their maximum potential. People don't generally start threads about how to play a character "right" just to be told that they don't have to.

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On 4/10/2020 at 10:54 AM, Naraka said:

Welp, time to make a dominator and not have perma-dom.

If you are going to build this, then you should also build a Blaster "with damage buffed to the gills tossing out spawn decimating AoEs", eh? Kind of the same reasoning, you know.

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On 3/11/2020 at 10:59 PM, biostem said:

I'm trying to grasp the assault sets and how they're meant to interact with your primary.

I was just talking to a friend of mine who is getting into Doms, and he was struggling with the same. The thing about most ATs is that you can often find some serious synergies with certain powerset combos. Doms are less like that. Sure, there do kind of have some synergies with certain set combos, but not as significant as the other ATs. And it is precisely because of what you are experiencing. Control and damage is an odd mix.  In general, the main thing I try to match up is range.  I decide if I want to play mostly ranged or mostly melee and pick sets to go together. Even then, it almost doesn't matter.

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On 4/10/2020 at 9:54 AM, Naraka said:

Welp, time to make a dominator and not have perma-dom.

That's all I do. I don't care to chase after IOs to perma... anything. Domination, light form, hasten... in part because I *like* having to choose when I'm going to use it (and otherwise not sweat it if I forget or miss a click.) Doms are perfectly fine without it.


The "If you don't have it you shouldn't play a dom" thing... can go suck an egg.

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Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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On 3/13/2020 at 7:57 AM, SaddestGhost said:

I'll second some of these. For an IO-less dom, Rune of Protection is pretty handy to smooth out the spikes of on/off mez protection....

I would caution against this specific advice, in this case. I agree that Rune of Protection is useful for the exact reason stated, but in the case of a Dominator that isn't chasing a lot of Global Recharge, the Rune of Protection will not be available as often as you might want it. It is probably a better choice just to have a column of Break Free inspirations if the power is just going to be used as a panic button. For comparison: The only toon I have that has (and uses) Rune of Protection is my perma-Hasten Blaster. I don't use it that often, but against certain enemy types I find myself using it quite frequently.


For the Dominator I mainly play, I have Indomitable Will (form Epic Psi) filling the 'panic button' role, although it is a lvl 49 choice and acting as a LotG mule.

On 3/13/2020 at 12:12 PM, Olly said:

I have a similar question about my Dark/Rad dom as the OP. How am I supposed to "feel"? 


My Dom feels like... ??? Wondering what I should be going for. I read the posts about walking in, locking down, then dispensing dps. Sadly, I don't feel my Dom gives me that feeling, even with IO sets.  I feel like I sort of hold things down, and I sort of kill things, but not a flaming ball of "lock down, smash, all die". Do I need to invest in better IO's? But if so, what am I going for?

My main Dominator is Fire/Psi/Psi... and it 'feels' like playing a shopper when the doors first open at a Black Friday sales event.


My build has an overabundance of 'opening moves', which means that I really have too many options but "I play me, you play you". Depending on how the attack opens, I either spam the other options or start to focus on actively taking out the enemies.


In my case, I have to decide between which of the following 'controls' to start a fight, roughly in the order of preference:

  1.  Fire Cages (AoE immob which spawns Fiery Orb... prevents Knockback on enemies)
  2.  Flashfire (AoE stun, with the +Damage proc ATO)
  3.  Bonfire (Location AoE control w/ KB->KD, part of my Global Recharge chain)
  4.  Drain Psyche (self +Regen)
  5.  Cinders (AoE Hold)

For this Dominator, I purposely tried to avoid Melee attacks. I have a significant number of Melee toons and with the lockdowns here I prefer to toggle between targets and fire off ranged attacks. Life would be even crazier if I was dashing between targets (which I already do to an extent with PBAoE Psychic Shockwave and the cone Psychic Scream).


While all *this* madness is going on, I'm keeping an eye on Hasten (while up, Global Recharge is at +192%, and with the +Recharge proc have plenty of time to not worry about special keybinds) and the Pets, as well as any scoping for enemies who didn't get locked down but are now running off because of Hot Feet or World of Confusion.


This guy is 'on the bubble' of PermaDom (without Hasten) so I'm relying on a cast of Bonfire (which triggers all of its procs 100%) to have both PermaDom and PermaHasten. I could reconfigure 2 powers and choose a different IO set to have PermaDom without Hasten, but I'm not a fan of the replacement set for the particular power. The alternative would be swapping my Travel pool to allow for a 5th LotG, but then I'd still have to reconfigure another power to hold a mule! Decisions, decisions... All part of the Dominator game.

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I mean, you do you, but if you’re not chasing IOs to improve your build, what ARE you doing with all the inf the game throws at you? I mean, it’s not exactly expensive to outfit a character with SOs/basic IOs, so you’re bound to have millions of inf just taking up space if you actually play a character post-50. And if you don’t play that character after hitting level 50... well then I guess you took my advice, anyway.


Permadom really isn’t hard to achieve. It’s not some huge sacrifice of your chararacter’s identity, it’s just slotting the right sets. If you don’t care about defenses at all, you don’t really even need an optimized build, just drop whatever sets contain global recharge bonuses and you’re off to the races.


I’m honestly perplexed as to why anybody would be so adamantly against such a straightforward and ridiculously profitable build goal. Intentionally playing a sub-optimal character for no legitimate reason just doesn’t make sense to me. If you actually enjoy playing a Dominator, why not make it as effective as possible? What else is there to do with your resources?

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5 hours ago, The_Cheeseman said:

I’m honestly perplexed as to why anybody would be so adamantly against such a straightforward and ridiculously profitable build goal. Intentionally playing a sub-optimal character for no legitimate reason just doesn’t make sense to me. If you actually enjoy playing a Dominator, why not make it as effective as possible? What else is there to do with your resources?

Full disclosure, I'm not certain I have ever built a dominator that wasn't aiming for permadom.


The most important thing to be an effective dominator is you need to be smart.  Knowing how to tackle a 2, 3, or 4 spawn situation or deal with a poorly timed ambush on your build will do more for you than permadom.  Domination mode certainly helps in those circumstances but it doesn't do much for your run of the mill fight on a well balanced team.  On teams with a redundancy in control (tanker, troller, other dom, etc.) and especially on a team where your primary mez overlaps with a teammates it just isn't needed.  The mez protection isn't that useful when everything is locked down.  There are other ways to solve for endurance issues.  The added mez magnitude isn't critical if a tanker/brute is holding aggro.  They removed the damage buff from domination a long time ago.  There is nothing wrong with saving the domination ability to be used 'as needed'.


Again, it isn't a choice I make.  I quite enjoy leading slow-minded brutes or tanks and watching them gasp in frustration or leading teams who are too passive to take that first step.  I have been on plenty of task forces where the blasters quickly learn to wait until "Domination" appears over everyone's heads to let loose.  But being the combat leader on a large team is much easier when you can one-shot mez the bosses.  Getting a full bar of endurance every 90 "for free" seconds _is_ my preferred way to manage my it.  And if I'm being completely honest, on raids or teams that are steamrolling content without my help I'll eventually forget to keep domination going as I settle into just being a slightly selfish blaster until I eventually get mezzed and remember that fancy little button.


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On 3/13/2020 at 12:12 PM, Olly said:

I have a similar question about my Dark/Rad dom as the OP. How am I supposed to "feel"?  When I'm on a blaster, I feel like a glass cannon*.  When I'm on scrapper, I feel like a tough, bad-ass, well, er.. scrapper.  My stalker feels slightly squishier, but definitely feels like a ninja-assassin (even if they're built like a brute).  My brute feels like the irreverent younger brother of my tank.  My controller is master of lock down, then ever so slowly** whittling enemies to death...


My Dom feels like... ??? Wondering what I should be going for. I read the posts about walking in, locking down, then dispensing dps. Sadly, I don't feel my Dom gives me that feeling, even with IO sets.  I feel like I sort of hold things down, and I sort of kill things, but not a flaming ball of "lock down, smash, all die". Do I need to invest in better IO's? But if so, what am I going for?


Posting my build for reference. 

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Villain Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 50 Mutation Dominator
Primary Power Set: Darkness Control
Secondary Power Set: Radioactive Assault
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Concealment
Power Pool: Fire Mastery
Ancillary Pool: Fire Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Dark Grasp -- Lck-Acc/Hold(A), Lck-Acc/Rchg(50), Lck-Rchg/Hold(50), Lck-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(50), Lck-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(50), Lck-%Hold(50)
Level 1: Neutrino Bolt -- AchHee-ResDeb%(A), EntChs-Heal%(50), Dcm-Build%(50)
Level 2: Living Shadows -- TraoftheH-Immob/Acc(A), TraoftheH-Acc/Rchg(50), TraoftheH-Acc/Immob/Rchg(50), TraoftheH-Acc/EndRdx(50), TraoftheH-EndRdx/Immob(50), TraoftheH-Dam%(50)
Level 4: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(50), RechRdx-I(50)
Level 6: Boxing -- Stp-KB%(A), Stp-Acc/EndRdx(50), Stp-Acc/Rchg(50), Stp-EndRdx/Stun(50), Stp-Acc/Stun/Rchg(50), Stp-Stun/Rng(50)
Level 8: Fearsome Stare -- UnsTrr-Acc/Rchg(A), UnsTrr-EndRdx/Fear(50), UnsTrr-Acc/EndRdx(50)
Level 10: Electron Haze -- Acc-I(A), AchHee-ResDeb%(50), FrcFdb-Rechg%(50)
Level 12: Heart of Darkness -- ScrDrv-Acc/Dmg(A), ScrDrv-Dmg/EndRdx(50), ScrDrv-Dmg/Rchg(50), ScrDrv-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(50), ScrDrv-Acc/Rchg(50), DarWtcDsp-Slow%(50)
Level 14: Super Speed -- BlsoftheZ-ResKB(A)
Level 16: Fusion -- GssSynFr--ToHit(A), GssSynFr--ToHit/Rchg(50), GssSynFr--Build%(50), GssSynFr--ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(50)
Level 18: Tough -- Ags-ResDam/EndRdx(A), Ags-EndRdx/Rchg(50), Ags-ResDam/Rchg(50), Ags-ResDam(50), Ags-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 20: Radiation Siphon -- ThfofEss-+End%(A), KntCmb-Dmg/Rchg(50), KntCmb-Acc/Dmg(50), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx(50), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 22: Weave -- LucoftheG-Def(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(50), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(50)
Level 24: Stealth -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A)
Level 26: Invisibility -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A)
Level 28: Shadow Field -- Lck-Acc/Hold(A), Lck-Acc/Rchg(50), Lck-Rchg/Hold(50), Lck-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(50), Lck-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(50), Lck-%Hold(50)
Level 30: Atom Smasher -- ScrDrv-Acc/Dmg(A), ScrDrv-Dmg/EndRdx(50), ScrDrv-Acc/Rchg(50), ScrDrv-Dmg/Rchg(50), ScrDrv-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(50), AchHee-ResDeb%(50)
Level 32: Umbra Beast -- ExpRnf-Acc/Rchg(A), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg(50), ExpRnf-Dmg/EndRdx(50), ExpRnf-EndRdx/Dmg/Rchg(50), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(50), ExpRnf-+Res(Pets)(50)
Level 35: Fire Ball -- Ann-Acc/Dmg(A), Ann-Dmg/Rchg(50), Ann-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(50), Ann-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(50), Ann-ResDeb%(50), Ann-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 38: Devastating Blow -- KntCmb-Acc/Dmg(A), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx(50), KntCmb-Dmg/Rchg(50), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50), KntCmb-Knock%(50), AchHee-ResDeb%(50)
Level 41: Fire Shield -- StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), GldArm-3defTpProc(50)
Level 44: Melt Armor -- AchHee-ResDeb%(A)
Level 47: Grant Invisibility -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A)
Level 49: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Domination 
Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Run-I(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Jump-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run 
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Quick Form 


| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |



* - True except I use the Winter Sets so I feel a little sturdier since then.

** - damage rate depends on type.



  I'm pretty sure the goal was to make the Dominator feel like the kind of villain who toys with their prey before finishing them off.  These are the guys (and gals) who want to trap a hero and give long-winded speeches about how the world is a horrible place and they just have to own it.  The Dom isn't meant to be a DPS monster.. that's why it's not listed as either ranged or melee damage (despite having elements of both).  They don't really have a damage pool.. they have a torture pool.  In this way you might consider Dominators to be similar to WoW's Warlocks or Shadow priests.. your fighting style is to control and DoT.  Eventually things will die, but you probably won't kill as fast as a blaster, a scrapper, or even an offensively oriented defender.


  While leveling, the "feeling" of the Dominator often seems to be "cat & mouse", but sometimes you're the cat, and sometimes you're the mouse.

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You should probably be killing faster than a Defender, as Dom's have a much higher damage scale (0.95 ranged, second only to Blasters and Kheldian Novas), and the secondaries between the two are pretty equivalent (with Doms having some strong melee options). But it is definitely true that Doms play less aggressively, with the ability to neutralize foes and take their time killing them in relative safety. In a way, as soon as you land a hold/confuse on a spawn, you've already won the fight, it just takes a bit longer to reach the inevitable conclusion than a Blaster.

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On 4/25/2020 at 11:26 AM, Hardboiled Hero said:



  I'm pretty sure the goal was to make the Dominator feel like the kind of villain who toys with their prey before finishing them off.  These are the guys (and gals) who want to trap a hero and give long-winded speeches about how the world is a horrible place and they just have to own it.  The Dom isn't meant to be a DPS monster.. that's why it's not listed as either ranged or melee damage (despite having elements of both).  They don't really have a damage pool.. they have a torture pool.  In this way you might consider Dominators to be similar to WoW's Warlocks or Shadow priests.. your fighting style is to control and DoT.  Eventually things will die, but you probably won't kill as fast as a blaster, a scrapper, or even an offensively oriented defender.


  While leveling, the "feeling" of the Dominator often seems to be "cat & mouse", but sometimes you're the cat, and sometimes you're the mouse.

Ok! That is is the best answer for me.  I can definitely work with that, and I can see how that works with the Dom AT power sets.  Even the "cat & mouse" aspect works.. the skinny, made-fun-of guy who finally (IO'd and lvl 50+) gets to pay back everyone who tortured him when he was weaker.

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On 3/12/2020 at 2:59 AM, biostem said:

So I'll get this right out of the way;  I'm familiar with controllers and the control sets in general, but I'm mainly a melee-AT player.  I love gravity control, but I can pretty much do what I want with that set on a controller, without needing outside attacks.  I'm trying to grasp the assault sets and how they're meant to interact with your primary.  Do I just lock down an enemy and run into melee, to wail on them with my melee and ranged attacks?  I tried making a ranged-only dom, but it just wasn't a fun experience for me.  I'd also like to point out that I'm not hugely into IO set stuff - I mainly just slot up generic IOs and call it a day, so perma-dom is probably not going to happen for me.  Any advice or suggestions you can provide would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks for reading.

Ahhhh.  Hello.  You've come to the right place.  'Unlimited Po-WAH!'  Though you'll patience.  Perseverance.


Yes.  Is the answer.


Range to lock down what you can...quickly close to melee.  Let them have it!  BOW!  SHAKKA!


However, over ambition in this regard will get you in over your head and get you killed.  But that's the delicious load balancing of the Dominator.  It's the one AT that is an art form.


So, in English, you have to keep an eye on that difficulty setting.


The sheer joy of playing the Dominator is that you hit that (Big Button...) and BOOM!  You're a GOD!


Pain.  Pleasure.  Death by Hospital...and then Domination!  'Remember me?  The guy you send to casualty?  Welllllll....you're not Doctor Doom now, are you?'  (Mezzing with Domination!)


Three pivotal moments come to mind with Dominators.


1. For the early levels.  Having absolute balance of Control vs Melee powers selected.  That way you can control at range then swiftly (use/sprint/swift) to close to combat melee range and use your melee 'blaps' to put them into 'Vienna' (ie sleep horizontal mode.)


So earning your stripes in the Hollows is difficult but street sweeping will quickly improve your elastic reach of range to melee as Trolls bounce you around the pavement.


2. L32.  The previous 32 levels of giddy death...vs 'I'm GOD' (sure, you'll keep saying, 'Why did I make one of these....?' alot.)  But everything time you hit the domi button...


By the time you reach L32.  It all begins to make sense.  'THIS is why I rolled a Domi.'  I will say no more.  Just get to L32.  And if you've balanced Range to Melee selection fo Control to Assault....then you're good for gravy.  My other hot tips would be Assault to boost your damage.  And Tactics to make sure those controls...and melee hit.  As both have risk.  Control and miss?  They will come after you.  Melee.  And miss?  You're going down in a two hits probably.


3.  L50.  Perma Hasten.  Defence Cap.  Perma Domination.


Find the best forum build.  Copy it.  Add your own twist of lemon.  You'll need a mirror to be constantly impressed by your own divinity.




PS.  A generic IO build to take the rough edges of a solid SO build is fine.  That's my favourite place to be.  However, should you wrap your head around IOs...(perhaps as a 'Build 2.')  You may consider the lilly.  And true god power will be yours.

Edited by Golden Azrael
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On 4/25/2020 at 4:26 PM, Hardboiled Hero said:



  I'm pretty sure the goal was to make the Dominator feel like the kind of villain who toys with their prey before finishing them off.  These are the guys (and gals) who want to trap a hero and give long-winded speeches about how the world is a horrible place and they just have to own it.  The Dom isn't meant to be a DPS monster.. that's why it's not listed as either ranged or melee damage (despite having elements of both).  They don't really have a damage pool.. they have a torture pool.  In this way you might consider Dominators to be similar to WoW's Warlocks or Shadow priests.. your fighting style is to control and DoT.  Eventually things will die, but you probably won't kill as fast as a blaster, a scrapper, or even an offensively oriented defender.


  While leveling, the "feeling" of the Dominator often seems to be "cat & mouse", but sometimes you're the cat, and sometimes you're the mouse.

I'd never thought of it as sadistic.  But I completely aggree with the objective was to make the Dominator as the the kind of villain who toys with the prey before finishing them off.  A Dr. Doom type.


It's not mean to be teH DAMaGE (if people want that?  Roll a fire brute or blaster...) but it is meant to be powerful.  I have a friend who managed to L50 a Grav/FF controller but has never mastered Dominators.  Which I find.  Ironic.


But you can build damaging Doms.  Fire/Stone?  Burn them....bash them.  etc. Etc.  Great to watch.  Elec elec?  '*Toys with mobs.*


So I'd say a DOmi is....


Squash the spider vs Pulling the legs off the spider.


It's the latter.  It's a mind set.


If you want insta kill roll another AT with lots of fire.  (But a good fire/Stone Domi will run it closer than you might think...without the comeback a fire blaster may get.)


Just like tanking.  And that's the beauty of Domis. 


You can be a fire starter, you can be a controller, a blaster, a blapper, you can toy, you have the power to lock down many mobs.  You can stretch a fight out on your terms...the whole battlefield is yours.  You can play range only....blap only (with skill) or everything inbetween.


It's an art form.  It's the ultimate AT.  It requires skill to play.


Yes.  I suppose it is sadistic. 😛  Perma sadism.  *Coined.



Edited by Golden Azrael
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On 4/27/2020 at 4:15 PM, Olly said:

Ok! That is is the best answer for me.  I can definitely work with that, and I can see how that works with the Dom AT power sets.  Even the "cat & mouse" aspect works.. the skinny, made-fun-of guy who finally (IO'd and lvl 50+) gets to pay back everyone who tortured him when he was weaker.

Yeah.  There's a bit of the 'retribution' AT vibe about it. 


L50 with Perma everythign IO sets....is pure deliverance.  L32 is redemption.  Even a balanced build up the Hollows and some of Steel gives some of the 'Mine eyes hath seen the glory...'


'Remember me?  The skinny Peter Parker guy you picked on at school?  Well...I got bitten by a aardvark and like pulling the legs of ants...before I hoover them up.'



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On 4/25/2020 at 7:37 AM, Dauntless said:

Full disclosure, I'm not certain I have ever built a dominator that wasn't aiming for permadom.


The most important thing to be an effective dominator is you need to be smart.  Knowing how to tackle a 2, 3, or 4 spawn situation or deal with a poorly timed ambush on your build will do more for you than permadom.  Domination mode certainly helps in those circumstances but it doesn't do much for your run of the mill fight on a well balanced team.  On teams with a redundancy in control (tanker, troller, other dom, etc.) and especially on a team where your primary mez overlaps with a teammates it just isn't needed.  The mez protection isn't that useful when everything is locked down.  There are other ways to solve for endurance issues.  The added mez magnitude isn't critical if a tanker/brute is holding aggro.  They removed the damage buff from domination a long time ago.  There is nothing wrong with saving the domination ability to be used 'as needed'.


Again, it isn't a choice I make.  I quite enjoy leading slow-minded brutes or tanks and watching them gasp in frustration or leading teams who are too passive to take that first step.  I have been on plenty of task forces where the blasters quickly learn to wait until "Domination" appears over everyone's heads to let loose.  But being the combat leader on a large team is much easier when you can one-shot mez the bosses.  Getting a full bar of endurance every 90 "for free" seconds _is_ my preferred way to manage my it.  And if I'm being completely honest, on raids or teams that are steamrolling content without my help I'll eventually forget to keep domination going as I settle into just being a slightly selfish blaster until I eventually get mezzed and remember that fancy little button.





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On 3/13/2020 at 4:12 PM, Olly said:

I have a similar question about my Dark/Rad dom as the OP. How am I supposed to "feel"?  When I'm on a blaster, I feel like a glass cannon*.  When I'm on scrapper, I feel like a tough, bad-ass, well, er.. scrapper.  My stalker feels slightly squishier, but definitely feels like a ninja-assassin (even if they're built like a brute).  My brute feels like the irreverent younger brother of my tank.  My controller is master of lock down, then ever so slowly** whittling enemies to death...


My Dom feels like... ??? Wondering what I should be going for. I read the posts about walking in, locking down, then dispensing dps. Sadly, I don't feel my Dom gives me that feeling, even with IO sets.  I feel like I sort of hold things down, and I sort of kill things, but not a flaming ball of "lock down, smash, all die". Do I need to invest in better IO's? But if so, what am I going for?


Posting my build for reference. 

  Reveal hidden contents

Villain Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 50 Mutation Dominator
Primary Power Set: Darkness Control
Secondary Power Set: Radioactive Assault
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Concealment
Power Pool: Fire Mastery
Ancillary Pool: Fire Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Dark Grasp -- Lck-Acc/Hold(A), Lck-Acc/Rchg(50), Lck-Rchg/Hold(50), Lck-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(50), Lck-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(50), Lck-%Hold(50)
Level 1: Neutrino Bolt -- AchHee-ResDeb%(A), EntChs-Heal%(50), Dcm-Build%(50)
Level 2: Living Shadows -- TraoftheH-Immob/Acc(A), TraoftheH-Acc/Rchg(50), TraoftheH-Acc/Immob/Rchg(50), TraoftheH-Acc/EndRdx(50), TraoftheH-EndRdx/Immob(50), TraoftheH-Dam%(50)
Level 4: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(50), RechRdx-I(50)
Level 6: Boxing -- Stp-KB%(A), Stp-Acc/EndRdx(50), Stp-Acc/Rchg(50), Stp-EndRdx/Stun(50), Stp-Acc/Stun/Rchg(50), Stp-Stun/Rng(50)
Level 8: Fearsome Stare -- UnsTrr-Acc/Rchg(A), UnsTrr-EndRdx/Fear(50), UnsTrr-Acc/EndRdx(50)
Level 10: Electron Haze -- Acc-I(A), AchHee-ResDeb%(50), FrcFdb-Rechg%(50)
Level 12: Heart of Darkness -- ScrDrv-Acc/Dmg(A), ScrDrv-Dmg/EndRdx(50), ScrDrv-Dmg/Rchg(50), ScrDrv-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(50), ScrDrv-Acc/Rchg(50), DarWtcDsp-Slow%(50)
Level 14: Super Speed -- BlsoftheZ-ResKB(A)
Level 16: Fusion -- GssSynFr--ToHit(A), GssSynFr--ToHit/Rchg(50), GssSynFr--Build%(50), GssSynFr--ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(50)
Level 18: Tough -- Ags-ResDam/EndRdx(A), Ags-EndRdx/Rchg(50), Ags-ResDam/Rchg(50), Ags-ResDam(50), Ags-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 20: Radiation Siphon -- ThfofEss-+End%(A), KntCmb-Dmg/Rchg(50), KntCmb-Acc/Dmg(50), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx(50), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 22: Weave -- LucoftheG-Def(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(50), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(50)
Level 24: Stealth -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A)
Level 26: Invisibility -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A)
Level 28: Shadow Field -- Lck-Acc/Hold(A), Lck-Acc/Rchg(50), Lck-Rchg/Hold(50), Lck-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(50), Lck-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(50), Lck-%Hold(50)
Level 30: Atom Smasher -- ScrDrv-Acc/Dmg(A), ScrDrv-Dmg/EndRdx(50), ScrDrv-Acc/Rchg(50), ScrDrv-Dmg/Rchg(50), ScrDrv-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(50), AchHee-ResDeb%(50)
Level 32: Umbra Beast -- ExpRnf-Acc/Rchg(A), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg(50), ExpRnf-Dmg/EndRdx(50), ExpRnf-EndRdx/Dmg/Rchg(50), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(50), ExpRnf-+Res(Pets)(50)
Level 35: Fire Ball -- Ann-Acc/Dmg(A), Ann-Dmg/Rchg(50), Ann-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(50), Ann-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(50), Ann-ResDeb%(50), Ann-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 38: Devastating Blow -- KntCmb-Acc/Dmg(A), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx(50), KntCmb-Dmg/Rchg(50), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50), KntCmb-Knock%(50), AchHee-ResDeb%(50)
Level 41: Fire Shield -- StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), GldArm-3defTpProc(50)
Level 44: Melt Armor -- AchHee-ResDeb%(A)
Level 47: Grant Invisibility -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A)
Level 49: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Domination 
Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Run-I(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Jump-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run 
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Quick Form 


| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |



* - True except I use the Winter Sets so I feel a little sturdier since then.

** - damage rate depends on type.

I wouldn't have started a Domi as Dark/Rad.  Hmm.  Is this your 1st one?  Dark/fire maybe.



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On 3/12/2020 at 5:00 PM, VV said:

Yes. My motto on Doms is "Lock 'em and Clock 'em". I usually open with 2 or 3 aoe controls then head in for the bloodshed. If I see too many moving around, I will reapply controls. I tend to think of Dominators as Scraptrollers or Blastrollers, depending on your playstyle.


I feel you on that because I came to Doms from a Controller, too, though my controller was /storm, so it was more of an aggressive controller than most. The other thing I recommend is to slot your control powers for damage, and damage procs. Dead is the best control.

Nailed it.



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On 4/25/2020 at 4:22 PM, The_Cheeseman said:

You should probably be killing faster than a Defender, as Dom's have a much higher damage scale (0.95 ranged, second only to Blasters and Kheldian Novas), and the secondaries between the two are pretty equivalent (with Doms having some strong melee options). But it is definitely true that Doms play less aggressively, with the ability to neutralize foes and take their time killing them in relative safety. In a way, as soon as you land a hold/confuse on a spawn, you've already won the fight, it just takes a bit longer to reach the inevitable conclusion than a Blaster.

  Yeah.. I was thinking that Doms seem to have a lot of DoTs in their arsenal, but I guess that doesn't actually mean they lose burst..  some of that feeling on my part probably is flavored by the fact that I've been enjoying /savage, which specifically DoTs things.

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23 hours ago, The_Cheeseman said:

Yeah, my Dom is Mind/Fire/Fire, so not so much DOT as BOOM. Since Mind has rather subtle animations, I have been mistaken for a fire Blaster on several occasions.

Mindful fire Demon.  I can go with dat.


I can see that working quite well.  Any players I've seen with mind seem to do very well indeed.  And fire speaks for itself.


BOOM BAD.  Don't meet that hero in a dark alley way.



Edited by Golden Azrael
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On 4/29/2020 at 11:06 AM, Golden Azrael said:

I wouldn't have started a Domi as Dark/Rad.  Hmm.  Is this your 1st one?  Dark/fire maybe.




I rolled two fire/* blasters, and had a fire/kin troller back in the day, so I really wanted to get away from fire. 

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14 hours ago, Olly said:


I rolled two fire/* blasters, and had a fire/kin troller back in the day, so I really wanted to get away from fire. 

Yeah.  Damage and Fire are inextricably linked as if it is some arcane wisdom.  It's not.  Fire (and with debuffs) is crazy damaging and that explains the fire/kin, fire/fire blaster, fire domi, fire tank, fire brute...fire meh etc.  I have a fire/fire blaster that destroys whole caves...and a fire brute that can melt mobs.  But what of it.  Far less fun than my en/en turbo fast blaster.


But all ATs and powers can do damage.  It's just the degree of which a player might want.  eg.  I just pushed my Ice/Ice/Ice tank to do as much damage as I could.  (Built for damage...whilst capping def'.)  But I wouldn't team with a fire blaster....heh.


...yet it still comes down to what is the most fun.


If Dark/Rad is your bag of fun.  'nuff said.  But I'd have said Rad blast is overdue for some damage number pass over.  It's about the debuff, I get that.  Feels somewhat apologetic on a defender or corruptor.  But it is an interesting set to play.  And Dark is a fantastic control and blast set.  Very unique set.  So I'd take solace from that.


(Have a Dark/Dark  defender.  Love it...but it takes it's time to do 'damage.'  It's more about the debuff and control.  But a passing 'fire' anything could incinerate the mob much quicker of course...meh.)


Now, Radiation melee?  I teamed with a Rad Melee 'super athlete' and the team watched as he 'one punched' the malta mobs to death...whilst we 'watched.'  Lesson learned?  Watch who you team with and what alt you're going to put with that higher or lower damage team output.  ie.  Like minded and like built heroes.


So it goes.  Let fun be your guiding star.  But you can push the Dark/Rad Domi to do as much damage as you can.  Include Assault from Leadership.  Make sure you can hit with Tactics.  Use IO sets to boost your damage.  Check out which Incarnate powers can boot your damage output.  Eg. Assault from Hybrid.  Alpha's Musculature etc.  Include Clarion from Destiny to make sure you're not mezzed.  If you have Perma Domi then get Destiny's Ageless instead to increase your frequency of output.  And Interface's debuff powers to debuff them so you can hot knife to their butter.





Edited by Golden Azrael
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On 4/30/2020 at 1:51 PM, Vulpoid said:

I also rarely use Set IOs, and have had fun with Dark/Savage as a Melee Dominator. It has a very "Demon Beast" feel to play!


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On 4/30/2020 at 6:51 PM, Vulpoid said:

I also rarely use Set IOs, and have had fun with Dark/Savage as a Melee Dominator. It has a very "Demon Beast" feel to play!

I like the sound of that.  Demon Beast.  A different sort of Domi.  Melee focused.


Could live with that.  I live in melee with my Domi's whilst piling on the control AoEs.



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