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Feedback on Electrical Affinity


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So disclaimer: this has been on my defender, who's elec/elec.


I've been enjoying the set a lot!  But there's a few points worth noting.

  • the chain based buffs are awesome but are also extremely loud and tend to smother other audio; in large teams this can result in basically the entire sound channel being taken up by zapzapzap sounds.  This is maybe a bit overwhelming, and could stand to be muted a little in volume.  I think this might be the first time a set like this has existed in City, which may account for why it's so loud--the engine simply hasn't seen this sort of thing used before.
  • the galvanic sentinel is a bit underwhelming as a pet, but that's fine; it's there mostly as a soloing tool.  I'd like it if we could summon it for more or less indefinite lengths, like controller pets, though.  As it stands I'm usually so busy I forget to resummon it.  (the same is true for voltaic sentinel in elec blast, and is much more acute there)
  • Faraday Cage is really, really good, which is fine; did you intend it to be possible to summon it while mezzed?
  • the animations have been discussed elsewhere as being traumatizing for some folks.  The Kinetics buff animations have been noted as being better for this.
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Just now, gchpaco said:

Faraday Cage is really, really good, which is fine; did you intend it to be possible to summon it while mezzed?

I believe so.  Think of it as a Break Free power.


Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer

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3 hours ago, gchpaco said:

the galvanic sentinel is a bit underwhelming as a pet, but that's fine; it's there mostly as a soloing tool.  I'd like it if we could summon it for more or less indefinite lengths, like controller pets, though.  As it stands I'm usually so busy I forget to resummon it.  (the same is true for voltaic sentinel in elec blast, and is much more acute there)

I have to agree that making it perma would increase the distinctiveness of the set, and I don't think that doing so would upset balance noticeably. It's already functionally perma from the start at the cost of resummoning it when the power recharges, it still dies fairly easily if you use it as an aggro magnet, and its attacks don't actually damage its target, requiring assistance from other End-drain abilities to floor a mob's End.

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(repeating a comment I made in a thread that went nowhere)


It'd be nice - for solo play only - for the chain powers to be coded to auto-target GS (if it's out) as part of their activation, instead of having to spend extra time selecting GS before the powers can be used. I've experienced wildly differing behaviour from GS+chains in varying circumstances, so having this as standard behaviour - again, only when solo - would benefit that experience.


(Since I made my original post a couple days ago, I discovered that GS can in fact be selected and used as a go-between, but given its targeting is random and has no shiny orange brackets to ID its target, this is unreliable and awkward. I still can't replicate the team-based "have an enemy targeted and chain power still works" effect while solo - there seems to be no way, when solo, to use a chain power without first manually selecting GS.)


I would also agree with the suggestions of making GS perma, provided that doesn't change the existing recharge time. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes you get on a Posi2 with no alpha absorbing toons, and GS does a remarkable job of soaking those nasty alphas every 2-3 spawns.



So many alts, so little time...

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I'm not sure how big a deal this is, but it'd be great if Gal could be a little more, let's call it "dedicated to keeping up with me."  It seems like awfully frequently, I'll go to bounce a Circuit power off her, and she's hell and gone from where I'm standing.  Close enough to take the buff, but way too far away to bounce it back to me.

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11 minutes ago, Generator said:

I'm not sure how big a deal this is, but it'd be great if Gal could be a little more, let's call it "dedicated to keeping up with me."  It seems like awfully frequently, I'll go to bounce a Circuit power off her, and she's hell and gone from where I'm standing.  Close enough to take the buff, but way too far away to bounce it back to me.

agreed, Galvanic Sentinel seems to not follow you very closely

What this team needs is more Defenders

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I've gotten mine up to almost 27 now.  Having the insta-capable Zapp and Voltaic Sentinel are helping quite a bit (I've got a popmenu for deploying both Voltaic and Galvanic Sentinels, and a separate key bound to make Gal my target).


I'll freely admit I have no plan for the guy's actual build, and this freestyling approach is driving me batty.  Will this be going into Mids any time soon, do we know?



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Rejuv Circuit. Decent power, with some REALLY annoying mechanics.

I was just doing DFB, and it works good when say..I have Tinder targeted (you know, so I can attack him too), and because Tinder is aggro'd to teh meat shield, the heal starts on him and chains around.

But JUST as many times, when the boss/baddies attention is on someone else, meaning that I turn 180 degrees and start the heal from a flying blaster 25 foot behind us.

I cant think of a heal that is this..annoying and clunky to use.

AUra heals, just fire off whenever, with no target needed.

Dark/Kin heals..fire off a Target (sure, you can have a team mate selected and THEY switch target just as you fire it, meaning the heal goes walkabouts, but the ability to fire it direct from a baddie means that basically never need happen) so you always KNOW where its starting.


As others have said..the heal is tricksy solo too, with you needed to hit the pet (which is FORCING us to take the pet. Even if its a good pet, it should be optional), and even in a duo, I had issues with my team mate standing too far away.


Can we PLEASE have this start from yourself, if you dont have a team mate selected?

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An example to illustrate how utterly annoying Rejuv circuit is.

I am level 14, doing the Kill Veles mission. I have my Galvanic pet out, standing at a corner. I Drop Faraday cage, then Empowering on GS, to buff myself, then pop some Lucks, and aggro Veles. He runs up to me (by himself), and I start attacking. After a few seconds, he summons his grave knight, and they both land a few hits, so i need to heal myself.

But can I do that, without DROPPING my target on him? Of course not. That would make too much sense. Since Veles has ME targeted, and this 'well tested' heal cant target self..that does nothing. So I select GV, and heal myself.

Then I try to keep attacking, figuring 'hey, Veles came into range all ALONE, so surely GS is debuffing him.' But oh no. Since I cant command GS, and the AI is retarded, he is attacking the grave knight pet, worthlessly.

So I have to switch targets, back to Veles..and then BACK to GS, to buff and heal myself. All while solo.


Now I have no doubt the power is less annoying in teams..but solo? And then buffs like Empowering and Energizing..have teh exact same stupid issue. If those powers were just ally (and never self buffs) buff, I wouldnt care. But since they can affect yourself, why make it so stupidly finnicky to USE them solo?

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8 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

Can we PLEASE have this start from yourself, if you dont have a team mate selected?

Play a Mastermind then.


I think someone before said that EA is new.  People are still adjusting.  You probably just need to get used to it.  It's not really that difficult and every set has their intricacies to get a hold of but the chain mechanics are quite forgiving with perhaps the only issue being getting the max buff or max heal on the specific target you want.


If you're targeting through the foe for buffs, perhaps don't do that.  It works but you're then accepting the faults that come with a shortcut. 


Also, have you tried a targeting macro?  Pretty sure you can make a macro that targets GS and heals you in 1 button push.  Retargetting the opponent is then just a tap of TAB.  Not that tough.

Edited by Naraka
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