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Travel Powers


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I am sure this has been talked about in the many years COH has been around, but in hopes that maybe they could change this. I would be great full.


One of the options I loved about Champions Online was that Travel Powers, were separate from your power choices. I had always wanted COH to some how make it so players could take a travel power at level 4 as well as a normal power. The choices would only by Fly, Super Speed, Teleport, Super Jump. You would not get the whole set. I feel like we should not have to choose a travel power over something we could really use in the characters build.

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It’s an interesting idea and you could make a good case for your suggestion (which probably should go to the suggestions forum). Personally I think there is some value behind classifying travel powers as a normal power, and if you want to skip a travel power you get an extra slot, or you can delay it.  More natural characters can gain an extra power if you want to get creative with how they travel! But just my opinion.

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Hurdle is automatically granted at level 2, and the base speed is nearly identical to Fly's base speed.


Swift (also automatically acquired at 2) and Beast Run or Ninja Run is comparable (and can be significantly faster if used in concert with a primary/secondary which grants +run speed).


There are also other flight temp powers.


I played without a travel power for years, was never last on teams, and there is a grand total of one badge which can't be obtained without some form of flight, teleportation or super leaping (on top of the Atlas statue in front of City Hall).  The temp, veteran and Super Booster powers are all much more available now, as well.  No-one has to take a travel power at any level.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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2 hours ago, Luminara said:

I played without a travel power for years, was never last on teams, and there is a grand total of one badge which can't be obtained without some form of flight, teleportation or super leaping (on top of the Atlas statue in front of City Hall).  The temp, veteran and Super Booster powers are all much more available now, as well.  No-one has to take a travel power at any level.

 Though you can also get that without a "travel power," given the steam/jump pack from P2W, or the temp travel powers from the Atlas and KR safeguards. (obtainable a few ways, actually.)


That said, for me I'll take a travel early - I generally don't have to allocate slots to it, and that means the next two (early) slots can go into a power that needs them early. Alternately, I'll play a PB or WS and get free travel powers anyway. 😄

Edited by Greycat

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3 hours ago, Greycat said:

Though you can also get that without a "travel power," given the steam/jump pack from P2W

The P2W lady sells literal jetpacks for 5000inf/hour that are as fast as Fly no need to do any missions

Edited by Seigmoraig
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On 4/24/2020 at 10:13 AM, Spectre7878 said:

I sometimes take powers like Void Skiff, Magic Carpet, or Rocket Board. I just don't like how it turns off all toggles

I do the same thing with some of my characters.

They could probably fix the de-toggling aspect by giving it the Rest treatment.

That way the powers won't affect anyone else while the magic carpet (for example) is active.


Having said that, I will initiate the Standard Code Rant(tm). Because I don't know how difficult it would be to make that change.

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The magic carpet and the like sound like fun, and would work well with several of my character concepts.  But the issue I have with them is that they detoggle everything else.  This severely limits their usefulness. 


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I would be perfectly fine and dandy with Fly having animation options for the carpet, void skiff, rocket board, etc, and if it's just another animation of Fly, no detoggle. 

I do think the P2W vendor's void skiff, rocket board, etc, should RETAIN the detoggle. 


Rationale:  there should be some cost to getting an unlimited free fly without spending a power choice on it. 


Yes, there are Raptor Packs/Jet Packs temp powers.  Those are time limited and you have to watch how much time you have left on them. 

Yes. there are Steam Jump and Jump Pack.  Those stay with you forever, but tehy forcibly detoggle themselves after X many seconds and then force a Y second cooldown on re-activating them.


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