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Attuned or Enhancement Boosted IOs?


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25 minutes ago, You said:

I have been using Attuned enhancements whilst levelling. At 50 now, is it better to swap those and use Enhancement Booster boosted IOs?


Please advise. 



That depends: do you plan on ever exemplaring down, or will you just be running 47+ content all the time?  If you swap out the attuned for boosted, you'll lose the set bonuses when you exemplar down below 47.  If you keep the attuned, then you'll keep the set bonuses all the way down to 3 levels below the minimum level of the set.


Edited by Rathulfr


Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer

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These threads always have advice in pieces, here is mine! (specific to a level 50 toon)




There are several types of IOs that you can boost as high as 50 +5, and whatever (scaled) bonuses they provide will work at any level. Such as:

  • crafted common IOs (e.g. the singletoe Recharge Reduction)
  • "PVP" sets (e.g. Panacea, Shield Wall)
  • "Universal Travel" sets (Blessing of the Zephyr, Winter's Gift)
  • Very Rare "Superior" sets which can only be slotted at level 50

Don't worry about about having an attuned "global" or "proc" (e.g. "Chance of Lethal Damage") from a PVP or Universal Travel set, or if the level is below 50. If you slotted it, you are getting the benefits no matter your level.


Even boosting things which will work no-matter the level has two caveats:

  • Enhancement Diversification will (eventually) diminish the returns you can get. Still, "more is more".
  • Boosting the individual Recharge time of powers (not Global recharge) beyond a certain point can diminish the chance for "proc" pieces to fire.



If you have been playing with Winter Sets (aside from Universal Travel) or ATO pieces (these will be attuned when you get them), at level 50 you can further attune them (into "Superior" versions) for higher set bonuses (and in the case of Procs, higher chances to proc). You may not want to do this is you are going to have more than five of the same type of bonus. Fore Example: I have a Dominator with five 10% Global Recharge bonuses from PVP sets, so I left one of the ATO sets as non-Superior to get an extra 8.75% Global Recharge instead of wasting a sixth 10% bonus. The only other time I ran into this issue with a build was IIRC the Masterminds who can 2-slot a Superior ATO set for 3x10% Global Recharge. The Overwhelming Force (Universal Damage) set will also always be attuned, but a "Superior" version does not exist.


Generally for uncommon/rare IO set pieces: don't worry about keeping an Attuned "global" or "proc". There are only a few pieces that provide a benefit to Boosting in addition to the Global effect. For example: The Luck of the Gambler Global Recharge "global" piece also includes a Defense bonus. I believe the Steadfast Protection Resist/Defense allows the Resist to be boosted but the 3% global Defense bonus will not be affected.



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1 hour ago, Vanden said:

Boosters rarely result in noticeable gains over unboosted IOs when you've got full sets slotted. Where they really shine is when you're frankenslotting and working with limited slots.

This, ^^^


Boosting is good in some very specific circumstances, like being able to get the benefit of 3-slotting a power like Hasten but using only 2 slots.  Most of the time, though, the gains are eaten up by ED, or don't actually provide a benefit.  If your chance to hit is always 95% already, there's no benefit in boosting Acc, for example.


If you are truly never going to exemp down on the character, and the boost provides a genuine benefit, then it's a good idea.  But I would always take the option of, say, having Attuned Thunderstrikes that will give me Ranged Def down to level 27 over a few percentage points of boosted damage or recharge here or there.

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Heres the rules I use:


Is it purple= +5 (except proc)

is it PvP= +5 (except proc)

is it a proc = attuned or no mod at all

Do you exemp alot= attune set

Basic IO like rech/end red = +5 always and save a slot (2 lvl 50+5 will get you to 95%+)


In general those guidelines will work for you.


If a power is an early pick I generally dont bother to attune if I am never worried about being 5 lvls under the power and losing its bonuses. If a power is picked in the 20-50 lvl range and has a normal IO set (not purple or pvp) I generally attune so I can freely exemp and not lose those bonuses.


I tend to buy all my procs attuned but if they arent providing set bonuses with other pieces of a set it really doesnt matter.

Edited by SlimPickens
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1 hour ago, SlimPickens said:

If a power is an early pick I generally dont bother to attune if I am never worried about being 5 lvls under the power and losing its bonuses. If a power is picked in the 20-50 lvl range and has a normal IO set (not purple or pvp) I generally attune so I can freely exemp and not lose those bonuses.


I tend to buy all my procs attuned but if they arent providing set bonuses with other pieces of a set it really doesnt matter.

For set bonuses, it's the level of the enhancements, not the level you take the power at that matters.


A level 50 luck of the Gambler slotted in stalker's hide will provide absolutely no bonuses under level 47. A level 25 (or attuned) luck of the Gambler will provide set bonuses from level 22 up even if slotted in a power that you didn't take until 49.

Edited by Major_Decoy
quick fix. 22 was accurate for a level 50, but 47 is more accurate
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10 minutes ago, Major_Decoy said:

If you're going for a fully optimized build, you pick a level that you're optimizing for and you choose your enhancements accordingly.

If you are going for fully optimized then you will be aiming for 50+4s in order to free slots regardless

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Do you need a little extra something or do you want the set bonuses to work at lower level? Most stuff can be attuned but selective boosting works well. Also I tend to boost my 40+ powers because I don’t have them at lower level anyway.

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