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Monos and Galaxy Brain: Mercenaries

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For the full details of the Monos-Brain Overhaul, please view the link below:

Monos King & Galaxy Brains Mastermind Changes


Mercenaries are the absolute poorest of all the MM primaries, so let's just open fire. Not only do they suck, but there is a degree of lacking with the expected theme of different ammunitions and real fire power. With pitiful single target damage, recharge times, AoE damage, the WORST t7 pet buff, and even a t1 equip glitch gone unnoticed for several years, the changes proposed in this thread will address these through:


  1. Slightly Improving damage
  2. Significantly modifying existing pets
  3. Substantially lowering recharge and activation times

General Mercenary Changes


Serum -> Field Specialist

Lasts 5 minutes | Gives Serum to Mercenaries | Support Class Pet | 

10 minute recharge


The most major change to mercenaries, this proposal adds a field specialist pet that will replace the medic given amongst the Soldiers, allowing for another combat soldier amongst the t1 summons. Being a pet, its section will be below.


Field Specialist

Serum | ST Boost, Special Debuff

Base Heal: 157.42

+100% Recovery 30s

+15% Resistance (all but psy) 30s

+30% Damage/Tohit 30s

After 30s delay

-50% Recovery 15s

-7.5 Resistance 15s

-15% Damage/Tohit 15s

Activation Time: 1.3s

Recharge: 10s


This change is an attempt to keep the heart of serum while not rendering it useless. The Field Specialist will be launching out serums amongst the pets, acting as a replacement for aid other and simultaneously buffing the pets up. While the damage resistance, healing, tohit, and endurance portions of the boost are enhanceable, their debuff analogues are not. This permits great benefit from enhancement, similar to Phantom Army. Much like aid other, serum would be dispensed as a priority based heal before anything else, but will be quickly distributed to all the pets throughout the battle. While the buff can stack, the debuff will not. 


Recuperation Beacon | 255 targets max | 40ft radius (Triage Beacon Clone)

100% regeneration 1m 32s

Mag 5 CC Protection 1m 32s

Recharge: 1m

A triage beacon clone that comes with stimulant effects for the use of the Field Specialist. Just like Stimulant, the CC benefits do not include knockback. 


Suppressive Fire | 45 degree arc cone

Base Damage 26.86 at level 49 

10 Targets

-10% Def/Tohit/Dmg for 5s

Activaton Time: 2.67s

Recharge Time: 6s

The Field Specialists sole attack. This move offers effective debuffs and pushes to further equalize mercenaries damage.


Vengeance | Post-Death AoE Team Buff | 12 targets | Does Not Stack With Other Medic | Stacks with Player Vengeance

 Base Heal: 117.18

+28% Damage/Tohit 120s

+25% Def (All) 120s

Status Protection 

Essentially the Nemesis officer version of vengeance, this offers the opportunity to, rather than use the specialist for its Serum buffs and heals, sacrifice them for a moderate lasting group buff.



*Now spawns 3 soldiers*

With the field specialist in play, mercenary masterminds are now free to have a third primary combatant, rather than a Field Medic. This inclusion increases their damage, although slightly reduces the soldiers AoE potential.


Assault Rifle Auto Fire

6s Activation Time -> 4s Activation Time

Now has 10% Chance for 14.42 damage lucky shot (unresistable in PvE)

Available from Default Equipment

Lowering activation or recharge time is pretty much the theme of this thread. The Auto Fire is being updated to normal Full Auto abilities, including the chance for additional damage to help them out further.

Spec Ops

*Now spawns Two Spec Ops armed with unique SCAR Weaponry*


Spec Ops Mod 1: Scar Burst -> Scar Suppression 

Base Damage: 21.77

-2.5% Def 5s

-5% Special 5s

Available from Default Equipment


Spec Ops Mod 2: Scar Heavy Burst -> Scar Heavy Suppression

Base Damage: 34.53

-2.5% Def 5s

-5% Special 5s

Available from Default Equipment


Web Grenade -> Toxic Web Grenade

Base Damage: 19.12 (Toxic DoT)

30s Recharge -> 22.5s Recharge

-50% Recharge 15s

Available from Default Equipment


Spec Ops Mod 3: New Power:  Charring Rounds (Replaces Rifle Butt)

Base Damage: 19.12 (Fire)

Activation Time: 1.87s

Recharge Time: 20s

Available from Equip Mercenary

The Spec Ops can unleash a volcanic aerosol capsule from his SCAR Rifle, holding the enemy temporarily. 


Brawl -> Rifle Butt

Base Damage: 25.69

Recharge Time: 16s -> 22s

3 Mag Stun for 8.88s at Level 49

Available from Default Equipment

A primarily aesthetic change, encouraged by mercs ranged focus.


Spec Ops Mod 4: Scar Snipe -> Electro Snipe

Base Damage: 49.05

10% Chance for 3 Mag Stun for 6s

15.15 Bonus Energy Damage (only while Hidden)

Available from Tactical Upgrade

A change made to not only spice up the Spec Ops move set, but offer the chance for much needed damage increase.


Spec Ops Mod 5: Tear Gas | Swaps places with Flashbang Grenade

Recharge Time 3m -> 2m

Available from Equip Mercenary

Moves places with Flashbang to accomodate Flashbang's new effects.


Spec Ops Mod 6: Flashbang Grenade | Swaps places with Tear Gas

2 Mag Stun

Lower Stun duration by 25% | 8.94s -> 6.7s

-5% Tohit

-90% Perception for 20s

Recharge Time: 2m -> 1m 30s

50% chance to Hide Spec Ops

Available from Tactical Upgrade

Gives the chance to hide Spec Ops, making it more likely to land extra damage or debuffs.


Spec Ops Mod 7: New Power:  Tactical Operative (Replacing Stealth) | =Def (All) | Special 

+2.8% Def, 5.6% while hidden

Doubles Debuff Potency and CC Magnitudes while Hidden

Maintains previous Stealth Values

Available from Tactical Upgrade

The most significant change for the Spec Ops, Tactical Operative works with Flashbang to vastly increase the Specs Ops potential for debuff and moderately increase their damage through extra damage on their Electro Snipes. The totality of these changes not only increase the Spec Ops damage, but give it greater potency without delay and a little more flare to their weaponry. 



Commando Mod 1: Buckshot -> Heavy Burst | Cone DoT

Base Damage: 33.34

-6.25 Def for 8s

Recharge Time: 12s

10 Targets

Available from Equip Mercenary

Much needed additional damage for the Commando with a larger radius and -def. 


Commando Mod 2: Full Auto

Base Damage: 87.29

Activation Time: 6s -> 4s

Recharge Time: 1m -> 30s

30% Chance for 30.59 bonus lethal damage. Unresistable in PvE.

Available from Equip Mercenary

Commando needs recharge reductions BADLY, having truly ridiculous rates that hinder it's damage so greatly, that they do almost nothing before their inevitable memorial service.


Commando Mod 3: Resistance

26.14 S/L -> 28.00 S/L

6.55 F/T/C -> 9 F/T/C

Available from Default Equipment

A minor change, but the commando should most certainly have noticeable resistance differences from the rest of the mercenaries. He attracts all of the attention in combat, and more importantly possesses superior survival training worthy of higher S/L resistance.


Commando Mod 4: New Power:  Shrapnel Grenade (Replaces M30 Grenade) | TAoE Radius 25ft

Base Damage: 13.77

-15% res for 10s

-7.5 def for 10s

20% Chance for 5.19 Knockback

Activation Time: 1.87s

Recharge Time: 20s

Available from Tactical Upgrade

The Commando deploys a deadly shrapnel burst that can tear apart enemy armor and send them flying. This move exists to universally increase mercs damage on all fields, as well as give additional combat utility.


Commando Mod 5: Flamethrower

Base Damage: Decreased from 59.21 to 41.41

Activation Time: 3.5 -> 2.5

Cone Arc: 45 Degree -> 60 Degree

Target Cap: 10 -> 16

Available from Tactical Upgrade

Further increasing the damage potential per second of the Commando to not be terrible.



Radius: 15ft -> 20ft

Base Damage from within 0-10ft radius: 152.32

Base Damage from within 10-20ft radius: 76.16

Endurance Cost: 18.2 -> 32.4

Activation Time: 3.83s

Recharge Time: 4m -> 1m

50% Chance for 1.16 Mag Knock

16 Target Max

Available from Tactical Upgrade

4 minutes. For 76 damage. I think that about sums up how terribad mercs has been. Those on the outskirts of the battle will feel the original damage of the LRM Rocket, but those unfortunate enough to be in the epicenter of impact will see it do immense damage. This change alone would be fantastic news for merc users.


Mercs are in a god awful position. It's kind of appropriate, considering how well the military does in supernatural situations cinematically. But these aren't just any soldiers, these are mercenaries under the guidance of a super villain with godlike powers or mega-mind intellect. They deserve a little better.



The chart above show full damage rotation values after the damage changes proposed throughout these threads, going from Total Damage, to Total Animation Time, to Total Damage per Animation. Ninjas, Thugs, and Demons had absolutely zero damage changes, while beast was given radius and target increases. Mercenaries DPA, on the other hand, increased by more than double after these changes, now having total damage potential is closer to the likes of Beast, Ninja, and Thugs, although with much less damage per second than any of these and only over a generalized, isolated period of time. What to take away? They hit harder, and are a hell of a lot more fun and effective. The proposals here will fix issues across the board, and I don't know about you, but I'm ready to drown the world in a Hail of Bullets.

Edited by Monos King
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On 5/8/2020 at 12:45 PM, ShardWarrior said:

I like this!  I would argue Ninjas are worse, but your idea is great regardless.

Comparing the sets when researching, Ninja damage potential blows mercs way, way out of the park to the point of them being solidly better imo. In their thread the major change is to simply not have them be tissue paper (though still squishier!) To allow the damage to be used more often  🙂

Edited by Galaxy Brain
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Just now, Galaxy Brain said:

Comparing the sets when researching, Ninja damage potential blows mercs way, way out of the park to the point of them being solidly better imo. In their thread the majornchange is to simply not have them be tissue paper (though still squishier!) To allow the damage to be used more often  🙂

Yes I know, I was just being a little facetious.  I recently leveled a Ninja/Dark MM to 50 and regret doing it. 😊

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  • 3 weeks later
  • 5 weeks later

I'd definitely cut down recharge on Spec Ops' CC grenade even more, maybe even increase the numbers, at least the duration, of the debuff components. But I'd really reconsider having the Medic's healing come from a stationary triage beacon because that seems annoying to deal with. I'd rather he just hand out a regeneration buff like he hands out Stimulant or something, but with 90s minimum of duration and a 2s recharge or so. Maybe he can have an absorb shield buff he hands out since that scales off healing, too. I assume Vengeance works like it does for Nemesis Officers. That's a really interesting idea, but I'd... actually put that on Commando. I presume he'd be taking the most aggro with his heavier AoE damage output, though I'd probably have it just boost defense and maybe provide that status protection. Serum with a crash for half its duration still seems annoying to deal with, having soldiers' effectiveness and resistance fluctuate so much, and it seems likely to happen at particularly harmful times like when that soldier in particular is taking heavy fire and now he's taking heavy damage. I'd keep it simple as a primarily resistance focused buff that's handed out while the Medic is alive. After all, the Medic is the skilled physician who applies his tools to keep his squad in tip-top shape, right?

LRM as a 1-minute recharge nuke with solid damage is something I can get behind. What do you think about going with single shot > burst > heavy burst animations for Soldiers to cut down on activation time even further on them? That'll bring the times down to 0.9s, 1s, and 2.67s respectively and will help their damage even more.

Edited by Shazbotacus
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4 hours ago, Shazbotacus said:

But I'd really reconsider having the Medic's healing come from a stationary triage beacon because that seems annoying to deal with. I'd rather he just hand out a regeneration buff like he hands out Stimulant or something, but with 90s minimum of duration and a 2s recharge or so. Maybe he can have an absorb shield buff he hands out since that scales off healing, too

While the recoup beacon does offer regeneration, his primary heal is actually from Serum in our proposal. The beacon is what offers mez protection, and as an AoE would also offer regeneration to the user and actual teammates as well. A single target means would end up a long (and also possibly never occuring as the medic is in combat) process, and it being stationary is a good trade-off for the buffs it gives. Since it is still just one pet, I wouldn't give it absorb either as that just seems additional especially if he already has a heal.


4 hours ago, Shazbotacus said:

That's a really interesting idea, but I'd... actually put that on Commando. I presume he'd be taking the most aggro with his heavier AoE damage output

There are two reasons we did not do this. One, we do not want to encourage having the main dps get killed; it's really not worth it. Or from another perspective, avoiding punishment for keeping Commando alive. Losing the Commando tanks damage and you'd see vengeance as only a means of keeping pets alright while you resummon him rather than a valid strategy (sending pet off to die so you benefit). Not to mention, if one of the main pets had on death vengeance we would need to substantially weaken it to avoid abuse.


4 hours ago, Shazbotacus said:

I'd keep it simple as a primarily resistance focused buff that's handed out while the Medic is alive. After all, the Medic is the skilled physician who applies his tools to keep his squad in tip-top shape, right?

I wouldn't mind this. Galaxy would probably be better at describing the intended effect with ours here, but Serum is definitely worth discussing any changes. I like maintaining the idea of good old resistance as well though ( I'd keep the heal however ).


4 hours ago, Shazbotacus said:

What do you think about going with single shot > burst > heavy burst animations for Soldiers to cut down on activation time even further on them? That'll bring the times down to 0.9s, 1s, and 2.67s respectively and will help their damage even more.

For their powers with just the Equip Mercenary on or default weapons? I'm feeling like that's a good addition.

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46 minutes ago, Monos King said:

A single target means would end up a long (and also possibly never occuring as the medic is in combat)

Although in hindsight that particular issue could be avoided by applying the same priority Serum would have.

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  • 4 months later

Mercenaries came up again, and the one thing that has bothered me about these changes are the possibilities of Serum not working exactly how we'd intend. This would be from the Serum being dispensed according to health priority, which might mean certain squishier soldiers get it a lot more than who we really want it to go to (Commando) and the fact that since the Field Medic could stack, the debuff might stack as well. If this were to be taken, hopefully:

-Serum Priority could be given to the Commando via AI things

-Serum's debuff could be made to take the higher of two values like how power boosts now operate


If those could occur, it would be perfect (at least our vision of it). Technically, serum doesn't even need to keep the debuff, but giving it that weakness keeps it more balanced.

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