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Shazbot Wants To Fix Mercs

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7 minutes ago, Shazbotacus said:

Eh, I’d rather assign more healing/support powers to the medic himself as upgrades are applied. Seems simpler.

You could do that with a sub-pet, too.  Just have the upgrades give a new sub-pet that replaces the old one (similar to how upgrading Thugs removes their initial one-pistol attacks while granting them an equivalent dual-pistol power).

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I thought about the Medic having attacks and think it’s okay if he has one. A li’l semi-auto carbine with one single shot. Although I think I get what ya mean with the healing/support powers bogging him down with activation times, yeah? So maybe that’d be okay if he got the one attack power, too. I suppose it’s something to think about.


edit: eh, still not something I’d do. It’d make more sense to me to have these powers from the medic himself, and the other support henchmen don’t get that kind of sub pet luxury either.

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That’s something you could do, then slot it for recharge, healing, and resistance because serum assuming he’d have no attacks. I may be in love with the idea of calling in air support and having a repainted Chaser blow things up, but that can also work.

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  • 2 months later

Who was it that did the math on the Mecenaries' damage output?

Could someone do a comparison if we added an extra Soldier?  Would that improve the ranking of the Set, or would it still be at the bottom compared to other Mastermind Primaries?  How much +Dam would the Medic have to give in a Combat Serum to elevate the Set to midling compared to the other Sets?


Also, I was thinking about the potential argument against allowing Mercenaries to have 7 Henchpets for Bodyguard as opposed to the usual 6 . . . but that only translates to a Resistance improvement of 2.7_%.  That couldn't possibly be cause not to permit it, ney?

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1 hour ago, FoulVileTerror said:

Who was it that did the math on the Mecenaries' damage output?

Could someone do a comparison if we added an extra Soldier?  Would that improve the ranking of the Set, or would it still be at the bottom compared to other Mastermind Primaries?  How much +Dam would the Medic have to give in a Combat Serum to elevate the Set to midling compared to the other Sets?

Those numbers are things we considered in the mercs thread @Galaxy Brain and I did a bit back. It's an improvement but they need both that and some power animation shaved off to do adequate damage. They also need some power changes outright. They'll never be up to demon or thug damage because that isn't their specialty and it shouldn't be, but the performance of their damage and debuffs in junction could shine with the right modifications.

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