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Liquidity wanted on ATOs


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Yomo lays it all out. My own goto for 100 merits is a winter IO. Sell it for 20MM on the marketplace, call it a day. Time is our most important currency and our hard limiter. If you're already at capacity, 20MM that take X units of time beat 100MM that take 10X units of time.

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9 hours ago, SwitchFade said:

The point is, 100 merits for any io or recipe is foolhardy. So, using merits for recipes is incredibly expensive, when the same 100 merits can buy 4-5 purple ios

It all depends on how much time and merits you have. Sure you could squeeze blood out of those merits and do as you say. However if you are sitting on 8000 merits you might just want to take the 20 million conversion and go.

Dazl - Excelsior Grav/Kinetic Controller (SG - Cosmic Council) | Dazl - Everlasting & Torchbearer Grav/Energy Dominator

Shadowspawn - Excelsior Dark/Dark Stalker | Pyro Kinetic -Everlasting Fire/Kinetic Corrupter | Nova Pyre - Everlasting Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster (OMG)

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2 hours ago, Crimsonpyre said:

It all depends on how much time and merits you have. Sure you could squeeze blood out of those merits and do as you say. However if you are sitting on 8000 merits you might just want to take the 20 million conversion and go.

This is another good point.  There is a diminishing marginal utility of inf and merits:  the more you have, the less incrementally valuable a given amount is.

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In response to this liquidity "crisis" I've put about 1,500 super packs worth of ATOs into the market. About 900 are already in and the other 600 I'm working on (even semi automated it's a LOT of clicks!). All ATos are going on sale for 8,000,000 (I put some earlier ones in at 5,000,000). In a few weeks I'll see what's left and convert any non-sellers. 


I kept special track of the last 570 packs I opened (all R&V). That data is below. There is a slight expected gain, but it's a pretty huge time commitment for that gain. I also learned that you can only have 10,000 brainstorms in salvage at one time. Who knew?


This is from 570 Rogues and Vigilantes Packs:

  Number Gained  Gained per pack  Expected Sales Price each (after fees) Total Gained per pack (after fees)
 Enhancement Unslotter  781                         1.37              126,000              172,642
 Catalyst  86                         0.15           2,025,000              305,526
 Converter  828                         1.45                67,500                 98,053
 Booster  146                         0.26           1,125,000              288,158
 ATOs  699                         1.23           7,200,000           8,829,474
 Rewards X25  238                         0.42           5,062,500           2,113,816
 Brain StormX20  596                         1.05              405,000              423,474
 Total                12,231,142


ATOs gained from the 570 packs:


Stalker 56
Scrapper 65
Blaster 49
Dominator 45
Kheldian 52
Tanker 52
Mastermind 52
Sentinel 63
Controller 47
Corruptor 58
SoA 61
Brute 56
Defender 43
Total 699


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On 6/27/2020 at 11:40 AM, Coyotedancer said:

People are actually paying you guys 20m for something that they could get from a pack that cost 10m + plus a handful of converters?

Damn. People be impatient, yo. XD

Yup. I don't put in the time and effort to build up my influence to then turn around and put in more time and/or effort when I want something. If there is one for sale and 20 million doesn't buy it, my next bid is 30 million.  

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'Guess I'm just hopelessly "middle class" in my mind-set.... That strikes me as a huge waste of INF, even though I could afford it.

I'm just more apt to spend the time to convert to what I want than I am throw two or three times what the ATO is worth at the market.

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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1 hour ago, Coyotedancer said:

'Guess I'm just hopelessly "middle class" in my mind-set.... That strikes me as a huge waste of INF, even though I could afford it.

I'm just more apt to spend the time to convert to what I want than I am throw two or three times what the ATO is worth at the market.

The biggest factor is likely that I don't typically bid on stuff before my character is ready to use it, so at that point I 'need' it right then. The two or so characters in which I've bought early I have put in more patient bids. But if they didn't fill by the time I was ready to slot the enhancement then I start over bidding again.

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4 hours ago, MunkiLord said:

Yup. I don't put in the time and effort to build up my influence to then turn around and put in more time and/or effort when I want something. If there is one for sale and 20 million doesn't buy it, my next bid is 30 million.  

This is so totally me... I pay outrageous amounts to buy for my alts. I built up all this inf so I wouldn't have to worry about it (well, that and the chicks LOVE a hero with a huge wad of influence 😉).


For instance, I have hundreds of ATOs on the market right now. I have an alt that needs ATOs... I could go through all my alts selling, find the right ATOs and email it to my alt. Or... I could save a ton of time by just grabbing it off the market for 10M. It's a complete, utter waste of 2M ( times 12 ATOs), but I don't even think twice about it.  

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On 7/5/2020 at 9:11 AM, Troyusrex said:

In response to this liquidity "crisis" I've put about 1,500 super packs worth of ATOs into the market. 

After less than two days I made back my entire investment, bought a bunch more super packs and dumped the ATOs on the market. A day later I've made back 82% of my investment and I have just under 900 ATOs still out there selling. I estimate that over half of all ATOs for sale are mine. 


Quite a fun exercise! Too much effort (even with some semi-automation) to do regularly. 

Edited by Troyusrex
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After a week, starting with $5.7 billion, buying super packs, and selling the components, rinsing and repeating I put over 1,500 ATOs in circulation and I now have about $9.7 billion with about 300 ATOs still for sale. Most ATOs were put on exactly as they came from the super pack. I did convert about 50 or 100 Kheldian, sentinel and Corruptor ATOs to Brute and blaster.


Of the ATO's not sold, the largest number are, by far, Brute (!!!). Blaster, Tanker, scrapper and stalker (surprisingly) sold well.  Kheldian, SoA and Sentinel sold slowly, but that's no surprise. Defender was a really slow sell and controllers moderately so. Corrupters and dominators sold slowly too.


However, overall sales were great. 1,200 (at 8 million for most and 10 million for blaster and brute) sold in a week FAR surpassed expectations. And returns were more than projected. Too bad the market is saturated now and so I'll have to move on to other things. 

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3 hours ago, Troyusrex said:

After a week, starting with $5.7 billion, buying super packs, and selling the components, rinsing and repeating I put over 1,500 ATOs in circulation and I now have about $9.7 billion with about 300 ATOs still for sale. Most ATOs were put on exactly as they came from the super pack. I did convert about 50 or 100 Kheldian, sentinel and Corruptor ATOs to Brute and blaster.


Of the ATO's not sold, the largest number are, by far, Brute (!!!). Blaster, Tanker, scrapper and stalker (surprisingly) sold well.  Kheldian, SoA and Sentinel sold slowly, but that's no surprise. Defender was a really slow sell and controllers moderately so. Corrupters and dominators sold slowly too.


However, overall sales were great. 1,200 (at 8 million for most and 10 million for blaster and brute) sold in a week FAR surpassed expectations. And returns were more than projected. Too bad the market is saturated now and so I'll have to move on to other things. 

That's great!  Just to be clear, you bought 5bn+ of super packs, sold some, bought more packs, sold more, and ended up where you are now?  If your only investment was that first 500 or so packs, then getting an average of three ATOs per pack seems really unlikely!


Well done!  I definitely don't have the patience to do that in bulk.  I'm surprised that corruptor was a poor seller.  I generally make out well with them, but I rarely sell them when there are more than 10 offered.

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10 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

Just to be clear, you bought 5bn+ of super packs, sold some, bought more packs, sold more, and ended up where you are now?  

Right, I reinvested the proceed, bought more, sold those, reinvested the proceeds, etc. And it took a few hours each day for most of the week. So not the easiest money for time spent, but I enjoyed the challenge.

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On 7/11/2020 at 11:00 PM, Yomo Kimyata said:

I'm surprised that corruptor was a poor seller. 

Turns out you were correct! Corruptor wasn't so poor a seller after all. In fact, it sold out. I had some time to kill so I went through my alts to see what was left unsold. I tallied them carefully (instead of eyeballing them before). Unfortunately, I didn't track what I converted and I know I converted a bunch of kheldian, sentinel and corrupter to Brute and blaster. That means this list of what hasn't sold isn't as good a sign for demand as it could be. 


ATOs left unsold of 1,665 put on market from 7/4/2020 to 7/10/2020. Brute and Blaster were put on for 10 million, all others for 8 million. Those in yellow had many ATOs converted from or to.


Brute 102
SoA 75
Controller 33
Mastermind 30
Kheldian 28
Dominator 27
Scrapper 23
Defender 17
Stalker 11
Sentinel 3
Tanker 1
Blaster 0
Corruptor 0
Total 350


I kept some pretty good notes, but will try to make them even more detailed next time (for my own sake. As someone who traded options pretty heavily in the past I almost can't help wanting to keep really detailed notes).


And I'm up to about $10.7 Billion. My next challenge will be to find something interesting (and not ebil) to do on the market. 




Edited by Troyusrex
Double counted 18 ATOs
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26 minutes ago, Troyusrex said:


I kept some pretty good notes, but will try to make them even more detailed next time (for my own sake. As someone who traded options pretty heavily in the past I almost can't help wanting to keep really detailed notes).


I have to admit one of the things I like the most about the AH is not having to track my trades for a regulator and just being able to wing it.  I need a back office!

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On 6/27/2020 at 12:40 PM, Coyotedancer said:

People are actually paying you guys 20m for something that they could get from a pack that cost 10m + plus a handful of converters?

Damn. People be impatient, yo. XD

I mean . . . that's pretty much why the converter game works and still makes folks inf easily. If everyone had the patience to do it we would not be making money. 😛

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As of today I have 112 ATOs still outstanding, so that 238 sold in the last week (at $8 mil each except blaster and brute at $10 mil) I was going to give an accounting by ATO to show velocity of sales by archetype, but I see I must have converted 50 or so SoAs and not documented them, so those details would not be accurate. I should be either sold out, or very close to it, by this time next week.


I'm now at $12.375 Billion from a starting bankroll of $5.7 Billion. I should yield about another $800 million for a total of about $13 billion. I estimate I spent 40 hours (and tens of thousands of clicks). Plus I have all the "Exhaust", inspirations and temp powers. I should remember to use the Windfall temp power more often as they should pay off well and I have 164 of them! 

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As will much of the game, it is that first bit that is challenging. After that it is close to the same effort multiplied by scale.

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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