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Make Aid Other 2.5x as strong when used on pets


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Got pets but no way to heal them? This would give you a viable option.


(Note: A typical single-target heal like Soothe or Heal Other gives identical healing to Aid Other, but recharges in 4 seconds, while Aid Other recharges in 10 seconds. That's where the 2.5x figure comes from, it's not like it's my go-to number when asking for buffs.)

Edited by Vanden
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Power pool powers are weaker than comparable primary/secondary powers by design. I’m not against medicine being buffed in some way, but your specific proposal does not fit the game’s basic balance principles. For that reason, I’m out.

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Aid Other would still be interruptible, shorter-ranged, and have a longer activation that those primary/secondary targeted heals. Giving it healing over time (ignoring cast time) on pets equal to those powers would not make it a better power than them.


Edited by Vanden
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7 minutes ago, Vanden said:

Aid Self would still be interruptible, shorter-ranged, and have a longer activation that those primary/secondary targeted heals. Giving it equal healing over time (ignoring cast time) on pets to those powers would not make it a better power than them.

As far as I’m aware the magnitude/value of the core function is weaker in basically every case too. I’m not sure what is special about pets that the power needs to break that principle just for them. 

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9 minutes ago, arcaneholocaust said:

As far as I’m aware the magnitude/value of the core function is weaker in basically every case too.

Aid Other's heal amount is identical to Heal Other, et al.


10 minutes ago, arcaneholocaust said:

I’m not sure what is special about pets that the power needs to break that principle just for them. 

Again, it wouldn't break any principles.


Pets are overall rather weak, like little newbie players that didn't take any defensive powers and die very easily. The only characters that can make especially good use of them are characters with support powers to keep them alive long enough to actually reach their full potential. Boosting Aid Other's effect on pets gives every character an option to help them keep their pets alive even if they don't have a support set.

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15 minutes ago, arcaneholocaust said:

As far as I’m aware the magnitude/value of the core function is weaker in basically every case too. I’m not sure what is special about pets that the power needs to break that principle just for them. 

While I'm neither for nor against the suggestion, at least for MMs, they are the primary offense (and it can pretty fairly be said a big chunk of the defense) for the MM. No other AT can have their offense completely removed by an AOE and have to take time to re-create it (as opposed to, say, a hold where you wait or take an insp and are immediately back at full strength.)

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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2 hours ago, Vanden said:

Got pets but no way to heal them? This would give you a viable option.


(Note: A typical single-target heal like Soothe or Heal Other gives identical healing to Aid Other, but recharges in 4 seconds, while Aid Other recharges in 10 seconds. That's where the 2.5x figure comes from, it's not like it's my go-to number when asking for buffs.)

Yes plz

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1 hour ago, arcaneholocaust said:

does not fit the game’s basic balance principles

Game balance principles. lol. In a game world where Trick Arrow masterminds ARE possible, how can you argue that? AN entire set that has ZERO healing, and also zero buffing (with minor to hit debuffing), while also being pet dependent (sure, petless MMs and all).

I'd at least argue that just taking Field Medic should make aid other stronger (stronger on its on, not just when used with FM), and maybe a small AoE when used while FM is active.

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If you have no means to heal your pets your probably have some very good debuffs to kittenize foes or good buffs to protect them anyway.


My Ninja/Cold's pets don't take much damage between innate defense, pet-aura IO's, both Ice Shields from Cold, Arctic Fog, and Manuevers. 

Also Snow Storm to apply wide-area -Recharge.

I do need to stand semi-close to them, but it's worked fine from 1-33.


I did dip into Sorcery and use Spirit Ward. 

I can't hit them all with it, the cooldown is high. But I can go several spawns at +1x4 with bosses, without losing a single minion.

Not bad for still levelling up.

Edited by MTeague
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