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Returning Noob Question


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Hey guys, I hope its ok to post this here.

I played back on Live until the end (I even still have my COV box at home!), and played on the first Tequila server. And on the Tequila server, they were able to restore my original account using my login or email info or someting. Is this possible here?

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I ask that because apparently, I already had the option to use the HOmecomeming server on my Tequila even if I only used the "first" server (i forgot the name),which already had all my toons. And I tried to re-make my original character from live and the name seems to be taken?
Is there a way to try to find who is using my name?
thanks ❤️

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20 minutes ago, Abstergo said:

I ask that because apparently, I already had the option to use the HOmecomeming server on my Tequila even if I only used the "first" server (i forgot the name),which already had all my toons. And I tried to re-make my original character from live and the name seems to be taken?
Is there a way to try to find who is using my name?
thanks ❤️

None of the servers can have "all of your toons".  For all intents and purposes, all of the old character data is gone and everyone has had to start from scratch.  


If you want to find out who has a name you would like to use, you can send an in game email to that character name and ask if they'd be willing to relinquish it.  However, be advised that just because you had a name back in the day, it does not mean you are entitled to it now.  Again, everything started over from a blank slate so its not "your" name any more.  

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2 minutes ago, Abstergo said:

Well I sent the person an ingmae mail. Hopefully it will get sorted out, its a name I used since day 1 of Going Rogue 😞

You should also realize that there were 15 old servers and now there's only 5.  So it's possible that the person who has the name now also had it back on live and may have had it longer than you.  


Have you checked to see if the name is available on one of the other servers?  One of the less populated servers, like Indomitable, might have your name open.  

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1 hour ago, Abstergo said:

and played on the first Tequila server. And on the Tequila server, they were able to restore my original account using my login or email info or someting. Is this possible here?

That is not possible anywhere else.  The only reason they had that data is that it was STOLEN from Paragon Studios and given to Leandro.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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Honestly atm I just want to be able to recover the name I had on my Main even if I have to re-level him again.Would it be rude if I asked for help to find the person who has it? I found the @global name but I dont want to look like Im doxxing her

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1 hour ago, Abstergo said:

Honestly atm I just want to be able to recover the name I had on my Main even if I have to re-level him again.Would it be rude if I asked for help to find the person who has it? I found the @global name but I dont want to look like Im doxxing her

Realistically, you have done what you can do.

You sent them an in game email. Hopefully they read it. Hopefully they respond. 

There is no way to force either. 


Now, you have the waiting game. You may also wish to pop onto some of the other shards to see if your name might be free on them. 

Maybe you can't get it on Excelsior, but can on Torchbearer, or Everlasting, etc.

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Also, if you'd like some help finding a synonymous name you might enjoy, there's a thread for that.


Not the same thing, I know, but... We have free rename privileges here. So you can set a placeholder now, and if your negotiations are successful, you can easily change your name.


Good luck!

And, welcome home!


PS: I remember falling through the world as the original servers were shut down. Got some screenshots, not sure if I still have them, would love to post them if I do. Salt water from somewhere might have rusted my old hard drive.

Edited by DoctorDitko

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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3 hours ago, Abstergo said:

Honestly atm I just want to be able to recover the name I had on my Main even if I have to re-level him again.Would it be rude if I asked for help to find the person who has it? I found the @global name but I dont want to look like Im doxxing her

You emailed the person a few hours ago. They may only get to play a day or two a week. They may have a job, such as many nursing jobs, where they're working shifts going 7 (or more) days on, then several days off, and may not see it for a while.



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Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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^^^ Or they might've stopped playing for a month or 6. If they don't respond for a while you might try sending their global an offline tell too. I for one might go weeks of playing daily without looking at my email if i didn't make a new character that needed to grab money out of there. Many of us ignore the email indicator since it's permanently showing from stuff we've sent ourselves or from all the inspirations and respecs in there from opening packs.

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3 minutes ago, Veelectric Boogaloo said:

^^^ Or they might've stopped playing for a month or 6. If they don't respond for a while you might try sending their global an offline tell too. I for one might go weeks of playing daily without looking at my email if i didn't make a new character that needed to grab money out of there. Many of us ignore the email indicator since it's permanently showing from stuff we've sent ourselves or from all the inspirations and respecs in there from opening packs.

How do I send an offline tell?

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You keep saying you've had the name since day 1 of Going Rogue as if the game didn't exist for 6 years before that.  It is entirely possible someone had it longer than you on Pinnacle or Guardian and it just happened to be free on Virtue by the time you got there. 


Most of us have names or characters we can't reclaim.  That is the nature of the beast when starting from scratch.  We have to think outside the box and work around the issue.


I am just saying don't be surprised if you never recieve a reply or if you recieve a reply in the negative.  If that happens, consider this a fresh start.  If the name is imperative to the way you played the character you may have to jump a generation to a child of the former character or a sibling or something.  Or switch up the spelling a bit.


Good luck and happy hunting!

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Another option.  If the name was "Praetor Weaver".... you could try just "Weaver"... starting on Goldside.... then get them to lvl 50... and then upon dinging 50 you should get the "Praetor" badge, and could set that as your Badge Title. 




Edit:  although, I don't hold much hope there.  Most single word names I've tried were taken.

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