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New melee power set: Heroic Blade!


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Sets like Dual Blades, Katana, and Broadsword are neat and all, but none of them quite have the same je ne sais quois of a hero like Leonardo of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or Lion-O of the Thundercats. This new set, Heroic Blade, however, should fill that void! This is a weapon set that allows any weapon from Katana, Dual Blades, and Broadsword to be used.


T1: Pommel Strike

You strike your enemy with the pommel of your sword, dealing minor smashing damage with a small chance to disorient.


T2: Knee Attack

A quick blow with your knee, dealing moderate smashing damage.


T3: Tackle

You bull rush your opponents, dealing moderate damage and knockdown in a cone in front of you. Stalkers lose this for Assassin's Strike.


T4: Build Up

This is Build Up.


T5: Whirling Kick

You plant your sword in the ground, using it as an anchor to spin yourself in a circle, striking all nearby enemies in a PBAoE with a kick attack, dealing high smashing damage and a chance for knockdown.


T6: Taunt/Confront/Placate

This is Taunt/Confront/Placate


T7: Bisect

With a mighty blow of your sword, you deal extreme lethal damage to a single robotic enemy. Non-robotic enemies cannot be targeted by this attack.


T8: Feint Attack

With a quick swing of your sword, you make a very obvious, telegraphed attack that the opponent will easily duck under... leaving them perfectly exposed to a devastating kick! Deals high smashing damage, knockdown, and chance to stun.


T9: Vault Kick

Using your sword like a vaulter's pole, you launch yourself forward with a mighty kick, dealing extreme smashing damage and knockdown to your target. This attack is so powerful, it can actually extend through your target to hit multiple enemies.

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10 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

If it were up to me, I would go for something more Zorro/Three Muskateers swashbuckling style swordplay, but like @Haijinx said, I do not think we need another sword set.



call it Fencing perhaps? Swashbuckling? 


Still way down on the list probably. 

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I've got to agree with @ShardWarrior, I understand the sentiment but ultimately this sounds like broad sword with some mixed martial arts rather than an actual "heroic blade" set. As you listed before, we have Katana, Broad Sword, Dual Blades, and lots of Titan Weapons options that feature blades, even lots of Claws options are blades. I think honestly the "blade" fantasy has been captured and there are other themes that are currently lacking (a natural/technologically-based control set, "earth"-like blasts, air controls, sonic armors, etc. that are a bit more unexplored.)

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