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New GM for St. Martial


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2 hours ago, FoulVileTerror said:

Yes.  Some people do.

Key thing to remember:  Everybody is somebody who loves something about this game, even if that might be something other people hate.

I was being sarcastic, I should know better - however in terms of what people frequently express love for, this one surprised me. 😛


There's already a wailer GM, or at least in AV, I can't at the moment think about going further, other than using Professor Farnsworth's Enlarging Ray to make the thing several stories tall. I thought the story basically painted the AV as the King demon perpetrating the deal.

Been a while, going to have to research this.

"Science. Science, my friend, requires radical gambles and adventures in malpractice sometimes. Take solace in the fact that I tested the majority of these things on the dead, the re-dead, and the nearly departed before I went to live trials.


Honestly, most of my "specimens" were several iterations past being considered a human being with their original fingerprints, teeth, or IDs. So it was rather a lot like experimenting on moaning clay putty."


Got time to spare? Want to see Homecoming thrive? Consider volunteering as a Game Master! For science and community!

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1 hour ago, Piecemeal said:

I was being sarcastic, I should know better - I know as much, however in terms of what people frequently express love for, this one surprised me. 😛


There's already a wailer GM, or at least in AV, I can't at the moment think about going further, other than using Professor Farnsworth's Enlarging Ray to make the thing several stories tall. I thought the story basically painted the AV as the King demon perpetrating the deal.

Been a while, going to have to research this.

You're spot on canon-wise. That AV is the big baddie. I think it still leaves the door open for a GM though, examples -Clockwork King has Babbage/Paladin, Hamidon has Devouring Earth GMs, Circle of Thorns have a lot, but Caleb as an example. 

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I like the Longbow event that happens downtown, having so many to fight and a Ballista leading them is something I just discovered and I played on Live.

Maybe a nice shiny badge?


I always thought it would be fun to have a sea monster not Lusca but some reptilian giant crab horror attack PO but, St Mart works.




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1 hour ago, Piecemeal said:

I was being sarcastic, I should know better - I know as much, however in terms of what people frequently express love for, this one surprised me. 😛


Those blinky little nut-jobs are adorable.

Sometimes annoying, yes... But still adorable.  


I may be biased about that, though. Tav (one of my Oranbegans-) is, after all, still in the mail-order Wailer business. 🧐 

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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2 hours ago, Piecemeal said:

There's already a wailer GM, or at least in AV, I can't at the moment think about going further, other than using Professor Farnsworth's Enlarging Ray to make the thing several stories tall. I thought the story basically painted the AV as the King demon perpetrating the deal.

As far as I'm aware it's just an Elite Boss.

Check out the Unofficial Homecoming Wiki! Contributions welcome!

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