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Shoulder Kittens For Everybody!

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Has anyone yet suggested that shoulder kittens should be available for everybody, not just female toons?  Because shoulder kittens should be available for everybody, not just female toons.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


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Hell, let's just unlock all the costume pieces.  If people end up making unattractive messes with costume pieces which don't fit properly with the geometry, so be it.  Let's not constrain players' creativity any longer!  Let us make art with all the tools available.

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Hell, let's just unlock all the costume pieces.  If people end up making unattractive messes with costume pieces which don't fit properly with the geometry, so be it.  Let's not constrain players' creativity any longer!  Let us make art with all the tools available.

Nope, nope, nope... because there will be certain options that male characters get that women aren't allowed... such as bare chest... bare chest with tattoos... bare chest smooth... bare chest with pierced nipples...  So, no I guess we can't give all options to everyone.



I do have a couple suggestions, though.  One is that the costume pieces be alphabetized.  It's a little daunting looking for some pieces now in the huge lists, and harder still because some things appear to be placed in a based on when they were added to the game while others seem to be randomly placed.  And I feel like some pieces need to be renamed...  for example, under female options, tops we have "Mod Sleeve" option but the matching bottom piece is called "Holes".  Likewise, under tights for tops and bottoms for standard tights, it's just Tights or Tights Smooth, but for gloves it's "Full" and "Tights Sleek".  Even the boots match the "Tights" and "Tights Sleek" naming convention, but not gloves.


Also, I'd like to see the "Spectrum" option added to a few pieces... specifically the Flat boots option, but maybe some other boot options that have skin available should be allowed with Spectrum.  For example, sneakers has bare legs and socks options; I'd like to see it expanded to socks, bare legs, and Spectrum.  Also, maybe a couple of additional face options for Spectrum than just one featureless full covering.  Something that has defined eyes of an offset color (or lack of color) with a generic expression similar to the Glowing Eyes face texture.  Also, maybe a few masks that show some skin, indicating that the bright Spectrum overlay can be a layer of clothing with some humanity showing... perhaps a mask that covers around the eyes (like "Diamonds"), one that covers most of the face (like the "Demise" option) and one that covers the head except for the face (like "Triton").


Speaking of which, those options that have or don't have skin options should be expanded to allow for additional combinations... so the Small gloves which show a little forearm should also have Small Glove with Tights that cover the skin... or bracers over bare skin or tights... or the Retro sci-fi rings features available for gloves and boots should also have a bare option.  You can have rings over bare skin on shoulders and upper arms, but if you want them at the lower arm or lower leg, it has with gloves and full boots only.  I'd like to see those rings and all of these other options that are limited to either "with skin" or "no skin" options be expanded to options of "Skin", "Tights", and "Tights Sleek" at the very least.

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I support this. I support decoupling most character editing options from sex (except the obvious no-nos like bare chest options, etc). I'd probably never use a lot of them, and it might be a bit of work because it would probably in some cases involve making new models (male-only chest options would have to be adapted to the, ahem, curves of the female body and female-only ones would need to be flattened, in cases other than ones that are a simple texture change), so I don't see it happening for a while at least, but I'll put my full support behind it. As well as behind decoupling the cool/weird effects like the aforementioned Spectrum options (if they're the ones I'm thinking of) from everything, and allowing any costume part to have that texture applied.

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I do have a couple suggestions, though.  One is that the costume pieces be alphabetized.  It's a little daunting looking for some pieces now in the huge lists, and harder still because some things appear to be placed in a based on when they were added to the game while others seem to be randomly placed.  And I feel like some pieces need to be renamed...  for example, under female options, tops we have "Mod Sleeve" option but the matching bottom piece is called "Holes".  Likewise, under tights for tops and bottoms for standard tights, it's just Tights or Tights Smooth, but for gloves it's "Full" and "Tights Sleek".  Even the boots match the "Tights" and "Tights Sleek" naming convention, but not gloves.


While I fully support this, it would break everyone's costume. Currently the costumes are as they are because the creator looks for where the piece is located in the list. If things get moved to alphabetize or rename, it will cause everyone to have to redo all their costumes. Some of my characters have large wardrobes. Just giving one or two Free Icon costume change tokens won't be enough if I have 25 costumes on one character to fix. It would make things so much easier, but the coding behind fixing it would be nightmarish.



"The secure laptop in the lab. A prototype plasma hand cannon. Four quantum grenades, a phase field generator, a handful of tracking devices, Rauth's briefcase, body armor, a satellite phone, two SSDs, a Beretta 9mm, and my lunch."

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I'll echo Player2 on the Spectrum options, I'd love to see them for the animal legs and feet too.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
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While I fully support this, it would break everyone's costume. Currently the costumes are as they are because the creator looks for where the piece is located in the list. If things get moved to alphabetize or rename, it will cause everyone to have to redo all their costumes. Some of my characters have large wardrobes. Just giving one or two Free Icon costume change tokens won't be enough if I have 25 costumes on one character to fix. It would make things so much easier, but the coding behind fixing it would be nightmarish.


It would be annoying to do, but the processing is straightforward. Doing it would require taking the server down to ensure that no costumes get created or changed during the changeover. You would need to temporarily have two sets of costume piece lists for each location and a duplicate of the character database, then sort the second list, and make a table of  old-to-new mappings. Once this was done, the servers would be taken down, the character database copied, and each character would be called up, run through the mapping tables to reassign the costume piece IDs, and then saved into the copied character database. Once all of the characters had their costumes rebuilt, the copied data would be restored to the server along with the new, sorted, costume piece lists.


However, even though I concede the convenience of having the costume pieces ordered consistently, I'm not sure that doing this would be a good thing unless it could be propagated to all the free-range servers to preserve consistency. And even then it may be more trouble than it's worth.

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I would like to suggest a one shouldered shirt option for men. And a way to choose which shoulder is bared on the one shouldered shirt. Come on, who hasn't wanted to be Tarzan or a muscleman?

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Getting costumes to stop being locked by gender was a tough haul v. many of the Devs, who were, let's face it, casual sexists. Although, one of them, Jay, was an outright explicit sexist.


Take for example, the bunny tail. It was originally for just the female model. When players asked for it to be for the male and huge model, too, Jay thought that was beyond they pale "it's only for girls!!" We impressed upon the more woke Devs that most of the anthropomorphic rabbit character were male: The Easter Bunny, Bugs, Peter Cottontail, Harvey. How the heck could a bunny tail be just for females? But we all know the answer. Jay, when he made the tail, had the Playboy Bunnies in mind. So, we see where his mind was at.


But the early Devs were almost all white men who had an irrational fear of gender bending. "No skirts for men!" Why? "Um... because, that's not right, think about the children, etc..." So, what about kilts, are you saying the kilts for burly Scotsmen would be gender bending and offensive? "Um... "


Eventually we got the kilts. But it took a lot of player pressure for that to happen. And for the cigar to go to the female body. And for body swapping 'costume changes.'


When the Astral and Empyreum contacts were added to Ouroboros, the male was in battle armor (with a kilt!). But the female, Astral Christie, was dressed like a pole dancer. I excoriated the Devs for that and posted and example of using the new astral armor for Christie... and they changed her to my suggested model! But by then, the Dev team finally had more female employees, including one who 'was out.' And the old boys network finally started to grow up.


Except for every new costume "sets" where the female version was more in line with Halloween Sexy <character> version of the set. Here's your cowboy, and here's your sexy cowgirl. Here's your spaceman, and here's your sexy spacegirl.


<roll eyes>


Anyway, when we last left the original Devs, I and others were haranguing them to make the shoulder pets for all models. They never had the chance to cave in...


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