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Pocket D - Trucker Badge


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So it is! Thanks!


There was a truck-shaped holed in my exploration badges that was really bothering me.


You can also earn the skiing badges!

I thought I was the only one who felt that way

I went to Ouroboros all i got was this lousy secret!


COH bomp bomp: 



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What I remember is that run speed doesn't really help, but jump speed does  (I think because it's a controlled fall rather than you just moving forward) and jump control helps a lot, so using ninja run or combat jumping works well.  The fastest speed badge was just a matter of doing it over and over until I got the best route down and didn't make any mistakes.

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I was pondering the ski badges just the other day, as I have recently taken a TP on one of my toons.  Are they any TP "cheats"?  :D


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You can also earn the skiing badges!

The skiing badges always eluded me. Any tips for getting good times?


1) Super Speed (With a Level 50 Run IO) + Sprint (With a Level 50 Run IO) + Fitness Pool (With Level 50 Movement IOs) + Combat Jumping (With a Level 50 Jumping IO) are powers that you'll probably want, unless of course you have a friendly Kin buffing you like mad first

2) Unless you have a super high end rig, turn your graphics settings all the way down to maximize your FPS rate for this

3) Use the wheel on your mouse to bring your perceptive all the way in so that you are using a first person view rather than an over the shoulder view

4) Remove excess windows (Targeting, Chat, extra Power Trays, etc) to help with the FPS issues and to remove distractions

5) Angle your viewpoint down a bit so you can more easily see the area you'll be going through (since you're going down hill)

6) If you don't succeed, try, try again




1) Get a bunch of friends with Recall Friend and Hover/Fly

2) Form a team so that each person with Recall/Fly is right in front of a gate

3) Rapid Fire Chain Recall Friend so you pass through a gate right before being teleported so you can pass through the next one

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  • 2 months later
  • 1 month later
On 6/24/2019 at 9:19 AM, Lunchmoney said:

The skiing badges always eluded me. Any tips for getting good times?

Another trick that I used is the Super Jump power or the Jump Pack temp travel power.  Those both give you better body control while "skiing" and help considerably.

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  • 2 weeks later

Entrances to Pocket D are in the Following Zones or by using the "Pocket D VIP Pass" Teleport Power ( usable once every 30 minutes).



Kings Row


Talos Island

Founders Falls



Port Oakes

Sharkhead Island

St. Martial



Imperial City


It is marked on the Map in each zone and the Marker is Targetable as a way point. Sometimes it's a Box Truck, sometimes a Sewer Entrance, always Fun.

" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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