Avernal Posted March 13, 2021 Posted March 13, 2021 (edited) UPDATED JUNE 16 2021 - Further improvements, clean two file version covering SML & MED insps. UPDATED JUNE 12 2021 - Streamlined to three files with improvements from comments, covers small, medium and large insps. Have had a few people asking me how I set this up, so figured I'd put a plain English explanation up on the forums, in the hopes it'll demystify binds like this for people that struggle with the jargon. This same looping method can be used for a number of nifty things (see my other post on queuing multiple auto powers). First up - the basics, and some things you'll benefit from knowing, in plain English: Binds have a hard limit of around 255 characters (it's actually about 246), so for more complex ones you need to split them in to chunks (files) that fit those restrictions. That's why binds like this use multiple text files. In this case some of the inspiration names are quite long, so when you add those alongside having a binds folder and turning off the chat window spam by using the 'silent' bind load command - you quickly hit the character limit and have to add another file to your loop. For this bind loop I have tested having ALL inspirations turned on except for break frees and rezzes (So Team Insps and Dual Insps enabled as well as Small, Medium and Large) - but even putting the bind files loose in the root directory, and using the normal 'bindloadfile' - you're still two characters over the limit for deleting all the non-combinable inspirations and you have to use SIX files which slows down how quickly the loop plays and you combine stuff. It's just not worth it in the long run. The 'bindloadfile' command will default to the 'root' game directory if you use relative paths ("bindloadfile file1.txt" would look for file1.txt in the root directory), this means you're cutting out however many characters you would waste on typing out the full HDD path, so you don't need to use "C:/Binds/whatever.txt" as a sloppy workaround for that - "binds/whatever.txt" is MUCH shorter than even that and lets you keep your binds subfolder in the game's directory. Win-win. Now this will differ from launcher to launcher - but essentially Tequila will look in the 'Tequila' directory if you don't use a full path, whereas Homecoming's launcher would look in "settings/live" (for the live servers). You may need to fiddle with this if you're using other launchers to find out where the game is looking by default, generally it'll be in the same location as the City of Heroes executable file, Homecoming have just sorted their versions to their own subfolders. Removing the underscores from slash commands makes them shorter and the game still understands them - you don't need "bind_load_file", because "bindloadfile" works too and is two characters shorter. I like "bindloadfilesilent" because whilst it's a little longer, it means my chat window isn't getting spammed with bind files loading in, and I can still split most of my long bind loops in to 2 or 4 files to avoid the hard limit of text characters. If you add "+ $$- $$" (note the spaces) to the beginning of your multiple file bind, it will actually execute two steps - once when you press the key down, and again when you release it. In a bind that uses multiple files - this means one keypress will run *two* bind files on a single push and release, speeding things up (this is the shortest possible number of characters and is thanks to JAMMan0000's suggestion on my 'Lazy Kin' bind topic). This is used below for my numpad inspiration use bindings to speed up how fast they cycle between the two bind files. You can keep the default binding for a key or mouse button AND add some more to the end of it by putting it after a $$. So what I'm going to be doing here is taking my movement keys (W/A/S/D/C/Spacebar), left and right mouse buttons, and my 1-0 power activation keys. By adding on an extra couple of functions to those buttons (and keeping in mind the hard limit of text characters) I'm making these binds run whenever I perform a pretty common action in the game - essentially automating the binds so that they're happening as I play without any further thought or effort on my part. LBUTTON is hard-bound by the game engine and can't be unbound, so that bind is even easier because you just leave it's default function out, the game will add your custom bind and still behave like a normal left-click - you can't accidentally break it. The rest you will need to include the default bindings such as +mouse_look for RBUTTON (don't worry, they're included in the examples below). Now that's out of the way, the binds... I personally use the two bind version on my fire farmers. Whenever I move, attack or click something/move the camera or use my mouse side buttons - it's checking my inspirations for three of a kind and combining those three in to the same size red. So as you play normally, watch your insp tray playing Tetris and automatically making reds whenever it gets any three of a kind, hit Numpad 1 to use reds. I've also got my numpad 1 & 0 keys set-up using the "+down$$-down$$" trick mentioned above so they run whenever I push the key in and again when I release it (so I've got File1 loaded, I push Num 0 in and it loads File2, I release Num0 and it's loaded File1 back in). Numpad 0 is set up to try to target a dead teammate and fire Vengeance, numpad 1 will try and use a Red inspiration (any size) - they're all doing this *twice* on each key press; when I hit the key and again when released. Nifty stuff! NOTES: I use CTRL for Down (default binding is X I believe), change this if you use something else. I also like to use my mouse side buttons to activate my two build up powers and my heal and end heal. Usually this would be a straight bind like BUTTON5 "powexecname Build Up" but when you add in those inspcombine strings you exceed the character limit because of how long those are. So I've used "powexecaltslot 3" instead - it's three characters shorter than the above but a whole TEN characters shorter than "powexecname Healing Flames". I just put those powers in my specific alt tray slots I like to use and they function exactly the same as when I usually hit the side buttons, but now I can include the inspcombine strings and have the side buttons included in converting insps! ( Screenshot of tray & mouse set-up ) These bindings are included in the two file version but not the three file version solely because of the bind length getting too long. It *can* be done with the three file version, but you need to move the bind files to 'settings/live', then change the bind files so they read 'bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt' etc. with no folder path; you need those extra characters shaved off to stay within the character limit. You CAN actually add in a step that will use any/all red insps at the end of each action (some macros from the Farm Fresh Builds topic on the Brutes subforum do this also) BUT in practice what that will do is interrupt your attack chain queuing and usually skip using the insp altogether because it doesn't trigger fast enough before the next power/movement key. Hence my using Numpad1 instead. Feel free to experiment here as you *might* be able to cheese it by adding an actual macro to your power tray and building that in to the below bindfiles (E.G: do all the rest and add "powexectray 1 6" with Luka's macro in tray 6, slot 1), Luka's Macro in below spoiler if you want to experiment. Reveal hidden contents Luka's macro: /macro_image "Inspiration_Damage_Lvl_4" "BOOM!" "insp_exec_name enrage$$insp_exec_name Focused_Rage$$insp_exec_name Righteous_Rage" RECOMMENDED VERSION: Two file bind covering SML & MED insp sizes (Leave on: Small, Medium - Turn off: Large Insps,Rezzes,Break Frees,Team,Dual): Reveal hidden contents To load in initially in-game you would type /bindloadfile "binds/F1.txt" in this example. File 1 'F1.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') W "+forward$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" A "+left$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" S "+backward$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" D "+right$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" SPACE "+up$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" CTRL "+down$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" LBUTTON "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" RBUTTON "+mouse_look$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" BUTTON5 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecaltslot 3$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" BUTTON4 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecaltslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" SHIFT+BUTTON5 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecaltslot 4$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" SHIFT+BUTTON4 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecaltslot 2$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" 0 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 10$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" 1 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" 2 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 2$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" 3 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 3$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" 4 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 4$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" 5 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 5$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" 6 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 6$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" 7 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 7$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" 8 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 8$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" 9 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 9$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" numpad0 "+ $$- $$targetcustomnear defeated friend notmypet$$powexecname Vengeance$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" numpad1 "inspexecname Enrage$$inspexecname Focused Rage$$inspexecname Righteous Rage$$inspexecname Furious Rage" File 2 'F2.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/') W "+forward$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" A "+left$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" S "+backward$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" D "+right$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" SPACE "+up$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" CTRL "+down$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" LBUTTON "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" RBUTTON "+mouse_look$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" BUTTON5 "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecaltslot 3$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" BUTTON4 "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecaltslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" SHIFT+BUTTON5 "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecaltslot 4$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" SHIFT+BUTTON4 "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecaltslot 2$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt" 0 "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 10$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" 1 "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" 2 "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 2$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" 3 "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 3$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" 4 "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 4$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" 5 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 5$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" 6 "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 6$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" 7 "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 7$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" 8 "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 8$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" 9 "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 9$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" numpad0 "+ $$- $$targetcustomnear defeated friend notmypet$$powexecname Vengeance$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F1.txt" numpad1 "inspexecname Enrage$$inspexecname Focused Rage$$inspexecname Righteous Rage$$inspexecname Furious Rage" NOT RECOMMENDED (Only for people who insist on leaving large insps on - in practice this actually slows down your flow of reds) Three file bind covering all insp sizes (Leave on: Small, Medium, Large - Turn off: Rezzes,Break Frees,Team,Dual): Reveal hidden contents To load in initially in-game you would type /bindloadfile "binds/FF1.txt" in this example. File 1 'FF1.txt' - located in a '/binds' sub-folder of my Homecoming installation ('/settings/live/')This file is trying to combine large and medium insps in to reds and covers half of the available inspiration names on all keys listed except Num0 and Num1. Which are either using or firing Vengeance off a dead teammate. W "+forward$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" A "+left$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" S "+backward$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" D "+right$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" SPACE "+up$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" CTRL "+down$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" LBUTTON "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" RBUTTON "+mouse_look$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" 0 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 10$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" 1 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" 2 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 2$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" 3 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 3$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" 4 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 4$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" 5 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 5$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" 6 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 6$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" 7 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 7$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" 8 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 8$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" 9 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 9$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" numpad0 "+ $$- $$targetcustomnear defeated friend notmypet$$powexecname Vengeance$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF2.txt" numpad1 "inspexecname Enrage$$inspexecname Focused Rage$$inspexecname Righteous Rage$$inspexecname Furious Rage" File 2 'FF2.txt' - As above for storage locationThis file is covering the other half of available large and medium inspiration names, trying to convert them to reds. Same behaviour applies to Num0, Num1. W "+forward$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" A "+left$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" S "+backward$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" D "+right$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" SPACE "+up$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" CTRL "+down$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" LBUTTON "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" RBUTTON "+mouse_look$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" 0 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 10$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" 1 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" 2 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 2$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" 3 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 3$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" 4 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 4$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" 5 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 5$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" 6 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 6$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" 7 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 7$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" 8 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 8$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" 9 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 9$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" numpad0 "+ $$- $$targetcustomnear defeated friend notmypet$$powexecname Vengeance$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF3.txt" numpad1 "inspexecname Enrage$$inspexecname Focused Rage$$inspexecname Righteous Rage$$inspexecname Furious Rage" File 3 'FF3.txt' - As above for storage locationThis file is covers the small inspiration names, trying to convert them to reds. Same behaviour applies to Num0, Num1. Loops back to File1 when finished. W "+forward$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" A "+left$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" S "+backward$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" D "+right$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" SPACE "+up$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" CTRL "+down$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" LBUTTON "inspdelete Good Luck Imbuement$$inspdelete Sturdy Imbuement$$inspdelete Guarding Imbuement$$inspdelete Keen Insight Imbuement$$inspdelete Protecting Imbuement$$inspdelete Protected$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" RBUTTON "+mouse_look$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" 0 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 10$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" 1 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" 2 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 2$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" 3 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 3$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" 4 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 4$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" 5 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 5$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" 6 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 6$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" 7 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 7$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" 8 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 8$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" 9 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 9$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" numpad0 "+ $$- $$targetcustomnear defeated friend notmypet$$powexecname Vengeance$$bindloadfilesilent binds/FF1.txt" numpad1 "inspexecname Enrage$$inspexecname Focused Rage$$inspexecname Righteous Rage$$inspexecname Furious Rage" and finally... ALSO NOT RECOMMENDED (same as above but includes the mouse side button bindings used in the recommended version - this one HAS to be saved in the root game folder to work due to bind length) Three file bind covering all insp sizes (Leave on: Small, Medium, Large - Turn off: Rezzes,Break Frees,Team,Dual): Reveal hidden contents To load in initially in-game you would type /bindloadfile "FF1.txt" in this example. File 1 'FF1.txt' - MUST be located in '/settings/live/' - adding extra folder names in makes the bind exceed the character limitThis file is trying to combine large and medium insps in to reds and covers half of the available inspiration names on all keys listed except Num0 and Num1. Which are either using or firing Vengeance off a dead teammate. W "+forward$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" A "+left$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" S "+backward$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" D "+right$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" SPACE "+up$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" CTRL "+down$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" LBUTTON "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" RBUTTON "+mouse_look$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" BUTTON5 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecaltslot 3$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" BUTTON4 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecaltslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" SHIFT+BUTTON5 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecaltslot 4$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" SHIFT+BUTTON4 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecaltslot 2$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" 0 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 10$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" 1 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" 2 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 2$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" 3 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 3$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" 4 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 4$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" 5 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 5$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" 6 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 6$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" 7 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 7$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" 8 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 8$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" 9 "inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecslot 9$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" numpad0 "+ $$- $$targetcustomnear defeated friend notmypet$$powexecname Vengeance$$bindloadfilesilent FF2.txt" numpad1 "inspexecname Enrage$$inspexecname Focused Rage$$inspexecname Righteous Rage$$inspexecname Furious Rage" File 2 'FF2.txt' - As above for storage locationThis file is covering the other half of available large and medium inspiration names, trying to convert them to reds. Same behaviour applies to Num0, Num1. W "+forward$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" A "+left$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" S "+backward$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" D "+right$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" SPACE "+up$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" CTRL "+down$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" LBUTTON "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" RBUTTON "+mouse_look$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" BUTTON5 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecaltslot 3$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" BUTTON4 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecaltslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" SHIFT+BUTTON5 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecaltslot 4$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" SHIFT+BUTTON4 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecaltslot 2$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" 0 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 10$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" 1 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" 2 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 2$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" 3 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 3$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" 4 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 4$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" 5 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 5$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" 6 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 6$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" 7 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 7$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" 8 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 8$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" 9 "inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$powexecslot 9$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" numpad0 "+ $$- $$targetcustomnear defeated friend notmypet$$powexecname Vengeance$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" numpad1 "+ $$- $$inspexecname Enrage$$inspexecname Focused Rage$$inspexecname Righteous Rage$$inspexecname Furious Rage$$bindloadfilesilent FF3.txt" numpad1 "+ $$- $$inspexecname Enrage$$inspexecname Focused Rage$$inspexecname Righteous Rage$$inspexecname Furious Rage" File 3 'FF3.txt' - As above for storage locationThis file is covers the small inspiration names, trying to convert them to reds. Same behaviour applies to Num0, Num1. Loops back to File1 when finished. W "+forward$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" A "+left$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" S "+backward$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" D "+right$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" SPACE "+up$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" CTRL "+down$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" LBUTTON "inspdelete Good Luck Imbuement$$inspdelete Sturdy Imbuement$$inspdelete Guarding Imbuement$$inspdelete Keen Insight Imbuement$$inspdelete Protecting Imbuement$$inspdelete Protected$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" RBUTTON "+mouse_look$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" BUTTON5 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecaltslot 3$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" BUTTON4 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecaltslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" SHIFT+BUTTON5 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecaltslot 4$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" SHIFT+BUTTON4 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecaltslot 2$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" 0 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 10$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" 1 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" 2 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 2$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" 3 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 3$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" 4 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 4$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" 5 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 5$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" 6 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 6$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" 7 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 7$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" 8 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 8$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" 9 "inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$powexecslot 9$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" numpad0 "+ $$- $$targetcustomnear defeated friend notmypet$$powexecname Vengeance$$bindloadfilesilent FF1.txt" numpad1 "+ $$- $$inspexecname Enrage$$inspexecname Focused Rage$$inspexecname Righteous Rage$$inspexecname Furious Rage" Edited June 16, 2021 by Avernal Newer, cleaner bind files that do more with less. 1
Avernal Posted March 14, 2021 Author Posted March 14, 2021 (edited) This post has been superseded by the update above Edited June 12, 2021 by Avernal Four file version not needed anymore 1
krafti Posted April 28, 2021 Posted April 28, 2021 Hi, I'm trying to get this running on a MacBook (no number pad). What are the action keys, in that respect? When I run the bind my in-game key binds (pure default) get wiped out and nothing seems to happen after 1-2 inspirs disappear. I'm not able to tell if the binds are still in memory or not; there are no error/processing messages to track... for the sake of error handling, at least. Once it works I won't need no stinking msgs. :D
Avernal Posted May 12, 2021 Author Posted May 12, 2021 On 4/28/2021 at 1:29 AM, krafti said: Hi, I'm trying to get this running on a MacBook (no number pad). What are the action keys, in that respect? When I run the bind my in-game key binds (pure default) get wiped out and nothing seems to happen after 1-2 inspirs disappear. I'm not able to tell if the binds are still in memory or not; there are no error/processing messages to track... for the sake of error handling, at least. Once it works I won't need no stinking msgs. :D Expand Not a clue, sorry - I haven't had any Mac users comment on how it correlates. It should be the same as Windows as far as keyboard layout though; default movement keys being W/A/S/D and 1-0 being power keys. The numpad was only used for (quick) popping reds and blues, you could just as easily change numpad1 and numpad2 in the binds above to be one of the function keys at the top (F1-F12) or whatever is convenient. If the bind is stopping after you hit the key once then I suspect it's the folder location that is different for Mac clients. Do a find & replace in a text editor for bindloadfilesilent and change it to bindloadfile instead, that way you'll see any error messages in the chat window in-game and whether it's finding the next bind file or not. If you get an error that it couldn't load it's definitely the path that is the problem; you'll need to figure out where that is for the Mac client. 1
krafti Posted May 13, 2021 Posted May 13, 2021 Thanks Avernal, it was the leading period in the /bind/ location. Once I pulled that out I was seeing better results. Good idea on the folder location being a possible issue. 🙂 1
Avernal Posted May 27, 2021 Author Posted May 27, 2021 On 5/13/2021 at 10:37 PM, krafti said: Thanks Avernal, it was the leading period in the /bind/ location. Once I pulled that out I was seeing better results. Good idea on the folder location being a possible issue. 🙂 Expand Good to know - windows tends to need that in (./ basically means 'this folder'/'root folder') for them to work, sounds like the Mac client needs the opposite.
AboveTheChemist Posted May 27, 2021 Posted May 27, 2021 On 5/27/2021 at 6:56 AM, Avernal said: windows tends to need that in (./ basically means 'this folder'/'root folder') for them to work Expand I've done a number of various binds, most of which are stored in sub-folders, and have never needed the ./ notation (or to specify the full path) for them to work properly under Windows 10. I had to adjust the relative path slightly when I migrated from Tequila to the HC launcher, but other than that just using bare relative paths has always worked fine for me. 1 Popmenus > Badge List | Optimal Paths | Conversion Possibilities | Emotes Wiki Pages > Costume Color Schemes | Set Bonus Comparison Tables Maps > Vidiotmaps | Optimal Paths | Halloween GM Maps | Winter Gift Maps | Offline Map Viewer Sounds > Banshee Sonic Attack Datasets > Recipe Salvage Components | Badge Name & Settitle ID | Exploration Badge & History Plaque Coordinates
Avernal Posted May 28, 2021 Author Posted May 28, 2021 On 5/27/2021 at 1:57 PM, AboveTheChemist said: I've done a number of various binds, most of which are stored in sub-folders, and have never needed the ./ notation (or to specify the full path) for them to work properly under Windows 10. I had to adjust the relative path slightly when I migrated from Tequila to the HC launcher, but other than that just using bare relative paths has always worked fine for me. Expand Will have to give it a go then - if it behaves that's good as it's another character shorter on the total string, makes life a bit easier for some of the longer ones hitting the limit.
Avernal Posted May 28, 2021 Author Posted May 28, 2021 On 5/28/2021 at 6:18 AM, Avernal said: Will have to give it a go then - if it behaves that's good as it's another character shorter on the total string, makes life a bit easier for some of the longer ones hitting the limit. Expand OK, so not only did it work without the dot, but you can remove the slash entirely too (binds/ instead of ./binds/) - shaving off an extra two characters. 😊 This is awesome because in some of my bind loops I was only short of a lousy couple of characters that meant having to split the bind in to an extra file. Have just set up a Hasten/Chrono Shift/Farsight auto power loop on my Thugs/Time MM to test the above and am pretty chuffed it worked. Will update the guides to remove those extra unneeded characters. 😀 1
SmalltalkJava Posted June 3, 2021 Posted June 3, 2021 Looks like you have a typo in the Farm1.txt. you have this... It looks like you need to remove the \binds portion. (I think) numpad1\binds Additionally. do you have the tier 1 inspirations turned off? I noticed that it doesn't seem to be combining the basic "Lucks" and so forth Baseline MM Henchmen Defenses and Resist Values MM - Beast Pets - Pet Attack usage and some quick proc testing
Avernal Posted June 3, 2021 Author Posted June 3, 2021 On 6/3/2021 at 2:57 PM, SmalltalkJava said: Looks like you have a typo in the Farm1.txt. you have this... It looks like you need to remove the \binds portion. (I think) numpad1\binds Additionally. do you have the tier 1 inspirations turned off? I noticed that it doesn't seem to be combining the basic "Lucks" and so forth Expand Good spotting - have just fixed. 😊 And yes, I have Wakies, Break-Frees and Small Insps disabled and just use medium to large plus team/dual. You could re-enable small insps but would probably have to add an extra file or two to the loop to include all the extra small insp names (copying the same format as above). It should work and could potentially just be set up to include all insps with none disabled.
Shred Monkey Posted June 6, 2021 Posted June 6, 2021 (edited) First of all fantastic guide. It gave me everything I needed in a clear, concise format. And the bind file method is quite powerful. However, isn't this a bit of overkill? I just set up a bind to convert tier 1s mapped to 1, tier 2s to 2, and tier 3s to 3. Since those are in my primary attack chain, they get quite a bit of use, and it seems to be enough. I considered binding duplicates in 4,5, and 6... but after running a few missions, it seems that just the single bind for each tier is keeping up with the drops just fine. Edited June 6, 2021 by Shred Monkey 1 Active on Excelsior: Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow
Avernal Posted June 7, 2021 Author Posted June 7, 2021 On 6/6/2021 at 3:47 PM, Shred Monkey said: First of all fantastic guide. It gave me everything I needed in a clear, concise format. And the bind file method is quite powerful. However, isn't this a bit of overkill? I just set up a bind to convert tier 1s mapped to 1, tier 2s to 2, and tier 3s to 3. Since those are in my primary attack chain, they get quite a bit of use, and it seems to be enough. I considered binding duplicates in 4,5, and 6... but after running a few missions, it seems that just the single bind for each tier is keeping up with the drops just fine. Expand Not really - my attack chain on my farmer is four powers most of the time, plus queuing incarnates from time to time, and I move about a lot to manage aggro caps. This way it doesn't really miss a beat on generating reds for me as I move about dynamically. I'd say it has *less* utility for someone who is just planning on AFK farming or isn't moving about as much since the loop wouldn't be running as much or at all. You can definitely make something simpler that does just three powers for three tiers, but you'd be missing things like deleting inspirations that can't be combined (you can turn them ALL off uniformly but it just means you're getting less insps and disables their Red versions also) and it wouldn't be running those steps as often, moreso enflamed if you don't have Hasten perma yet - for example on farmers who are just slotting and gearing up still.
Avernal Posted June 12, 2021 Author Posted June 12, 2021 Updated the first post and bind files to make a few changes: Changed the order of the commands on the 1-0 keys to avoid hitching when it tried to activate a power *THEN* fiddle with insps, it now runs the insp command first then the power queue. Using shorter syntax (feedback from AboveTheChemist and JAMMan) Enabled Small Inspiration Drops - then added those back in to the combine rotation and Numpad 1 binds. Disabled Team & Dual Inspiration Drops - removing the need for extra files to delete the resist, defense/resist and heal/end inspirations. These were essentially slowing down acquisition of useful insps anyway now that Small Insps are back on. You'll find it far smoother and more consistently keeping up 600% damage cap on a Brute now (or other ATs caps).
Avernal Posted June 16, 2021 Author Posted June 16, 2021 Updated again and now recommend using the two bind version as it's smoother, runs the conversions more frequently and seems to produce better and more consistent results for your damage output than the three file version. Added an explanation of how I got my mouse side button binds down in size to allow them to be included in the convert rotation and a screenshot of my powers tray and mouse so it's easier to understand how those longer strings work. Some explanations for the changes to the binds: With movement keys and left/right mouse function - the default binding *needs to come first*, before the convert insps string, or the key will get 'stuck'. (E.G. "+mouselook$$whatever_else_here" works but if you use "whatever_else_here$$+mouselook" it will break and you'll be stuck in mouselook mode, or forward if you did it on W, etc. etc.) With the number keys for powers, the mouse side buttons etc. - you can (and should) put the default binding AFTER the convert insps string. This will stop any powers you've queued to activate by hitting a key from getting unqueued or weird hitches. (E.G. for the 1-0 keys and BUTTON4 + BUTTON5 you want "whatever_else_here$$+powexecslot 1" instead of "powexecslot 1$$whatever_else_here") BUTTON4 "powexecname Healing Flames" is just longer than BUTTON4 "powexecaltslot 1" - it's the difference between just bang on the 246 character limit or 10 characters over it at 256: inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_Rage$$powexecaltslot 1$$bindloadfilesilent binds/F2.txt I personally like to use the powexecname binds with my mouse side buttons but it was annoying me that I'd be converting insps constantly except for when I was activating my damage buffs, that little interruption becomes more and more noticable the longer you play with these binds. So by making the bind activate a slot in my secondary/tertiary trays instead I could still keep the button mapping I liked but also attach the convert script to them as well. Win-win. 1
SmalltalkJava Posted June 16, 2021 Posted June 16, 2021 Kudos! the new 2 bind file system worked really well. 1 Baseline MM Henchmen Defenses and Resist Values MM - Beast Pets - Pet Attack usage and some quick proc testing
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